
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Renal cysts general care

(1) liver and kidney cysts are mostly congenital, there are single, but also multiple, and sometimes liver, kidney cysts exist, generally said liver and kidney cysts do not have much impact on human health.

(2) too large liver and kidney cysts. On the organ itself or the surrounding organs can form compression symptoms or inflammation, can be treated with needle aspiration or surgical decompression treatment, inflammation should be treated with antibiotics.

(3) do not form oppression of the liver, renal cysts can not be treated, there is no effective treatment.

(4) palmprint diagnosis of liver, kidney cyst is very reliable, generally do not have to do more checks.

(5) can work and live, the larger liver, kidney cysts, should pay attention to avoid local trauma.

(6) liver, kidney cysts generally slow development, not cancer, the prognosis is good.

Our Treatment

Depending on the underlying cause, certain Kidney Diseases can be reversed. We offered different treatments and dialysis﹠transplant are not the only choice in our clinic.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Blood Pollution Therapy 


Blood Purification

Full Bath



Cycle Therapy

Kidney cysts diet

Kidney cyst patients if you have bad eating habits will aggravate the condition, do not use the recovery of the disease, so the kidney cyst diet should be fresh and light, and rich in nutrition, eat more fruit, as well as control representative of the intake and greasy food. Renal cysts due to decreased metabolic capacity of renal function, so the diet will affect the degree of recovery of the disease.
Renal cysts eating habits for the body's impact is obvious, kidney cysts diet directly or indirectly affect the changes in cystic disease progress. In this regard, the patient should pay attention to kidney cysts diet.Circular cyst patients how to scientific and reasonable diet, in general, kidney cysts should be fresh and light diet, but also rich in nutrition, eat more fruit. Because kidney disease patients with renal metabolic decline, so the diet of kidney cysts to control the intake of protein and greasy food, and other marinated class, spicy stimulation and rotten rotten food do not eat. Because the kidney is usually sick when there will be symptoms of edema, so there are many patients to blindly limit the intake of water, although renal cysts in patients with renal concentration decreased, but if the patient did not appear obvious edema, heart failure and high blood pressure , Do not blindly limit water, if too limited water but will increase the deterioration of renal function.
Kidney cysts diet points:
(Including dried pepper, alcohol, shrimp, crab, etc.), contaminated do not eat (including rotten deterioration, leftovers and so on) ), Barbecue do not eat, and renal insufficiency or uremia should also pay attention to beans and their products do not eat, limit the animal high protein food, greasy food.
2. Water intake: a variety of kidney disease due to different causes of disease, the course of different treatment measures are not the same. In mild renal failure, due to decreased renal function, the body of metabolites need more water from the kidney can be discharged, so kidney disease without obvious edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly limit water. Special reminders are those patients with chronic renal failure, do not think that kidney failure must be strictly limited moisture, if too much water can easily increase the deterioration of renal function.
3. Salt intake: control of salt, according to the patient's condition and renal function to adjust, not all of the patients with chronic renal insufficiency should be strictly limited salt.
4. Note that rest, to avoid severe physical activity and abdominal trauma, kidney swelling is more appropriate when the belt should be replaced with a belt, so as not to cause cyst rupture; generally half a year review (including blood pressure, urine, renal function and B ultrasound); avoid everything Nephrotoxic drugs; relatives (parents, brothers and sisters and children) for B-ultrasound.
5. speak nutrition kidney cyst patients should eat high quality protein food, pay attention to high fiber, high vitamin food supplement and low fat, appropriate sugar diet.
6. not a partial eclipse, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pig lean meat, eggs, milk, fish and other edible.

kidney disease Treatment 

Depending on the underlying cause, certain Kidney Diseases can be reversed. We offered different treatments and dialysis﹠transplant are not the only choice in our clinic.

Understanding Kidney Disease

We Believe Chinese Medicine Treatment for Kidney Disease 

Chinese medicine treatment of renal cysts

Chinese medicine treatment of renal cysts Treatment of renal cysts is a good surgical treatment or good treatment of Chinese medicine? Renal cysts are multiple and there is a single, single treatment relative to the treatment of multiple treatment is relatively simple, for the treatment of renal cysts, surgical treatment and Chinese medicine treatment, many patients at this time undecided, Do not know whether the surgical treatment or traditional Chinese medicine treatment, then the following to tell you about the treatment of renal cysts is good or good treatment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

Surgical treatment of renal cysts - surgical treatment is mainly for more than 5cm cysts, if it is multiple cysts, surgical treatment is not ideal, because each time the cysts should be carried out for surgery, so for patients is also Can not help, and surgical treatment of renal cysts is only temporarily alleviate the cysts for kidney oppression, but not substantially from the damage to the kidney to repair, so there is a certain degree of recurrence. This is now a major drawback of surgical treatment.

