
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How to naturally get rid of dialysis

Dialysis is a treatment that can help patients relieve some clinical symptoms to slow disease progression. However, dialysis only replaces the kidneys to remove some of the waste and toxins, and for various reasons, the patient is particularly interested in knowing how to naturally avoid dialysis.

Is There A Natural Solution to Avoid Dialysis for Renal Failure


First of all, you need to clearly know that the first step to avoid dialysis is to make the kidneys to function, that is, repair damaged kidney and restore kidney function. You may wonder how you should improve kidney function.

Before the restoration of renal function, the first need to repair damaged kidney cells and tissues. In China, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital in the past few decades of medical development for patients with unexpected benefits. The developed regimen was designed to repair the diseased kidneys and restore renal function.

How to Treat Kidney Failure Without Dialysis


Renal failure patients will have a lot of toxins and waste. In addition, the deposition of toxins and waste not only further damages the kidney function, but also reduces the other therapeutic effects. Excretion of waste and toxins helps repair sick kidneys. In order to achieve this goal, detoxification therapy was developed to completely remove all toxins and waste.

Remove all toxins and waste to provide a healthy internal environment to repair sick kidneys and restore renal function. Micro-traditional Chinese medicine osmotic therapy is a topical treatment, in this therapy contains a lot of herbs, herbs refined into powder, improve its efficiency, by connecting the osmosis machine and two medicine bags, herbal active substances will come And then directly through the kidney lesions. At the same time, can also be directly in the kidney to send enough blood, oxygen and nutrients, so that damaged kidney cells and kidney tissue can be repaired.

Choosing Not to Start Dialysis in Kidney Failure


In addition, this treatment is also used with medicated bath, foot bath, fumigation treatment, and other treatments for acupuncture treatment. These treatments will be implemented within a month, and your disease condition can be significantly restored. With the improvement of renal function, the number of weekly dialysis will be reduced or even stop dialysis

If you want to get some treatment  suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

How can the effect of micro-infiltration therapy on renal failure patients?

In general, dialysis and kidney transplantation are common methods of treating renal failure, and there is another option for patients who can treat renal failure, that is, micro-traditional Chinese medicine osmotic therapy, in a wide range of renal failure treatment in the treatment of kidney disease Great breakthrough. And patients also want to know how to rational treatment of traditional Chinese medicine kidney failure.

Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is a topical treatment, this therapy is natural and comfortable. In addition, a large amount of herbal medicine is contained in this therapy, and then the herbal medicine is refined into powder to increase its efficiency. The powder is then collected into two pills and placed in the low back area for about 40-50 minutes. Through the use of infiltration machine to connect two medicine bags, help herbs in the active material out and then penetrate into the kidney. At the same time, can also be transported in the kidney a lot of blood, oxygen and nutrients to repair sick kidney cells and tissues.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure


Relying solely on this treatment can not completely solve the problem, this treatment combined with other treatment methods, help to improve the quality of life of patients.

1, the application of this treatment requires a healthy internal environment, therefore, the presence of various toxins in the blood and waste should be completely removed from the blood. To this end, the research and application of detoxification therapy can completely clear the body of toxins, while also improving the efficiency of other treatment.

2, then, micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy and other natural therapies used together, including medicine bath, foot bath, blood treatment, acupuncture treatment, cupping treatment, immunotherapy. Today, these therapies are becoming more and more popular all over the world. In addition, the popularity of this healthy treatment method shows that people are more and more conscious of the quality of life, it is important to improve renal function.

Kidney Failure With Creatinine Level 5.2: Taking Natural Treatment


From years of clinical experience, these treatments have been shown to help patients improve their quality of life.

If you want to get some treatment suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.