
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

What is the severity of renal insufficiency?

First, renal insufficiency Cardiovascular system symptoms: often high blood pressure, myocardial damage, heart failure, arrhythmia, and may have small arteries, retinal arteriosclerosis can affect vision and retinal hemorrhage. Severe cases may occur pericardial friction sound (cellulosic pericarditis), a few may have pericardial effusion, or even pericardial tamponade.

Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure: You Must Know

 Second, skin symptoms: dry, scaling, dull. Some patients with darker skin, caused by slow melanin calm. Uremic excreted from the sweat glands, will be condensed into white crystal called "urea cream" to stimulate the skin and cause uremic dermatitis and skin itching (skin itching and secondary parathyroid hormone is also related).

Third, gastrointestinal symptoms: What is the severity of renal insufficiency? Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth with urine odor, oral erosion, gastrointestinal bleeding and so on.

How Can Kidney Failure Patients Control Their Diet

 Fourth, renal insufficiency Hematopoietic system kidney symptoms: severe anemia as the main symptoms, advanced patients with bleeding tendency, often accompanied by subcutaneous ecchymosis, epistaxis, bleeding gums, or even hematemesis, blood in the stool, hematuria, intracranial hemorrhage, menorrhagia Disease, a few may have pericardial bleeding. {Clinical manifestations of chronic renal insufficiency}

5, the respiratory system performance: exhaled gas with urine, susceptible to bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Severe metabolic acidosis, there may be Kusima great breathing.

Chinese Medicine to Raise GFR of Kidneys for Renal Failure

 6, mental and nervous system symptoms: mental wilt, fatigue, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia, limb numbness, hand, foot burning, sometimes lower limb itching or "restless legs" syndrome (lower limbs have ants climb, itchy Feeling, need to move the legs or walking after the comfortable), may have abnormal smell of smell, neurological deafness, pharynx and tongue muscle weakness, difficulty urinating, urinary retention and so on.

 I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp +8613633219293.Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Why young people easily lead to diabetic nephropathy?

First, white-collar diabetes and depression related
Modern fast-paced life and high-intensity work, forcing white-collar workers during the day to withstand the enormous work pressure, the evening had to stay up late, not enough rest, so the vast majority of white-collar workers in a long "nervous" state, psychological pressure is very large, Become the incidence of diabetic nephropathy at high risk groups. Experts explain the tension and anxiety to promote the body's long-term stress, the body a lot of secretion of "stress hormone", so that blood sugar, the long run, causing diabetes. In addition, long-term living in anxious state, easily induced depression.

Care Plan or Interventions of Diabetic Nephropathy

    Second, the entertainment more easily hyperglycemia
Most young people "entertainment family" eat more, sit too much, moving less, coupled with the usual do not pay attention to control diet, eat and drink, easily lead to excess nutrients, prompting the pancreas every day in excessive work. Over time, islet burden is too heavy, leading to blood sugar can not be normal control, the results in the "family" in diabetic patients increased significantly. Especially those potbellied men, more likely to be diabetes "eyeing".
Experts advise, "entertainment family" in the entertainment, you can eat some vegetables and staple food, do not eat fast enough to eat high sugar or too greasy food, do not overeating, to avoid excessive accumulation of heat, so that the body fat. In addition, pay attention to nutritional balance, eat high-fiber foods, such as vegetables, fruits, etc., to increase the movement to avoid the incidence of diabetic nephropathy.

Care Plan or Interventions of Diabetic Nephropathy

    Third, snacks too much
Young people like to use snacks "snack" habits, in fact, suffering from diabetes or abnormal glucose metabolism of a great risk. Experts pointed out that like melon seeds, walnuts, peanuts, preserved fruit and plum, etc., excessive eat, eat only, its high calorie, high salt, etc., may become the cause of diabetes. Often eat these snacks of people, it is easy to lead to obesity caused by the incidence of diabetic nephropathy. Not only that, a lot of salty snacks contained in the salt is also quite high.

Fourth, diabetes is more "favored" do not eat the staple food
Experts advise, "only eat, do not eat" not only can not thin, but will hurt the health. Dishes in the oil and protein intake is high, and may even exceed the calories of starch in rice, therefore, "only eat, do not eat" may lead to excessive calorie intake.

