
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

IgA nephropathy should be how to prevent

First, the prevention of colds, to avoid cold, do not eat health food, tonic, to prevent lit up.
Second, the edema should avoid salt, limiting the amount of protein food intake, less drinking water. Edema is not heavy, can be into the low sodium salt; no edema does not limit the amount of drinking water and protein food.
Third, high blood uric acid, especially not eat animal offal, fish and crab clam, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach.
Fourth, renal failure uremic patients should eat half a pound of milk every day, an egg, 1 two lean meat.
Five, to eat light digestible food, bogey seafood, beef, lamb, spicy food, wine and all hair such as: spiced material, coffee, parsley and so on.
Six, microscopic hematuria are extremely easy to burn more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, edible fungus and other food to reduce the fire.
Seven, high blood potassium who can not eat high-priced foods such as seafood, mushrooms, ham, fungus, dried fruit, corn flakes, bananas, citrus, potatoes, radish dry, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and so on.
Eight, prevention of exogenous: IgA nephritis is often due to colds caused by upper respiratory tract infection, so patients should strengthen the prevention of colds. Such as poor physical fitness, can be appropriate to outdoor exercise, enhance resistance.
9, prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases: active measures to eliminate susceptibility or predisposing factors, such as skin, intestinal and urinary tract infections. If the occurrence of tonsillitis recurrent, can be removed tonsil, prepuce should be timely cut, once out of inflammation, we must go to the outpatient active treatment.
10, mental conditioning: Any IgA nephritis caused by the naked eye hematuria patients will feel nervous, and even insomnia depression pessimistic. With the patient more communication, so that patients, to maintain the spirit of ease, is conducive to the rehabilitation of IgA nephritis.
11, work and rest: do not violent exercise lead to overwork, this will lead to increased hematuria, so the daily to live section, pay attention to rest, more exercise before physical fitness to avoid the disease. IgA nephritis prevention is necessary, but often unsatisfactory.

IgA Nephropathy Diet

IgA nephropathy      

Infection: cold, tonsillitis, fever and other symptoms of the naked eye or urinary occult, infectious factors recurrent, leading to IgA nephropathy.
Inflammation: The renal glomerular mesangial cells of the patient are stimulated by inflammatory lesions and produce inflammatory factors, leading to the accumulation of a large number of immune complexes in the kidney of the patient and eventually to the onset of the disease.

IGA nephritis will be what harm

Hazard of uremiaMany people know that uremia is a more difficult disease, but also a threat to human life and safety of the disease. And if iga nephritis is not timely treatment is likely to lead to the occurrence of this disease, it is because iga nephritis patients generally have proteinuria, proteinuria in patients with protein loss, resulting in the patient's malnutrition, over time is easy Causing the occurrence of uremia, to patients with a very large harm.Harmful nephrotic syndromeClinical manifestations, if the patient is not timely treatment, then some patients also due to the disease caused by the occurrence of nephrotic syndrome, such as acute nephritis syndrome, renal failure, a few can appear abdominal pain with hematuria.What is the risk of IGA nephritis What are the hazards of iga nephritis?Hazard of hematuriaThis is the disease to bring the most common kind of harm, the patient will be different with the degree of development of the situation will appear hematuria, which is mainly due to acute gastroenteritis or urinary tract infection after the attack. Hematuria will generally last for several days, and then to a continuous microscopic hematuria, hematuria in some patients can disappear, hematuria is an important manifestation of renal decline, random patients should be particularly cautious. Patients generally have some microscopic hematuria and asymptomatic proteinuria, which is mainly the symptoms of children and adolescents iga nephritis patients. This performance is generally more damaging to the patient, not only the same loss of the patient's body, but also the patient's body caused some damage.From the above can be seen, iga nephritis is really great harm, and the occurrence of these hazards will cause the patient's body to bring greater damage, and even endanger the lives of patients. So for the treatment of iga nephritis must pay attention to it, not because of their own time, and for their own health to lay a greater crisis.