Renal cysts of traditional  Chinese medicine treatment - the use of micro-infiltration of the hospital can be fundamentally applied to the lesion damaged parts of the kidney, the damaged kidney cells effectively repair, which can inhibit the cysts continue to grow, The source of liquid, the gradual softening of the cyst, and then the cyst gradually retracted. Chinese medicine treatment can be qi and blood circulation, specimen both, righting solid this.

So when the choice of treatment of renal cysts to carefully choose the treatment, try to cure the treatment, so as not to cause kidney failure, more harm than good. If you are now on the treatment of renal cysts what is not clear or want to learn more about the treatment of renal cysts, may wish to directly click on the bottom of the dialog box and kidney disease experts to get in touch. Wish kidney patients can be recovered soon.

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment
Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.

How is the formation of renal cysts

Renal cyst is in the human kidney appears in some or large or small with the outside world can not be interlinked cystic mass of the unified call. Cause renal cysts factors can be summarized as the following: from childhood when the phenomenon of dysplasia. For cystic kidneys, it will lead to medullary sponge kidney, dysplastic polycystic kidney disease and other diseases, congenital development of abnormal genes is usually not a different phenomenon, therefore, its genetic or genetic mutation There is a difference.

Non-hereditary gene mutation, in terms of renal cysts, most of them are due to father and mother's genes for genetic. Can be divided into autosomal dominant inheritance and autosomal recessive genetic two. However, some special renal cysts are also some of the polycystic is not caused by the parents of the genetic, nor is the patient congenital formation, but in the process of embryonic formation of genes has changed. During embryonic formation, renal cysts are caused by sudden changes in genes due to various causes. However, the above situation is very rare.

Toxins also have a certain effect on the formation of renal cysts. When toxins affect the human body, it will make every kind of cell tissues and organs are damaged, it will produce disease, serious may be life-threatening. Not only that, toxins are also caused by gene mutation, congenital development is not normal and other key factors. Life in the more common toxins are: pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution and so on. It is important to note that some drugs are also with renal toxicity, if the method is not appropriate, then easy to cause damage to the kidney. These drugs include: kanamycin, gentamicin, sulfonamides, rifampicin, indomethacin, and other Western medicine.Eating irregular, uneven is one of the reasons for the formation of renal cysts. Which is prone to overeating, hunger will be roughly malnourished; over full will be on the spleen and stomach digestive function, absorption function have an impact. The food is not clean. 

Symptoms of light can cause some of the diseases on the stomach, if the situation is more serious, then there will be poisoning. Used to eat cold food. It is more likely to hurt the spleen and stomach. But more, spicy lit food should not eat, over time will hurt our internal organs. Several of the above eating habits will affect the development of renal cysts. So we have to pay special attention to eat less spicy food to stimulate the diet as light as possible. Eat less pickled foods. In addition, also control animal high protein, high fat and greasy food.Did not follow the principle of combining work and rest. Long work or strenuous exercise is easy because of long-term fatigue to form a disease. Excessive mental consumption, stress too, psychological stress. Sexual intercourse between men and women is too frequent, will have an impact on our health. Naturally affect the changes in renal cyst disease. However, too comfortable, less exercise and easy to make the body of blood is not smooth and cause other diseases. Bad mood will endocrine disorders, poor mood can make kidney cysts deepened, so to learn to control their emotions, adjust their feelings.

There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment


Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. 
That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various 
services online.

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Nephrotic Syndrome Symptoms

      First, the symptoms:Nephrotic syndrome has four main features, namely, a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, hypercholesterolemia, and systemic edema.

A large number of proteinuriaA large number of proteinuria is a sign of nephrotic syndrome. The main ingredient is albumin, also contains other plasma protein components. Glomerular basement membrane permeability changes are the underlying causes of proteinuria, changes in charge barrier and mechanical barrier (glomerular capillary pore barrier), renal tubular epithelial cell reabsorption and catabolic capacity for proteinuria formation Also have an impact. Glomerular filtration rate, plasma protein concentration and protein intake directly affect the degree of proteinuria. Glomerular filtration rate decreased, proteinuria will be reduced; severe hypoproteinemia, urinary protein excretion can increase, high protein diet will increase urinary protein excretion; therefore, only the daily quantitative method of protein, can not be accurate Determine the degree of urinary protein can be further done albumin clearance rate, urinary protein / creatinine (> 3.5 often kidney disease range of proteinuria). Urine protein electrophoresis detection of urinary IgG components increased urinary protein selectivity is low. Urinary protein selectivity has no definite clinical value and is now less used.

