
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Nephrotic syndrome diet principle

1, such as hyperkalemia is too high, it is necessary to limit the high potassium content of food. Such as leafy vegetables, fruit, fruit juice. Hyperkalemia can cause heart arrest.

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2, special patients are to take a special diet. Kidney patients should be stressed that the diet of the disease are: acute and chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome; diabetic nephropathy; uric acid nephropathy; urinary stones; chronic renal failure; acute renal failure.

3, there is water and sodium retention, edema, should limit the intake of water and sodium, especially in heart failure, severe high blood pressure should be strictly limited, and even take salt-free diet. To correct heart failure, blood pressure and then restore the original diet.

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4, to ensure adequate heat, especially in the growth and development of children, young people. If in order to limit the protein, or sugar and heat intake, will affect the child's growth and development, malnutrition and other changes. For patients with chronic renal failure, to ensure adequate heat is particularly critical. For obese patients with diabetic nephropathy, pay attention to control the calorie intake.
Are High Protein Foods Allowed with Nephrotic Syndrome

 5, asymptomatic proteinuria or hematuria, or various types of kidney disease recovery period, without deliberately limiting the diet, just moderate to reduce the protein, or salt intake can be. Patients with renal insufficiency should limit the protein, reduce protein intake, such as poultry, seafood, soy products, etc., is conducive to reducing the pressure of the kidney, thus protecting the kidneys. However, the protein can not be reduced too little, or even malnutrition. Nutritionists often have to consider and recommend the proportion of food that should be ingested by the patient.

Low Protein Diet for Nephrotic Syndrom

Kidney disease must be early detection, early treatment, the current treatment of nephropathy is a relatively good way is white rake teeth, white rage teeth for the treatment of acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure, renal insufficiency and other diseases are very Good curative effect, can swallow the immune complex, improve the glomerular gastric circulation, thereby promoting blood circulation, enhance cell immune function, to gradually recover from kidney disease.
Kidney diseases whatever the causes can smooth affect patients' daily life.You can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293. Thank you for reading.

What are the early symptoms of female nephrotic syndrome? February 18, 2014 Source: Internet

What are the early symptoms of female nephrotic syndrome? In the early symptoms of female kidney disease, the most common feeling is the pain of the kidney site, including unilateral or bilateral renal colic or renal pain, renal disease caused by abnormal urine Mainly hematuria, proteinuria, pyuria and so on. Because the kidney reserve units more part of the renal unit damage when the renal function is not obvious damage, if you can pay attention to the early symptoms of kidney disease, early detection of kidney disease, timely treatment, then the treatment of kidney disease will be greatly improved.

Proteinuria in Nephrotic Syndrome: Causes and Treatments
 First, female nephrotic syndrome early symptoms - urine abnormalities
Due to decreased renal function, kidney disease may occur oliguria (24 hours urine output less than 400 ml) or anuria. If you take diuretics, there may be polyuria phenomenon. In addition, renal insufficiency may also lead to increased urination, urinary retention symptoms.
Glomerular damage, leading to kidney disease patients often hematuria (microscopic or naked eye), pyuria, proteinuria and other symptoms. Proteinuria more than 3.5 g / day, is an important feature of glomerular proteinuria.

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Second, female nephrotic syndrome early symptoms - renal edema
Edema is the result of increased intercellular fluid volume, the increase in intercellular fluid volume is the result of sodium and sodium retention, mainly due to renal disease caused by decreased glomerular filtration rate, resulting in water and sodium excretion obstacles, resulting in renal edema symptom.
Third, female nephrotic syndrome early symptoms - kidney enlargement
Kidney lesions lead to abnormal renal volume increases, mainly unilateral renal enlargement and bilateral nephrotic two cases.

What Does Nephrotic Syndrome Patient Need on Diet

Fourth, female nephrotic syndrome early symptoms - renal colic, kidney pain
Renal colic is a sudden severe pain in the kidney area, was intermittent or persistent seizure, or even increased paroxysmal. Some patients may be atypical renal colic, that is, colic or rapid remission.
Kidney pain more than the performance of pain or dull pain, was persistent, internal heavy feeling, can be expressed as unilateral or bilateral pain.

High Blood Pressure in Nephrotic Syndrome: Causes and Treatments

Five, female nephrotic syndrome early symptoms - hypertension
Some patients with kidney disease may be due to renal vascular or renal damage caused by high blood pressure, stature hypertensive patients often accompanied by anemia or hypoproteinemia.

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Early prevention of chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure is a type of renal failure, referred to as chronic renal failure. Chronic renal failure has a longer lesion process, because early in the disease to take active measures, can effectively control the disease, to avoid exacerbations.

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1, to strengthen follow-up
Regular follow-up to delay the progress of renal failure is very good, so that patients can be planned to receive treatment and guidance to help patients reduce or avoid some incentives to increase renal failure, such as drug damage, dehydration caused by insufficient blood volume, Disease, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, urinary obstruction, infection, bleeding and so on.