There are many types of nephritis,  Glomerulonephritis NephritisLupus Nephritis、  Purpura Nephritis

Renal failure of 11 hazards to be vigilant

Kidney disease in China has been a high incidence of disease, and kidney failure due to the great harm, so that many patients suffering, requiring patients to cause a high degree of attention and timely treatment. Nephrotic experts, renal failure disease is a variety of chronic kidney disease progress to the late part of the renal function caused by partial or total loss of pathological state, easy to bring patients with great physical and mental health hazards. For which we need our professional treatment and conditioning on the disease.
1, will hurt the patient's heart
So that patients with high blood pressure, heart failure, pericarditis and other symptoms.
2, edema
Will respond to the patient's skin, skin itching, pigmentation, leading to other skin diseases, and accompanied by edema.
3, affect the patient's life
Due to poor renal function of patients, so easily lead to the body of the body can not be discharged through the kidneys in vitro. And then those wastes will stimulate the digestive system nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, affecting the patient's life.
4, will hurt the patient's bones
Thus affecting the patient's hematopoietic function will appear anemia bleeding gums, epistaxis and other symptoms.
5, nose bleeding or gastrointestinal bleeding
Renal failure in patients with early nausea and vomiting, headache and fatigue and nocturia and more symptoms, and the gradual emergence of oliguria, edema or high blood pressure symptoms, and the emergence of epistaxis or gastrointestinal bleeding.
6, the spirit of abnormal
Affected by the long-term illness, easily lead to a significant degree of damage to the kidneys of the patient, resulting in mild symptoms of poisoning, as well as the spirit of the patient will be abnormal, often self-talk, irritability and other symptoms.
7, will endanger the body's nervous system
So that patients with mental retardation, fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, limb numbness, and even convulsions, convulsions, coma and other symptoms.
8, chest tightness, shortness of breath, precordial pain
Suffering from renal failure disease, the patient will appear chest tightness, shortness of breath, precordial pain and other symptoms, indicating that the patient's condition has deteriorated.
9, sugar metabolism disorders
Renal failure in patients with mildly elevated blood glucose, and this increase in the pathogenesis of diabetes is different from diabetes is absolute or relative lack of insulin secretion, and renal failure in patients with high blood sugar is mainly reduced cell sensitivity to insulin.
10, protein metabolism disorders
Protein metabolism produces nitrogen-containing waste, due to row in vitro, accumulation in the body, increased blood urea nitrogen. Therefore, in the treatment of renal failure, the general limit of protein intake, the patient malnutrition, patients receiving long-term hemodialysis, protein intake can be slightly relaxed, renal failure in patients with abnormal serum amino acid content, some people Serum amino acid concentration may be higher than the normal 2 to 3 times.
11, fat metabolism abnormalities
The effect of renal failure on fat metabolism has not been studied too much, it is known that most dialysis patients, blood triglyceride and free fatty acid levels increased blood cholesterol and phospholipids are generally normal.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. 
That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various 
services online.There are many types of kidney disease, 
Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment

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Patients with chronic renal failure should not eat food

1. reasonable control of protein intakeThe most prone to kidney disease is the loss of protein, so you should promptly add the protein intake. Refers to the patient's body to meet the basic requirements of the premise of the protein, to minimize the intake of protein in order to maximize the burden of reducing the kidneys. According to the study: chronic renal failure patients daily intake of protein for the appropriate amount of 0.5 to 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. In general, half a catty milk, 1 egg, 1 two lean meat is necessary, high protein diet can increase the urea nitrogen, and protein intake can cause malnutrition, may also promote creatinine increased.

2. Pay attention to low-salt dietLow salt is the kidney patients should pay attention to, after all, too high salt will also affect the health of patients. Keep the low salt diet, the salt itself does not damage the kidneys, but eat salt, drinking water will increase accordingly, increase blood volume, aggravate edema, high blood pressure and heart load, which is not conducive to the disease, so edema, hypertensive patients To low-salt diet, especially those who have edema to 3 grams per day is appropriate

3. Shen eat high potassium foodAfter the disease, kidney disease patients should be careful of their healthy diet, do not blindly on the diet. High potassium can inhibit heartbeat, severe cases can lead to cardiac arrest, potassium mainly by food intake, excretion from the kidneys from the urine, renal dysfunction, reduced excretion, it will cause elevated serum potassium, so high potassium food should not eat. Such as: bananas, oranges, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, potatoes, mustard, mushrooms, fungus, seaweed, dates, lotus seeds, almonds, ham, scallops, shrimp and so on.Chronic kidney failure patients should not eat what food chronic renal failure patients should not eat what chronic kidney failure should not eat anything

4. Avoid high purine foodSuch as animal offal, seafood, spinach, mushrooms, etc., beer also bogey, which can reduce the excretion of uric acid.