Is the second feature of nephrotic syndrome. Serum albumin is less than 30g / L. Nephrotic syndrome when the liver increased the synthesis of albumin, when the diet to give enough protein and heat card, the patient's liver synthesis of albumin about 22.6g per day, significantly higher than the normal daily 15.6g. When the liver synthesis of albumin compensatory effect is not enough to make up for the loss of urinary protein, it will appear hypoproteinemia. Hypoalbuminemia and urinary protein excretion are not consistent.Nephrotic syndrome patients are usually negative nitrogen balance, in the high protein load, can be converted to positive nitrogen balance, high protein load may be due to increased glomerular filtration protein leaving urinary protein excretion increased, so the plasma protein is not obvious, But at the same time taking the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, can inhibit urinary protein excretion, serum albumin concentration can be significantly increased.

It is noteworthy that hypoglycemia, the drug and albumin binding will be reduced, the blood free drug concentration, may increase the toxicity of drugs.Nephrotic syndrome, a variety of plasma protein composition can change, α2 and β globulin increased, α1 globulin more normal. IgG levels were significantly decreased, and IgA, IgM, IgE levels more normal or elevated fibrinogen, coagulation factor Ⅴ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅹ may rise, may be related to increased liver synthesis, with platelet count increased, anticoagulation Blood enzymes Ⅲ (heparin-related factors) decreased, C protein and S protein concentration more normal or increased, but decreased activity. This will help to achieve hypercoagulable state. The increase in fibrin degradation products (FDP) in the urine reflects changes in glomerular permeability. In summary, the various factors of coagulation and agglutination in the blood increased, while the mechanisms of anticoagulation and fibrinolysis were impaired. Due to the combined effect of hypercholesterolemia and hyperfibrinogenemia, plasma viscosity increases, and when the vascular endothelium is damaged, spontaneous thrombosis is likely to occur.In addition, transporters are also reduced, such as proteins that carry important metal ions (copper, iron, and zinc), and proteins that bind to important hormones (thyroxine, cortisol, prostaglandins) and active 25- (OH) D3 Decline, which can lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism, calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorders, causing renal bone disease. Sustained reduction of transferrin, the glucocorticoid in the treated patients free and combined with the hormone ratio changes, resulting in the drug metabolism and efficacy changes.

3. HyperlipidemiaThe total cholesterol, triglyceride significantly increased, low density lipoprotein (LDH), very low density lipoprotein (VLDH) levels increased. Hyperlipidemia is associated with hypoalbuminemia, and LDL / HLDL is elevated only when serum albumin is less than 10-20 g / L. High density lipoprotein (HDL) is normal or decreased. LDL / HDL ratio increased, so that the risk of atherosclerotic complications increased, hyperlipidemia and thrombosis and progressive glomerulosclerosis.Patients may be lipid urine, urine reflexed fat body, may be containing cholesterol-containing epithelial cells or fat body tube type.

4. edemaThe most noticeable symptoms of patients is gradually increased systemic edema, the initial morning eyelids, facial, ankle visible edema; with the development of edema spread to the body, and the emergence of pleural effusion, ascites, pericardial effusion, Scrotum or labia edema, pulmonary edema can also occur. Severe eyes can not open, head and neck thicker, the skin can be waxy pale, coupled with the chest, the presence of ascites, it appears obvious difficulty breathing, can not be supine only sitting position. If there is skin damage, the tissue fluid overflow and difficult to stop. Edema and postural relationship is obvious, such as the emergence of edema unrelated to the position, should be suspected and venous thrombosis. The severity of edema is generally positively correlated with the extent of hypoalbuminemia. It is generally believed that edema is mainly caused by a large number of proteinuria caused by plasma protein (especially albumin) decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreased intravascular water to the tissue gap caused by movement. Another thought that the intrinsic edema and primary renal sodium and water retention, the possible factors are:

① glomerular filtration rate decreased;② increased renal tubular reabsorption;③ distal tubule on plasma atrial peptide (ANP) decreased ability to respond.

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment
Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.