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2, diet control
A large number of experimental studies and clinical observations show that low-protein and / or low-phosphorus diet can make the process of most patients with chronic renal failure slow down, or even temporarily stop the progress of renal failure. Low-protein diet or the use of essential amino acids can reduce chronic renal failure high filtration state, help to prevent the progress of chronic renal failure. The main measure to control hyperphosphatemia is low-phosphorus diet, such as taking phosphorus binding agent.

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3, control blood pressure
Control of renal or essential hypertension can prevent glomerular sclerosis. The former is mainly to control the glomerular high perfusion, which is mainly dependent on the application of antihypertensive drugs. Control of hypertension (or diabetic nephropathy) can be applied to a small dose of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (captopril), can reduce the intra-renal pressure, ease the high filtration state

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What are the items that need to be checked for renal insufficiency?

Regular physical examination is very important, more and more people are also important to the importance of physical examination, many people will conduct regular health checks, which is important to maintain health.

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What are the items that need to be checked for renal insufficiency?
Nephropathy as a chronic disease, the lack of early formal treatment will often develop to renal insufficiency. Blood pressure measurement, urine routine examination, renal function tests and renal B-ultrasound as a routine physical examination items for the early detection of kidney disease and disease follow-up observation is of great significance.

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1, blood pressure measurement:

Kidney disease and high blood pressure has a very close contact, often "inseparable." Hypertension itself can cause kidney damage. Kidney is mainly composed of glomeruli, glomerular is actually a group of capillary network, if the long-term increase in blood pressure will cause damage to the capillary wall and hardening, causing kidney ischemia, leading to renal dysfunction, so the gradual development, It will cause all of the glomerular sclerosis, and ultimately renal insufficiency.
2, urine routine examination:
Urine abnormalities are one of the main manifestations of kidney disease. In most cases, conventional urine analysis tests can explain the problem, and the cost is relatively cheap, for the diagnosis of kidney disease provides a very useful clue.
3, renal function tests:
Many nephropathy onset more concealed, early no obvious symptoms, routine renal function test can reflect the patient's renal function, in order to determine the disease development and correct treatment to provide a valuable basis.

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4, kidney B ultrasound examination:
Is well known inspection items, through which we can understand the size of the kidneys, shape, with or without stones, water and cysts and so on.
Patients in the following cases are often referred to as "high risk groups of kidney disease". ① suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperuricemia, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, cancer, stroke, hepatitis, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic diseases; ② kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes Family history; ③ older than 60 years old; ④ repeated urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis; ⑤ long-term use of certain antibiotics, analgesic antipyretics, chemotherapy drugs and other nephrotoxic drugs. The "high risk of kidney disease," should be based on the situation at any time as appropriate to detect blood pressure, urine, renal function and renal B ultrasound, if necessary, according to the disease specialist examination such as urinary albumin, intravenous pyelography, renal ECT and so on.

Recommended Treatment for Improving Renal Function in Kidney Failure

Renal insufficiency is renal failure, this time requires long-term dialysis, and even accept kidney transplantation. However, it is difficult to find a suitable kidney source, even if there is a need for a large number of surgery costs, as well as the need for long-term treatment to accept the immune treatment. Therefore, the above physical examination items on early detection of kidney disease has a very important significance.
Hope that the above content can bring you help, in life to develop regular physical examination habits, so that you can find their own health status, easy to find disease, timely treatment.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Dialysis of patients with dietary attention

Dialysis therapy is based on the semipermeable membrane "membrane balance" principle, the use of a certain concentration of electrolyte and glucose composition of the dialysate and the accumulation of metabolites in the blood, water and electrolyte for osmotic exchange, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment. Clinical use of renal failure in patients with hemodialysis (also known as artificial kidney) and peritoneal dialysis two methods. Application of dialysis patients after the general condition can be improved, but to lose some nutrients, of which amino acids, inorganic salts, water-soluble vitamins are more lost. Had reported 12 hours of hemodialysis when the amino acid loss is equivalent to 4.79 grams of protein, peritoneum can lose body protein 25 - 40 grams, so the diet should be timely with the deployment of treatment. After dialysis, the majority of patients improved symptoms, increased appetite, blood urea nitrogen decreased, so the diet should pay attention to the following characteristics:

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Kidney dialysis patients diet 1. protein: where the regular hemodialysis patients daily diet at least 50 grams (0.75 to 1.0 grams per kilogram of body weight), if 30 hours per week hemodialysis, dietary protein in the general Day supply of 1.0 g or 1.2 g per kilogram of body weight to maintain nitrogen balance. Abdominal patients can reach 1.2 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight, of which high-quality protein to account for 50% to 70%. Can choose milk eggs and other animal protein.

Notes on Kidney Failure and Dialysis

Kidney dialysis patients diet Note 2. less oil low cholesterol diet: dialysis often hyperlipidemia, in order to prevent increased arteriosclerosis should control the diet of fat cholesterol.
Kidney dialysis patients diet Note 3. potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus: should be based on blood test results and urine volume at any time to adjust. Sodium generally daily limit of 1500 to 2000 mg, is a low-salt diet. Urine should be strictly controlled. Potassium to see blood potassium and urine output is generally less than 1300 mg per day, blood phosphorus to maintain the level of 4.5 to 5.0 mg / dl, such as high phosphorus also control the high phosphorus cereal beans and other food, and at the same time Pay attention to calcium supplement, to prevent blood calcium decline.

