
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

What Will Happen Creatinine 2.4 With No Treatments

Creatinine is commonly used to diagnosis kidney function. Creatinine 2.4 means that the kidney function is less than 35% and on kidney failure 2 stage. Kidney already has damage on balancing the internal environment. So what will happen with no treatments for creatinine 2.4?

Kidney can not eliminate the toxins and excess wastes out, so we need treatments to clear away the excess substance, or stop the produce of the excess substance. Patients has no treatments, which will accelerate the process to kidney failure. That because the excess substance build up into blood that will damage to kidney again.

What treatments can help creatinine 2.4 avoid dialysis?

Only way is to repair the damaged kidney for avoiding dialysis. The first, we need to clear away the toxins and excess wastes completely for a clean and healthy internal environment. Toxins-Removing Treatments is widely used to remove the excess substance out with chinese herbal medicines.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the diseased cells and diseased tissues for improving kidney function. It has two bags fulfill with chinese herbal medicines powder. Doctor will put the two bags on patients’ shenshu area for 40-50 minutes. The active ingredients will penetrate inside kidney lesions quickly with osmotic machine.

Immunotherapy has six steps including: immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune adjustment, immune tolerance, immune protection. It will wake the innate immune system, strength immunity, which will fight with the cold and infection.

The chinese herbal medicines can reduce creatinine 2.4 naturally and improve kidney function, so that it can help avoid dialysis.