
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Patients with chronic renal failure should not eat food

1. reasonable control of protein intakeThe most prone to kidney disease is the loss of protein, so you should promptly add the protein intake. Refers to the patient's body to meet the basic requirements of the premise of the protein, to minimize the intake of protein in order to maximize the burden of reducing the kidneys. According to the study: chronic renal failure patients daily intake of protein for the appropriate amount of 0.5 to 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. In general, half a catty milk, 1 egg, 1 two lean meat is necessary, high protein diet can increase the urea nitrogen, and protein intake can cause malnutrition, may also promote creatinine increased.

2. Pay attention to low-salt dietLow salt is the kidney patients should pay attention to, after all, too high salt will also affect the health of patients. Keep the low salt diet, the salt itself does not damage the kidneys, but eat salt, drinking water will increase accordingly, increase blood volume, aggravate edema, high blood pressure and heart load, which is not conducive to the disease, so edema, hypertensive patients To low-salt diet, especially those who have edema to 3 grams per day is appropriate

3. Shen eat high potassium foodAfter the disease, kidney disease patients should be careful of their healthy diet, do not blindly on the diet. High potassium can inhibit heartbeat, severe cases can lead to cardiac arrest, potassium mainly by food intake, excretion from the kidneys from the urine, renal dysfunction, reduced excretion, it will cause elevated serum potassium, so high potassium food should not eat. Such as: bananas, oranges, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, potatoes, mustard, mushrooms, fungus, seaweed, dates, lotus seeds, almonds, ham, scallops, shrimp and so on.Chronic kidney failure patients should not eat what food chronic renal failure patients should not eat what chronic kidney failure should not eat anything

4. Avoid high purine foodSuch as animal offal, seafood, spinach, mushrooms, etc., beer also bogey, which can reduce the excretion of uric acid.

5. Eat spicy spicy foodSuch as pepper, pepper, pepper, curry, garlic and other easy "lit" products, spiced powder, aniseed, toon, parsley and other "hair", because these foods can easily lead to elevated blood pressure, triggering throat inflammation, allergy.

6. caution with all kinds of health care productsChronic renal failure is not Chinese medicine said, "kidney" can not be used to treat kidney kidney disease, the market on a wide range of various types of health care products and supplements, the best at arm's length.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. 
That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various 
services online.There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment


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