
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

IgA nephropathy should be how to prevent

First, the prevention of colds, to avoid cold, do not eat health food, tonic, to prevent lit up.
Second, the edema should avoid salt, limiting the amount of protein food intake, less drinking water. Edema is not heavy, can be into the low sodium salt; no edema does not limit the amount of drinking water and protein food.
Third, high blood uric acid, especially not eat animal offal, fish and crab clam, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach.
Fourth, renal failure uremic patients should eat half a pound of milk every day, an egg, 1 two lean meat.
Five, to eat light digestible food, bogey seafood, beef, lamb, spicy food, wine and all hair such as: spiced material, coffee, parsley and so on.
Six, microscopic hematuria are extremely easy to burn more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, edible fungus and other food to reduce the fire.
Seven, high blood potassium who can not eat high-priced foods such as seafood, mushrooms, ham, fungus, dried fruit, corn flakes, bananas, citrus, potatoes, radish dry, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and so on.
Eight, prevention of exogenous: IgA nephritis is often due to colds caused by upper respiratory tract infection, so patients should strengthen the prevention of colds. Such as poor physical fitness, can be appropriate to outdoor exercise, enhance resistance.
9, prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases: active measures to eliminate susceptibility or predisposing factors, such as skin, intestinal and urinary tract infections. If the occurrence of tonsillitis recurrent, can be removed tonsil, prepuce should be timely cut, once out of inflammation, we must go to the outpatient active treatment.
10, mental conditioning: Any IgA nephritis caused by the naked eye hematuria patients will feel nervous, and even insomnia depression pessimistic. With the patient more communication, so that patients, to maintain the spirit of ease, is conducive to the rehabilitation of IgA nephritis.
11, work and rest: do not violent exercise lead to overwork, this will lead to increased hematuria, so the daily to live section, pay attention to rest, more exercise before physical fitness to avoid the disease. IgA nephritis prevention is necessary, but often unsatisfactory.

IgA Nephropathy Diet

IgA nephropathy      

Infection: cold, tonsillitis, fever and other symptoms of the naked eye or urinary occult, infectious factors recurrent, leading to IgA nephropathy.
Inflammation: The renal glomerular mesangial cells of the patient are stimulated by inflammatory lesions and produce inflammatory factors, leading to the accumulation of a large number of immune complexes in the kidney of the patient and eventually to the onset of the disease.