5. Eat spicy spicy foodSuch as pepper, pepper, pepper, curry, garlic and other easy "lit" products, spiced powder, aniseed, toon, parsley and other "hair", because these foods can easily lead to elevated blood pressure, triggering throat inflammation, allergy.

6. caution with all kinds of health care productsChronic renal failure is not Chinese medicine said, "kidney" can not be used to treat kidney kidney disease, the market on a wide range of various types of health care products and supplements, the best at arm's length.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. 
That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various 
services online.There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment


you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.

6 kidneys rule

Keep an active lifestyle
Multiple exercise helps reduce blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of chronic kidney disease. For kidney health, should actively exercise, walking, running and riding a bike is a good way to exercise.
Monitor blood pressure
Many people know that high blood pressure can lead to stroke or heart attack, and little is known that high blood pressure is the most common cause of kidney damage. Normal blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg, blood pressure between 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg between the early high blood pressure, this time should be actively improve the lifestyle. If you are suffering from diabetes, hyperlipidemia or cardiovascular disease, then high blood pressure is more likely to lead to kidney damage.
Control blood sugar
Diabetic patients have a risk of kidney damage of about 50%, but if found earlier, diabetes-induced kidney damage can be reduced or prevented. Therefore, patients with diabetes should regularly measure blood sugar, keep blood sugar stable, it is possible to ensure normal renal function.
Ensure healthy drinking water every day
Although a number of clinical studies have not reached a consensus on maintaining healthy drinking water and other beverage intake, the traditional view has long been recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. The researchers found that a large number of drinking water helps the kidneys to discharge sodium, urea and body a variety of toxins, and thus significantly reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease. In addition, the daily drinking water because of gender, exercise, weather, health status, pregnancy, breastfeeding and other factors and there are great differences, such as kidney stones per day drinking water should be 2 to 3 liters to prevent the formation of new stones.
do not smoke
Smoking will slow down the blood supply to the kidneys, the less blood into the kidney, it will damage the normal functioning of renal function. Smoking also increases the risk of kidney cancer by about 50%.
Pay attention to diet and keep healthy weight
This helps prevent diabetes, heart disease and other diseases associated with chronic kidney disease. One of the keys to maintaining a healthy diet is to reduce salt intake, suggesting that salt intake per person per day should be controlled at 5 to 6 grams (about 1 teaspoon of salt). In order to effectively reduce salt, should also try to limit the processing of food and food food intake, do not add more salt in the food. Choose fresh ingredients, prepare their own meals, but also a good way to salt.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's 

why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services 

online.There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment


you can also send email to,
or whatsapp + 8613633219293.

Why are middle - aged women susceptible to kidney failure?

kidney failure is a common disease, there are many elderly people because of physical reasons can get the disease, but now there are more and more middle-aged people will get the disease. Especially some middle-aged women, but also high-risk groups of renal failure.There are many reasons that may lead to the occurrence of renal failure, mainly related to some of the diseases. Such as chronic glomerulonephritis and chronic pyelonephritis-based interstitial nephritis and other autoimmune diseases, as well as hypertension, diabetes and other systemic diseases, one of the most misdiagnosed to the number of chronic pyelonephritis-based interstitial Nephritis, the disease in the incidence of chronic renal failure in the second highest.

In the event of chronic nephritis before, often the phenomenon of urinary tract infection, and women with urinary tract infection is more. Because the disease is not common symptoms of nephropathy, it is difficult to attract people's attention. Even if the development of chronic renal failure has developed early and mid-term, mild anemia, hypertension and polyuria and other symptoms, it is not easy to pay attention, often misdiagnosed as high blood pressure or other diseases, so doctors called "hidden killer." When nausea and vomiting and other typical symptoms appear, often to the irreversible late renal failure. It can be seen that this renal pelvis caused by pyelonephritis seems ferocious, in fact, a year or two to several years ranging from slow progress of the process, the cause of the cause, the culprits occurred a few years ago, urinary tract infection.

There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment


Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. 
That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various
services online.

you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.