How to Lower Creatinine 5.3 in Diabetic Nephropathy

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp +8613633219293.Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Hypertensive nephropathy rehabilitation

Hypertension is the blood of the protein leakage, the kidney filter damage, over time, there will be kidney failure.

First, change the eating habits: the doctor should be under the guidance of their own diet analysis, change the bad eating habits, limit some food, so as to meet the nutritional requirements, improve the quality of life.

Top 6 Healthy Foods for Hypertensive Nephropathy

    Second, the control of heat supply: the appropriate heat should be determined according to the disease, generally to maintain the ideal weight as the standard. Because these patients tend to have lipid metabolism disorders, so reduce fat intake will not only help to control calories, but also improve metabolic disorders.

Third, low salt, high vitamin diet: hypertensive nephropathy patients should control the intake of salt, to avoid salted food; added preservative food should eat less. Adequate intake of vitamins, especially B vitamins, beneficial to regulate the metabolism of the body, if necessary, can take vitamin supplements.

Foods to Eat and Avoid with Hypertensive Nephropathy

    Fourth, the protein is essential nutrients the body, but if the protein intake is too high, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, increase kidney damage; if intake is insufficient, it will affect the body's nutritional supply. Therefore, the patient should be based on renal function to determine protein intake: no significant renal damage, the protein intake control in the daily 50g or so; if there is serum creatinine, urea nitrogen and other abnormalities, protein intake should be reduced For daily 20 ~ 40g.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.Hope that the patients will be helpful!

What is the cause of polycystic kidney disease?

To prevent the occurrence of polycystic kidney disease will know what causes the occurrence of polycystic kidney disease, the following we look at what causes the occurrence of polycystic kidney disease.
First, congenital dysplasia. Congenital dysplasia can cause a variety of diseases, but for polycystic kidney disease, its genes do not change.

Things to Avoid Doing When Having Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

    Second, all kinds of infections. Infection will lead to changes in the body's environment, so that the cyst gene can take advantage of the internal factors of cyst activity increased, so the cysts grow and grow up quickly. Any part of the body infection will be through the blood into the kidney affect the cyst, cyst infection once the kidney function will cause great harm.

Third, toxins. The body if the toxins will lead to the body of the various organs of the injury, a serious crisis will life.

Things to Avoid Doing When Having Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

    Fourth, diet. If the diet is not hygienic, then, will be infected with gastrointestinal diseases, serious poisoning; if the food is cold and cold, then the food is not easy to eat, Easy to hurt spleen and stomach yang, eat more than Xin Wen hot heat can make gastrointestinal heat, and then flavored partial addicted, for a long time is easy to hurt viscera.

Hope that polycystic kidney disease must develop a good living habits, exercise more, do not overeating, because suffering from polycystic body after our body was very weak, can not be any blow.

How Does Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Limit Me

 I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp +8613633219293.Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Patients with polycystic kidney disease to be alert to kidney failure

    Polycystic kidney disease is more complex clinical symptoms, in addition to low back pain, abdominal mass (increased kidney), hematuria and other characteristics of polycystic kidney disease, but also many complications.
How to Slow Down Progression of PKD


    For the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, there is no effective radical therapy, but mainly in the active treatment and early prevention of polycystic kidney disease occurrence and development to protect the residual renal function, to avoid further damage to renal function. As long as the correct and reasonable treatment, most of the clinical symptoms and renal function can be controlled or improved, so that the disease is relatively stable, improve the quality of life, longevity.

(1) early detection of the disease: According to statistics, polycystic kidney disease has 60% -70% of the genetic predisposition, and men and women are roughly equal opportunities. Therefore, in a family history of polycystic kidney family can be more people at the same time sick. As the incidence of polycystic kidney disease generally in the 25-35 years old began to appear symptoms, and some patients even after the symptoms of renal failure was found. Therefore, the family history of polycystic kidney disease, should do a census and regular follow-up, so that early detection and timely treatment. Currently used B ultrasound, CT, MRI (nuclear magnetic resonance) and other means of inspection, can make the diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease. Serum creatinine, urea nitrogen can reflect the degree of renal damage and the development of the disease stage, it should be regularly checked. Gene diagnosis methods, can understand the early pregnancy of the fetus genetic situation, to improve the survival rate have some help.