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Kidney dialysis patients diet Note 4. Water-soluble vitamins: In addition to eating through the diet, the oral drug supplement, such as vitamin B2, folic acid, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid and so on.
Kidney dialysis patients diet Note 5. The amount of liquid according to the amount of urine and dialysis to maintain the balance of access, no less than 1000 ml per day.

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Renal failure in patients with some of the symptoms

One, physical discomfort

This is when the patient is sick when there will be discomfort, usually, the patient will produce a variety of physical discomfort symptoms, to the normal life caused some trouble. This is mainly due to toxins and waste in the body continue to accumulate, may feel whole body discomfort. And nausea, vomiting, sleep at night is not good, no appetite, skin itching and feel tired and other symptoms.

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 Second, edema

Edema is a very typical clinical manifestations of a kidney failure patients, we usually find the symptoms as soon as possible after treatment, to avoid delaying the disease. There are some people will appear this symptom, it will appear as the hand, foot and ankle swelling. There are shortness of breath, swelling around the eyes and other symptoms appear. Therefore, patients with renal failure should be timely detection, timely treatment.

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 Third, anemia

This is the onset of renal failure in the process of patients will appear a significant symptom, we can accordingly determine the incidence of renal failure. But because the body can not produce enough blood to produce red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Also often feel cold and tired.

Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure: You Must Know
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What are the symptoms of renal cysts?

There is no symptoms of a single cyst, only when it becomes very large, causing low back pain, there will be symptoms. When a single cyst occurs, sometimes you can touch your finger with a soft piece. Polycystic kidney disease occasionally cause hematuria (urine bloody), or recurrent pyelonephritis. In most cases, polycystic kidney disease is no symptoms, unless the cyst has finally replaced too much kidney tissue, causing chronic renal failure. When the disease to the point of causing chronic renal failure, the symptoms began to appear.

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    Kidney cysts are usually found when they are inspected for some other reason. Many patients with renal cysts do not know that they have this disease. However, severe polycystic kidney disease is extremely rare. In the United States, about 2% of chronic renal failure disease is caused by renal cysts.

Symptoms and Treatments for Kidney Cyst Rupture
    How to treat?
Painless and benign renal cysts do not need treatment, but if the cyst becomes larger, causing pain, or if the cyst is found to be malignant, you often need to undergo surgical treatment, the lesion kidney resection. Resection of a kidney is usually a simple operation, only a kidney of people can live a normal and healthy life. Because, a healthy kidney can easily afford the work of two kidneys.

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 If the development of renal cysts, may lead to malignant, patients should go to the hospital for treatment, do not delay the treatment time, so as to avoid serious consequences.

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What are the daily health care measures for patients with renal cysts?

Renal cysts are treated as follows:
1, liver and kidney cysts are mostly congenital by the patient, may also appear single, but also multiple, when the patient liver, kidney cysts are present, generally said liver and kidney cysts on everyone's health and not much impact.

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    2, the patient is too large liver and kidney cysts. On the organ itself or the surrounding organs can be formed there will be oppressive symptoms or inflammation, the general use of needle aspiration therapy or surgical decompression treatment, when the general use of antibiotics when the treatment of inflammation.

3, generally do not form oppression of the liver, kidney cysts can not be treated, which is effective treatment.

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    4, palm print diagnosis of liver, kidney cyst is more reliable, and generally do not have to do more checks.

5, can work for normal life, for the larger liver, kidney cysts, we must pay attention to avoid local trauma.

6, liver, kidney cysts are generally relatively slow development, and will not appear cancer, the prognosis is good.

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    Patients should go to the hospital for treatment, do not delay the treatment of time, so as to avoid serious consequences.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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What are the causes of renal cysts?

1, the incidence of renal cysts may be caused by a viral infection, toxins on the human body, can cause a variety of cell organization and organ damage, resulting in disease, and even life-threatening, and also produce genetic mutations, congenital abnormalities and other phenomena one of the reasons. Common toxins such as pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution and so on. In particular, need to point out that some drugs also have renal toxicity, if used improperly lead to kidney damage, these drugs include: kanamycin, gentamicin, sulfonamides, rifampicin, indomethacin, and other Western medicine, Horse money and other traditional Chinese medicine.

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    2, genetic factors is one of the causes of renal cysts, for polycystic kidney disease, mostly through the parental gene genetic, divided into autosomal dominant inheritance and autosomal recessive inheritance, but also some polycystic kidney disease Non-parental inheritance, nor is it congenital dysplasia polycystic kidney disease, but the embryogenesis of gene mutation. In the process of embryonic formation, due to the role of various factors, so that the mutation occurred in the formation of polycystic kidney disease, although this situation is rare, but still can happen

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