
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Correct treatment of nephrotic syndrome

Symptomatic treatment is the principle that patients need to adhere to during treatment and are very useful for achieving ideal therapy. To better treat the disease, we must seize the incidence of nephrotic syndrome and the root causes of symptoms, and then give targeted treatment, so that patients will achieve a certain effect. And Western medicine is more from the anti-inflammatory, reduce the inflammatory response to its treatment goals, in the short term to alleviate the nephrotic syndrome patients with urine protein leakage, reduce the large number of proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia and other problems. Diuretics can be used in the rapid relief of the patient's body swollen symptoms, the preferred damage to the kidneys of smaller drugs.

Chinese Medicine Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

 For this disease, the sooner the treatment of patients the greater the probability of rehabilitation. However, if the treatment of nephrotic syndrome is not timely, it will lead to increased renal pathological changes in patients. At this time more clinical use of clinical hormones and immunosuppressive agents in combination, to minimize the side effects of drugs, and to play a synergistic effect between drugs more conducive to the treatment of the disease. Need to pay attention to the treatment of proteinuria and other symptoms, but can not simply eliminate the symptoms as the only goal.

How Does Kidney Hospital China Treat Nephrotic Syndrome

 In life, we all want to correctly treat the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, so that the harm caused by the disease as soon as possible to be eliminated. Nephrotic syndrome patients in the rehabilitation period should also pay attention to play their own initiative, through self-care to reduce the health damage caused by the disease.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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How to prevent nephrotic syndrome

First, to prevent the disease malignant, patients need to develop good habits in the usual, so as to effectively control the disease progress. For patients with nephrotic syndrome, should be the weather changes in the law, to develop a good habit habits. For patients should try to develop the habit of lunch break, so you can ensure physical strength to facilitate recovery. The sun there are some harmful rays such as r-ray, easy to invade the human body to form skin inflammation, nephrotic syndrome patients with their own immune function is low, it should be cautious in the sun, so as to avoid serious inflammation of the skin tissue.

Can Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Undergoing Dialysis Smoke

 Second, a healthy diet on patients with nephrotic syndrome, the malignant transformation also has a positive preventive effect, therefore, patients should pay attention to the use. Patients with diarrhea can easily lead to the deterioration of nephrotic syndrome, to patients with serious harm, so the patient should have a diet in the diet. Nephrotic syndrome patients should strictly implement the diet rules, must not eat, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys. Such as watermelon can be diuretic swelling, heat refreshing, but the food is too frequent urine also increased the burden on the kidneys, and watermelon sugar accumulation in the human body is also a potential crisis.

Keys to Reducing Hormone for Kidney Disease Syndrome Patients

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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What is primary nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a group of syndrome characterized by a large number of proteinuria (> 3.5 / 24 hours), low plasma albumin (<30g / l), hyperlipidemia and edema. Large amounts of proteinuria and hypoproteinemia are prerequisites for diagnosis and may be associated with hematuria and / or hypertension and / or persistent renal impairment. Nephrotic syndrome is caused by a variety of glomerular diseases, divided into primary and secondary two categories. Therefore, the clinical rule to secondary to other diseases caused by secondary nephrotic syndrome (such as lupus nephritis, diabetic nephropathy and purpura nephritis, etc.) can be diagnosed with primary nephrotic syndrome.

Life Expectancy of Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome

    (Such as vaccination, a variety of serum preparations, drugs, milk, hay, pollen, etc.); whether the bacterial infection (such as upper respiratory tract infection, in particular, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, (Such as chicken pox, epidemic mumps, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis B, etc.); whether the virus infection (such as chicken pox, epidemic mumps, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis B, etc.) ; Whether with syphilis, three malaria, falciparum malaria and schistosomiasis and other medical history; with or without acute, chronic glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes, heart failure, cirrhosis and mercury, lead poisoning and other medical history. Young and middle-aged patients should be found with or without Hodgkin's disease, elderly patients should be searched for multiple myeloma and organ solid tumors and other diseases; family with the same patients. To help identify possible causes and exclude secondary nephrotic syndrome.
Nephrotic syndrome is a group of clinically similar symptoms, not independent of the disease. The main clinical manifestations of a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, edema, hyperlipidemia. Cause a lot of causes of nephrotic syndrome. Summed up can be divided into two categories. Namely: primary and secondary.
Primary and secondary nephrotic syndrome, although there are common clinical manifestations, but in the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment vary widely. So both must be further differential diagnosis.

Why is Nephrotic Syndrome Easy to Relapse

Primary nephrotic syndrome:
(1) small lesions of kidney disease, more common in children and adolescents. Onset concealed, naked hematuria.
(2) membranous nephropathy, the general incidence of 35 years of age, the onset of occult, slow development of the disease, prone to renal vein thrombosis, gross hematuria rare.
(3) membranous proliferative nephropathy, frequently before the age of 30, acute onset, almost all patients have microscopic hematuria, renal function was progressive decline, about 1/3 of patients with high blood pressure.
(4) mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, occur in young people, occult onset, but also acute attack, accompanied by hematuria, microscopic hematuria-based, and mild to moderate hypertension.
(5) focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, more common in young people, most patients are almost occult disease, the most performance of nephrotic syndrome, followed by microscopic hematuria, renal dysfunction.

Is Nephrotic Syndrome Contagious

Secondary nephrotic syndrome:
(1) systemic lupus erythematosus nephropathy common in young women, often manifested as multiple tube damage, such as joint pain, fever, facial butterfly erythema, liver and cardiovascular disease. Blood can be found in lupus erythematosus cells, plasma globulin was significantly increased.
(2) diabetic nephropathy in patients with longer history of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, and kidney damage is often parallel.
(3) renal amyloidosis occurs mainly in middle-aged men and women, often have chronic inflammation or chronic suppurative disease lesions.
(4) purpura nephritis mostly in adolescents, the incidence and respiratory infections, can be more common in winter, hematuria is allergic purpura kidney damage the most common clinical manifestations.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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