What Should PKD Patients Do If A Cyst Burst on Kidney


    (2) early prevention and treatment of complications: hypertension, urinary tract infection, cyst rupture is a common complication of polycystic kidney disease, but also induced and aggravated an important factor in renal dysfunction, must be timely treatment and control. But in the course of medication, should pay attention to avoid the renal toxicity of drugs. Such as hematuria, or severe low back pain, abdominal pain, etc., is likely to be associated with cysts caused by bleeding or cyst rupture, should be timely to the hospital for treatment, so as not to delay the disease, increased renal failure.

(3) renal cysts puncture fluid treatment: renal cyst puncture fluid treatment is a general practice in recent years, suitable for all types of renal cysts morbidity. Its main purpose is through the cyst puncture fluid to eliminate or reduce the oppression of the surrounding renal tissue around the cyst, restore renal blood flow, protect and improve renal function. At the same time on the cyst infection, bleeding, empyema also have a good effect. The advantages of renal cyst puncture fluid treatment is mainly simple operation, tissue damage is small, the patient less pain, and can be repeated many times, it has become one of the important methods of treatment of renal cysts.

Chinese Medicines for PKD Patients with Creatinine 3.34

    (4) Chinese medicine treatment: traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of chronic renal failure, with considerable effect, especially for early and middle patients, can significantly improve clinical symptoms, control the development of the disease, lower serum creatinine, urea nitrogen. For the polycystic kidney caused by renal failure, can be based on dialectical treatment, the choice of Codonopsis, Astragalus, angelica, rhubarb, Salvia, triangular, Curcuma, Achyranthes bidentata, Xianling spleen, And other drugs to Fuzheng to evil, blood circulation, detoxification, can play a good therapeutic effect. Through years of clinical practice has proved that Chinese medicine for chronic renal failure of the effective rate of up to 86% or more.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.
Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Kidney cysts diet

There are many types of renal cysts, left renal cysts, right kidney cysts and kidney cysts. Right kidney cysts are just one of these types. Got the patients with renal cysts to pay special attention to their own diet, how to diet more reasonable.

What Are the Healthy Foods to Eat for Hypertention And Kidney Cysts

1, high protein food: every kidney disease, should be low-protein diet, to avoid the body of nitrogen metabolites synthesis, reduce the excretion of the kidneys. Such as soybeans, tofu, other beans products. These are right kidney cysts diet patients need to be able to pay attention to taboo food.
2, fermented food: here is the fermentation of food is mainly fermented food, such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs. Avoid eating this will be beneficial to the growth rate of cysts.

Available Drinks for Kidney Cysts Patients

3, visceral food: animal offal made of cooked food is not suitable for patients with polycystic kidney disease, especially animal liver, in the process of killing animals, many toxins left in the liver, kidney, especially the liver, the liver function is detoxification, many Animal metabolic toxins are left in the internal organs, if the patient taking these substances after the invisible increase in burden on the kidneys, aggravate the condition.
4, coffee, chocolate is strictly prohibited. Love to drink coffee or eat chocolate patients should pay attention to, coffee and chocolate contain more caffeine, for the health of patients will cause more damage, which is the right kidney cyst diet patients need to pay attention to the point.

What Beverages Irritate Kidney Cysts

5, should eat, eat more food: high vitamin fruits and vegetables; iron-rich fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, etc .; can fossil fossil vegetable food, such as black fungus; diuretic food; Alkaline foods are also taken, can play a therapeutic role.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.
Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Hypertensive nephropathy should pay attention to what?

Had a high blood pressure kidney disease must be treated as soon as possible, do not delay the disease, leading to renal failure, renal insufficiency and other serious kidney disease. Here to give you explain how to treat hypertensive nephropathy.

Early, mild hypertension and urine are normal patients can be non-drug treatment, to maintain a good mood, weight loss limit salt, limited alcohol training Qigong and Taijiquan appropriate physical exercise.

