
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Integrative treatment of chronic kidney disease

Prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease is a systematic process, the patient must be a lifelong comprehensive monitoring, guidance and treatment. This process should be accompanied by a physician under the guidance of a kidney specialist and related subjects (such as cardiovascular, nutritional, rehabilitation) physicians and primary physicians (community hospital physicians); the systematic process in which the patient and his family are involved.

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First, the progress of renal dysfunction:
1, early prevention: also known as "primary prevention" refers to the occurrence of chronic renal failure before the start of prevention. Including early screening of kidney disease, active control of kidney disease and possible kidney disease, to prevent the occurrence of chronic kidney disease.

2, to strengthen follow-up: regular follow-up and control of chronic kidney disease are closely related to the progress of patients with planned treatment and guidance can help patients reduce or avoid certain incentives to promote renal failure, such as drug damage, dehydration The amount of blood deficiency caused by cold, excessive fatigue, urinary obstruction, infection, bleeding, etc., or can be detected and corrected early.
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3, the active treatment of primary kidney disease. Proteinuria is the most common clinical manifestation of glomerular disease, a large number of persistent proteinuria poor prognosis, and urine protein or less control of patients, the prognosis is good. Proteinuria has become an independent risk factor for the prognosis of chronic kidney disease.
4, the possible involvement of kidney disease active control, especially hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome. Control of renal or essential hypertension can prevent glomerular sclerosis. Control of hypertension (or diabetic nephropathy) can be applied to small doses of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (Lotensin), can reduce the pressure within the glomerulus, which can ease the state of high filtration.

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 5, lower blood lipids, correct lipid metabolism disorders: First, the intake of fat should be appropriate, while appropriate physical activity and appropriate calorie intake should also pay attention to, if necessary, can also use hypolipidemic drugs.
6, anticoagulation and improve microcirculation: anti-platelet drugs or blood circulation to delay the process of renal failure beneficial.
Second, reduce cardiovascular complications and other complications (such as: malnutrition, anemia, high blood pressure, bone disease, etc.). If necessary, for renal replacement therapy, that is, kidney.

At What Creatinine Level Dialysis Is Needed

The purpose of treatment is ultimately to improve the survival rate, quality of life and social life rate of return. The integration of prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease is not only the use of certain new drugs, new inspection methods, but also the kidney doctor's medical philosophy, changes in work patterns, and the patient's understanding of their own diseases.

 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293 Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Prevention of renal failure in hypertensive patients

Hypertension on the heart, brain, kidney damage is great, the recent research on these aspects are also of concern. And hypertension caused by the most serious kidney damage than uremia, and blood pressure control in the ideal level is to prevent damage to renal prerequisites, the specific measures are as follows:

High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease 

1, regular check renal function. Including endogenous creatinine clearance, serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, preferably every 2 months check 1.

2, close observation of whether there is early symptoms of uremia. Such as fatigue, weakness, backache and other weak symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite or nausea and vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms, and pale complexion, pale tongue, lips, pale eyelids and other anemia. Once the relevant symptoms, should promptly check the renal function to confirm whether the abnormal.

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3, hypertensive nephropathy uremic period. Those who reduce the elimination of endogenous creatinine, serum creatinine, elevated blood urea nitrogen patients, this time can not see themselves as simple hypertension, because these are common symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy. And the development of hypertensive nephropathy to this extent has been very serious, and this time the treatment should be in accordance with the early treatment of hypertension nephropathy treatment program to implement.

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4, taking antihypertensive drugs to protect the kidney and kidney-based. Hypertensive patients, whether it is not developed to the stage of hypertensive nephropathy, in the choice of antihypertensive drugs should be based on no nephrotoxic drugs prevail, if you can play a better function to protect kidney function. Studies have shown that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, calcium channel blockers and β-blockers in the antihypertensive at the same time have the role of protecting the kidneys. In the treatment of hypertension, such as the use of Western medicine at the same time, with the regulation of lifting, liver and kidney function of traditional Chinese medicine, to maintain blood pressure stability and protection of renal function have a good effect.

 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by e-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.  

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Diabetic nephropathy daily prevention?

Diabetes has been the pain of people's minds, diabetes prevention of diabetic nephropathy can prevent the malignant development of diabetic nephropathy, early completion of the treatment of diabetic nephropathy.

Treatment to Improve Renal Function for Diabetic Kidney Disease

Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy 1, adjust the diet: reduce the amount of protein intake, not only beneficial to renal failure, but also help reduce the amount of proteinuria discharge. General daily intake of protein does not exceed 30 to 40 grams. Choose high quality protein, such as milk, eggs, meat. Soy products, etc. should be limited.

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Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 2, long-term effective control of diabetes: hyperglycemia is the development of diabetic nephropathy, the basic factors, early detection of diabetes and to be properly treated, as far as possible to restore the normal metabolism of the three substances is very critical. Blood glucose control at the normal level, often make early renal pathological changes to restore, but if the progress of clinical kidney play, even if strict control of blood sugar, the effect is poor, it is the most important thing to prevent diabetic nephropathy.

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Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 3, active treatment of hypertension: antihypertensive treatment, for the delay of glomerular filtration rate is very important. Blood pressure control is often reduced after the discharge of proteinuria. To reduce blood pressure to 16.8 / l1.5 kPa (126/80 mm Hg), treatment of hypertension at that time was more important than the treatment of hyperglycemia, but both were to be done at the same time.

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Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 4, do not use harmful drugs such as gentamicin, streptomycin, amikacin and so on.
Prevention of diabetic nephropathy 5, to improve renal vascular disease: to vasodilator drugs, anti-blood collection of Tibetan medicine and blood circulation drugs.

Hope that the patients will be helpful! 

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail
or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Chronic nephritis symptoms of hematuria how to do?

Chronic nephritis and hematuria is how is it? Chronic nephritis and hematuria in medicine is occult blood, nephritis is mainly urinary occult blood. Occult blood is the glomerular filtration membrane barrier damage performance, under normal circumstances the glomerular filtration membrane barrier can block the leakage of red blood cells, when it is subject to a variety of pathogenic factors after the invasion of the damaged membrane The barrier will attract the blood of inflammatory cells to infiltrate, resulting in a local ischemia and hypoxia, filtration membrane barrier pore size increases, the charge barrier damage, increased permeability, red blood cells from the leakage, this time the urine test will appear hematuria.

Blood in urine and kidney disease

 So how to treat chronic nephritis hematuria?

Micro-traditional Chinese medicine has a further effect of repairing new effects, and can fundamentally remove urine protein. Repair of renal pathological damage is actually a slow process, repair new is important, but the early blood and blood stasis clear the same important, because any kidney disease repair, must be based on the removal of the lesion on the basis; only true After the Huoxuetongluo, stasis clear after the two processes, still continue to adhere to medication, it may be damaged kidney repair, and only in the damaged kidney was repaired, the urine disappeared gradually disappeared, urinary protein will gradually Reduce, until the negative, no recurrence.

How to Deal with Creatinine 2.7 and Proteinuria in Glomerulonephritis

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.   

Hope that the patients will be helpful!