
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How to treat uremia

In general, once the patients with chronic renal failure into the end stage, is what people say uremia. Once the patient enters the period of uremia, if there is no further treatment, the patient will need to face death at any time.
Kidney transplant
There are many to the end of the uremic patients, must be long-term dialysis treatment, if the patient's own economic and physical conditions are better, you can choose to transplant the kidneys. Kidney transplantation is the use of surgery, the organ donor kidney transplanted to the patient's body inside. In general, the source of the kidney is the family and the spouse and the person who signed the consent to donate the organ. Through the kidney transplant can give patients a good life, but kidney is a big project, the success rate is not very high.
Dialysis is also known as dialysis, refers to the use of filtering methods, the blood inside some of the material some exclusion. In other words, the use of artificial methods of patients suffering from uremia after accumulation in the human body inside the toxic waste, salt and water are excluded, so that the patient's physical condition can be restored to health. For now, dialysis methods have peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is the human body's peritoneum as a filter, the body of toxins excluded, and hemodialysis is the use of machines instead of kidney.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

What are the symptoms of uremia?

Uremia is commonly known as chronic renal failure, usually refers to a variety of kidney disease caused by progressive renal function irreversible decline, until the loss of function caused by a series of symptoms and metabolic disorders formed by the clinical syndrome. And the probability of occurrence is high, so it should be paid enough attention. In order to better ensure the treatment effect, usually require early symptoms of uremia have enough understanding.
Early symptoms of uremia

Symptoms of Kidney Failure

The initial symptoms of uremia usually have not obvious characteristics, and because of the patient's physical condition, age and other factors, different groups of friends in the early symptoms of uremic performance is also different. Often, the vast majority of uremic patients in the early times will be more or less such as swelling, nausea, vomiting, anemia, high blood pressure, urine changes and other symptoms.
Uremic examination items
As the early symptoms of uremia is not obvious, so early in addition to the symptoms of uremia, more attention is to pay attention to the relevant laboratory checks. Also pay attention to urine routine, blood tests, renal function tests, urinary X-ray film or angiography, renal biopsy and other items in the uremic diagnosis of the positive role, and thus help more early and more scientific diagnosis of disease.

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Through the above description, presumably a lot of friends on the early symptoms of uremia have some understanding of the problem, the experts pointed out that the early symptoms of uremia on the timely detection of uremia, to avoid the consequences of timely treatment is of great significance, so To pay attention to its early symptoms and related checks, and thus minimize the harm to avoid the disease.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Five points of prevention of renal failure

The first point, the best time to prevent renal failure is in the early stage, due to early symptoms of renal failure, early prevention can prevent the exacerbations. Such as diabetes, hypertension, refractory nephropathy and other active treatment to prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure.

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Second, the prevention of renal failure is very important in the treatment of renal failure, but also pay attention to strengthen the prevention of renal failure. Strengthen follow-up, detect the condition. For those who have not entered the chronic renal failure of patients with kidney disease, active prevention; and for patients who have entered the stage of chronic renal failure should be on time medication, regular referral, the best check every 3 to 6 months, which is " Prevention "," tertiary prevention ".
How to Avoid Kidney Failure

The third point, how to prevent the occurrence of renal failure? This is a lot of patients and their families are more concerned about the issue. Experts pointed out: renal failure patients must be careful of colds and infection damage kidney function. Life should be regular, early according to their physical condition to carry out appropriate exercise, such as playing tai chi, walking, etc., of course, to avoid the wind, rain, snow and other weather to go out, and should pay attention to four changes in time to add clothes. Keep the room fresh air, circulation, keep warm, to prevent the cold. Diet should be light, try to eat less alcohol and spicy fried products, while the doctor can follow the instructions to adjust the diet at any time to adjust the diet. After the infection, should be promptly under the guidance of a doctor medication, medication must be careful, strictly prescribed medication.
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Fourth, renal failure patients also pay attention to control blood pressure blood lipid. Appropriate for some exercise, help to enhance their own immunity, resistance to the occurrence of various diseases. But in the exercise and rest, it is necessary to arrange a reasonable time. Chronic renal failure patients in the rest of the time than the exercise time more, try to stay up late, as little as possible to keep the biological clock, to maintain the smooth state of the body.
Fifth, to maintain a good kidney disease diet, to promote low-protein diet. Reasonable and scientific way to diet, help to strengthen self-conditioning, nutrition, kidney care.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

What are the symptoms of renal failure patients

First, kidney failure can cause digestive diseases
For renal failure, the general will cause thirst to patients, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms, which is a serious symptom of digestive diseases, severe renal failure patients with epistaxis or gastrointestinal bleeding. So for patients should be concerned about the strengthening of renal failure care work.

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Second, renal failure can cause cardiovascular disease
For patients with renal failure, with the progression of the disease, blood pressure will be increased in varying degrees, and finally developed into high blood pressure. And long-term high blood pressure, will make the patient's accumulation of uremic toxins, water, electrolytes and other disorders, to patients with serious injury. To the patient caused by the cardiovascular system of some diseases, so for patients with renal failure should be more attention.
Third, renal failure can cause hematopoietic system diseases
Most patients with renal failure are anemia, which is mainly due to the patient's renal hematopoietic function weakened, erythropoietin decreased, resulting in anemia. And this anemia will cause the accumulation of uremic toxins in patients and erythrocyte life of the carboxylic acid and malnutrition and other factors. To bring serious harm to patients.

Kidney Failure Complications

Fourth, renal failure can cause neurological diseases
For early renal failure patients generally have headache, memory loss, inattention, fatigue and other symptoms. Late patients will appear drowsiness, confusion, muscle fibrillation and other symptoms. These are due to the nervous system caused by the disease, so for patients with renal failure should be more attention in the nerves.
5, renal failure can cause respiratory diseases
Renal failure accompanied by dry cough, nasal odor symptoms, which is affected with pulmonary edema or heart failure after failure, breathing more difficult, not supine, paroxysmal, spasmodic cough, cough white foam.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure

6, renal failure can cause urinary system diseases
Renal failure early and mid-term, there are a lot of foam-like urine, late nocturia increased, the proportion of urine is low, often fixed at around 1.010. At this point, not only the size of the kidneys shrink, and most patients began to gradually reduce the amount of urine so that no urine. Of course, urine output from increasing to reduced to anuria, need a process, ranging from 1-2 years.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.