How Do You Treat Hypertensive Kidney Disease in China

    Commonly used antihypertensive drugs are: 1. Diuretics; 2.β receptor blockers; 3. Calcium antagonists; 4. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI). Among them, calcium antagonists, ACEI are more favorable for hemodynamics of the kidneys. ACEI reduces urinary protein better than other antihypertensive drugs so that blood pressure can be effectively controlled to normal or near normal (18.7 / 12kPa, 140/90mmHg) can prevent and stabilize Or delay the hypertensive kidney damage.

Hypertensive Kidney Disease: Chinese Medicine Treatment Lower Creatinine From 900 to 456

    Malignant renal arteriosclerosis patients in the short term rapid deterioration of renal function, combined with hypertensive encephalopathy, rapid decline in vision, intracranial hemorrhage, and can not be oral medication, intravenous administration of sodium nitroprusside commonly used search, and strive to 12 ~ 24-hour control of long-term pressure can quickly reduce blood pressure, suitable for the initial treatment of malignant hypertension.

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    Accompanied by hyperlipidemia, diabetes and hyperuricemia, should be given the appropriate treatment. At the same time the application of anti-platelet aggregation and adhesion of drugs, such as dipyridamole, aspirin, etc., may have to prevent the role of renal arteriosclerosis.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.
Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a disease in the kidney disease, life, more and more patients with diabetic nephropathy. Prevention of diabetic nephropathy in the end what,
(1) prevention of diabetes can fundamentally prevent diabetic nephropathy. The main method of prevention is to exercise more, control diet, control weight, avoid mental stress and stay up late.

How to Increase Kidney Function in Diabetic Nephropathy

(2) active treatment of diabetes, effective control of blood glucose in the normal range or close to the normal range, and active treatment of diabetes complications, such as hypertension, urinary tract infection, neurovascular disease, which is the most important measures to prevent diabetic nephropathy one.
(3) diabetic nephropathy to do early diagnosis, early treatment. Once the diabetes will regularly do blood sugar, urine and other routine examination, the emergence of micro-proteinuria in a timely manner to prevent the development of severe kidney disease, which is an important principle to prevent diabetic nephropathy.

How Serious Is Creatinine Level 2.9 for Diabetic Nephropathy

First, to limit the protein intake
Long-term high protein dietary intake will increase the high filtration of the kidney state, while increasing the production of toxic substances in the body and retention, resulting in further damage to renal function. It is generally recommended that the daily dietary protein be 0.6 g / g
Kg standard weight given, but also in the limited range to improve the proportion of high-quality protein. When developing uremia, the protein limit should be more stringent. Some wheat starch can be used as the main source of heat, instead of rice and flour
powder. As the wheat starch production is not easy, can also be marketed corn starch, sweet potato starch to replace. Long-term low-protein diet may lead to malnutrition can be treated with some drugs (such as open with) to treat,
These drugs can not increase the burden of the kidney under the premise of the body of essential and non-essential amino acids are added to the body protein synthesis to provide adequate raw materials.

Natural Medicines and Herbs for Diabetic Nephropathy

Second, in the low protein diet when the heat supply must be sufficient to maintain normal physiological life
You can choose some high calorie and low protein content of the main food, such as potatoes, lotus root starch, fans, taro, sweet potatoes, yam, pumpkin, water chestnut powder, water chestnuts powder, so that the total calorie content to the standard range.

Third, to reduce the intake of fat and salt
Diabetic nephropathy often associated with fat metabolism disorders, so still adhere to low-fat intake, olive oil, peanut oil contains a wealth of monounsaturated fatty acids, can be used as a source of energy. Diabetic nephropathy development to a certain stage can often appear high blood pressure, manifested as edema or reduced urine output, limiting salt can effectively prevent the progress of complications.

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Early detection of diabetic nephropathy is essential, because the early diabetic nephropathy can not be seen through the urine routine examination, so only 24 hours of regular microalbuminuria check, so that early detection of early diabetic nephropathy, early nephrotic treatment can be reversed, Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes patients need to check at least once a year.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.
Hope that the patients will be helpful!