
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Renal failure of 11 hazards to be vigilant

Kidney disease in China has been a high incidence of disease, and kidney failure due to the great harm, so that many patients suffering, requiring patients to cause a high degree of attention and timely treatment. Nephrotic experts, renal failure disease is a variety of chronic kidney disease progress to the late part of the renal function caused by partial or total loss of pathological state, easy to bring patients with great physical and mental health hazards. For which we need our professional treatment and conditioning on the disease.
1, will hurt the patient's heart
So that patients with high blood pressure, heart failure, pericarditis and other symptoms.
2, edema
Will respond to the patient's skin, skin itching, pigmentation, leading to other skin diseases, and accompanied by edema.
3, affect the patient's life
Due to poor renal function of patients, so easily lead to the body of the body can not be discharged through the kidneys in vitro. And then those wastes will stimulate the digestive system nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, affecting the patient's life.
4, will hurt the patient's bones
Thus affecting the patient's hematopoietic function will appear anemia bleeding gums, epistaxis and other symptoms.
5, nose bleeding or gastrointestinal bleeding
Renal failure in patients with early nausea and vomiting, headache and fatigue and nocturia and more symptoms, and the gradual emergence of oliguria, edema or high blood pressure symptoms, and the emergence of epistaxis or gastrointestinal bleeding.
6, the spirit of abnormal
Affected by the long-term illness, easily lead to a significant degree of damage to the kidneys of the patient, resulting in mild symptoms of poisoning, as well as the spirit of the patient will be abnormal, often self-talk, irritability and other symptoms.
7, will endanger the body's nervous system
So that patients with mental retardation, fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, limb numbness, and even convulsions, convulsions, coma and other symptoms.
8, chest tightness, shortness of breath, precordial pain
Suffering from renal failure disease, the patient will appear chest tightness, shortness of breath, precordial pain and other symptoms, indicating that the patient's condition has deteriorated.
9, sugar metabolism disorders
Renal failure in patients with mildly elevated blood glucose, and this increase in the pathogenesis of diabetes is different from diabetes is absolute or relative lack of insulin secretion, and renal failure in patients with high blood sugar is mainly reduced cell sensitivity to insulin.
10, protein metabolism disorders
Protein metabolism produces nitrogen-containing waste, due to row in vitro, accumulation in the body, increased blood urea nitrogen. Therefore, in the treatment of renal failure, the general limit of protein intake, the patient malnutrition, patients receiving long-term hemodialysis, protein intake can be slightly relaxed, renal failure in patients with abnormal serum amino acid content, some people Serum amino acid concentration may be higher than the normal 2 to 3 times.
11, fat metabolism abnormalities
The effect of renal failure on fat metabolism has not been studied too much, it is known that most dialysis patients, blood triglyceride and free fatty acid levels increased blood cholesterol and phospholipids are generally normal.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. 
That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various 
services online.There are many types of kidney disease, 
Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment

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