Chronic renal failure

First, the cause
Chronic renal failure is extremely extensive, almost all the development of kidney disease can lead to deterioration of chronic renal failure. Acute renal failure without cure, a short period of time without death can also be a direct transition to chronic renal failure. The common reasons are described below:
1. Chronic glomerulonephritis progression to the late stage is the most common cause of chronic renal failure.
2. Interstitial nephritis (Interstitial Nephritis) is a group of mainly involving the renal interstitial and renal tubular disease, also known as tubulointerstitial nephropathy (Tubulo-Interstitia Nephropa-thy). Its complex causes, is a common clinical disease, accounting for Urinary system diseases of 25% to 33%, living in the second place of chronic renal failure.
(1) infection: bacteria, viruses, mold, malaria parasite and other invasion of renal interstitial and renal tubules, which represent diseases such as chronic pyelonephritis. Malignant hernia and so on.
(2) immune damage: common drug allergy such as penicillin, sulfonamides, autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis involving the kidney.
(3) Toxic substances such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, contrast agents damage the kidneys, heavy metal salts such as mercury, lead, arsenic, gold and other damage to the kidneys.
(4) renal blood supply disorders: such as renal arteriosclerosis, renal artery stenosis and so on.
(5) metabolic abnormalities: such as hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia, long-term hypokalemia and so on.
(6) physical factors: long-term exposure to X-ray, malignant radiotherapy and other radiotherapy.
(7) urinary tract obstruction: obstruction caused by bladder, ureteral reflux to the renal pelvis, ureteral pressure increased renal interstitial, such as infection is more aggravated condition.
(8) tumor direct infiltration of renal interstitial: such as leukemia, lymphoma, cancer cell metastasis caused by renal interstitial damage.
(9) hereditary diseases: such as polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts.
(10) Balkan nephritis: belong to the cause of unknown renal interstitial disease, mainly in southern Europe.
3. Hypertensive atherosclerosis at this time first damage the renal tubules and then damage the glomerular, and glomerulonephritis first damage the glomerular and then damage the renal tubular different.
4. Secondary to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, gout kidney, amyloidosis and so on.
Second, the mechanism
1. Glomerular hyperfiltration theory when the glomerular destruction of more and more residual kidney units due to compensatory over-filtration, and ultimately lead to glomerular succession and loss of function, such as 85% of nephrectomized animals, 3 months visible residual Glomerular hypertrophy, epithelial cell vacuolization, foot process fusion, 6 months visible mesangial area increased; glomerular basement membrane endothelium, epithelial cells shedding, and finally lead to focal, segmental glomerular sclerosis, Renal filtration rate is further reduced, further deterioration of renal function.
2. In the chronic renal failure, the body of toxic substances increased, the body in order to clear some of the poison and compensation, the results of a new imbalance, such as decreased glomerular filtration rate, reduced urinary phosphorus excretion, high blood Phosphorus, hypocalcemia, stimulation of parathyroid secretion increased, the role of renal tubules, increased urinary phosphorus excretion, so that phosphorus decreased, elevated serum calcium, returned to normal levels. The increase in serum deposition in the various systems including the kidney itself, the glomerular filtration rate further decreased, further deterioration of renal function.
Chronic renal failure, glomerular filtration rate is low, sodium decreased, at this time increased secretion of natriuretic hormone, proximal renal tubular reabsorption of sodium decreased, but the sodium hormone on Na + -K + -ATP enzyme inhibition, so So that many organizations on the steel transport obstacles, resulting in a new imbalance.
3. Toxins theory in the uremia when the body has more than 200 kinds of substances increased, of which there are more than 20 kinds of toxic substances, small molecules (molecular weight <500 molecules (molecular weight 500 ~ 5000) and macromolecules (molecular weight> 5000) three Small molecules are the main cause of clinical symptoms such as urea, guanidine, amines, molecular substances such as peptides, cells and bacteria lysates.Molecular substances can cause peripheral neuropathy, uremia encephalopathy, erythropoiesis Inhibition of insulin activity, inhibition of lipoprotein lipase activity, platelet function damage, low cellular immune function, sexual dysfunction and exocrine glandular atrophy.When chronic renal failure, hyperglycemia hypocalcemia stimulates increased secretion of parathyroid gland Tissue calcium deposition, nerve conduction velocity slowed down, brain cells increased calcium content, while parathyroidism is an important cause of renal anemia, in addition to affect the heart function and myocardial cell metabolism.

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment
Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.