
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Urine is a big sign of kidney health

Urine is a major sign of kidney health response, concerned about their own kidney health, first of all to observe the urine, identify the following circumstances:

Bubble in urine: Under normal circumstances, the urine tension is low, not easy to form bubbles. If the urine is often a bubble, may be due to kidney problems, resulting in the body protein to the urine to form proteinuria.

Urine color a little red: red urine is not necessarily all hematuria, and some drugs and food may also lead to urine red. But in general, if you find red urine, or brown, it should be alert to the possibility of hematuria, especially colds, sore throat, skin infection after the urine appears red.

Nocturia: in the absence of excessive drinking water, if the number of times the increase in nocturnal urination, there may be a function of impaired urine function of the kidneys.

Small amount of urine: If the normal drinking water and no large amount of sweating in the case of a day of urine volume than in the past significantly reduced, we must be careful kidney function has been damaged.

Urinary Urinary Urinary Urinary Pain: These symptoms are common manifestations of urinary tract infections, if the impact of the upper part of the urinary tract, may cause backache or fever.

In addition, there are some systemic manifestations of kidney disease worthy of vigilance:
Facial, eyelid and lower extremity edema may be caused by kidney disease in the body can not go out of the liquid, the body caused by the loss of protein. Especially with your fingers by the instep or calf after the obvious depression, it can not be taken lightly.

Some patients with chronic renal failure at the beginning of the onset and no common changes in urine or obvious swelling, but the performance of gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, bad appetite.

Kidney function is damaged, the body of liquid accumulation, sodium salt is not easy to excreted, will increase blood pressure.

Some systemic diseases seem to have nothing to do with the kidneys, can also cause kidney damage, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic hepatitis B and so on. In addition to regular physical examination, if found in daily life of the above abnormalities, should go to the hospital in time, the best time to bring their own medical records before medical treatment, which can provide an important clue for the diagnosis and treatment of doctors.

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What are the causes of high creatinine?

(1) body loss of water, such as fever, sweating, reduce the amount of water, polyuria lead to blood concentration, decreased renal blood flow, there will be increased creatinine.

(2) life tired, rest is not good, life details do not pay attention, can also cause a certain range of serum creatinine increased.

(3) abnormal urine, long-term hematuria, proteinuria, people will unknowingly appear to increase the phenomenon of creatinine.

(4) patients with nephropathy in the case of unknown damage to the kidneys taking drugs, there may be increased creatinine, or even irreversible.

(5) renal insufficiency, by infection (including colds, pneumonia, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections, etc.), will appear in the short term the phenomenon of creatinine increased.

(6) hypertensive patients, blood pressure instability, there will be a high phenomenon of creatinine.

(7) patients with kidney disease, due to recurrence of the disease, leading to increased creatinine.

A lot of related factors can cause high creatinine, so we must pay more attention to their daily life habits, timely detection of disease in a timely manner to the regular hospital treatment, in the course of treatment, with a good doctor told the daily diet for some Spicy food for the disease to be taboo.

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Dialysis of common sense

Hemodialysis commonly known as artificial kidney, hollow fiber type, coil type and flat type 3. The most commonly used is the hollow fiber type, from 1 to 15 million hollow fiber composition, hollow fiber wall that is dialysis membrane, with semipermeable membrane properties. Hemodialysis blood into each hollow fiber, and dialysate in each hollow fiber outside the flow direction of the flow of the dialysate and the opposite direction of flow through the semi-permeable membrane principle to remove the poison, through the ultrafiltration and osmotic removal of water.

(1) indications for hemodialysis include:
(2) acute renal failure.
(3) acute drug or poison poisoning.
(4) chronic renal failure.
(5) renal transplantation before the renal failure or rejection after transplantation so that the transplanted kidney without functional.
(6) other diseases (liver failure, schizophrenia, psoriasis, etc.).

The relative contraindications to hemodialysis include:
(1) very critically ill, low blood pressure, shock.
(2) severe infection sepsis.
(3) severe myocardial dysfunction or coronary heart disease.
(4) within 3 days after major surgery.
(5) severe bleeding tendency, cerebral hemorrhage and severe anemia.
(6) mental illness does not cooperate.
(7) Malignant tumor patients.

General patients need hemodialysis 3 times a week, each 4 to 5 hours. Should start dialysis as soon as possible to correct the accumulation of toxins due to excessive irreversible organ damage and the body's metabolic disorders, when the creatinine clearance rate decreased to 10 ~ 12mL / min that should start dialysis. 15 to 60-year-old patients with good dialysis and safe, but due to the continuous improvement of dialysis technology and the emergence of new dialysis equipment, 70 years of age patients can also get good results.

Some patients with kidney disease after hemodialysis treatment, that hemodialysis has been the body of excess toxins removed, thus relaxing the restrictions on the diet. In fact, this is a wrong understanding.

One, free to drink water. Continuous hemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure, the majority of 24-hour urine output is lower than normal. As the body is swollen now, doctors generally have to limit the daily water consumption of the patient. Once the hemodialysis, the symptoms have been alleviated, the patient is easy to relax vigilance, free drinking water. For patients with persistent hemodialysis of kidney disease, excessive body intake of water will lead to edema, increased blood pressure and heart failure and other complications. The body of the body in addition to drinking water, but also contains the patient in the day eating food, fruit and other intake of water, which many patients are not clear, blind diet, drinking water, and ultimately will lead to deterioration of their own kidney disease.

Second, high sodium, high potassium, high protein diet. During the treatment of renal failure to be limited salt diet, hemodialysis after the issue of the same need to pay attention. Continuous dialysis of renal insufficiency nephropathy patients, that they need regular hemodialysis, the body appears when the hemodialysis can solve the problem, the existence of excessive reliance on hemodialysis of this error understanding of the number of patients with kidney disease a lot. In fact, hemodialysis is only a temporary substitute for the role of kidney work, renal insufficiency nephropathy, especially in patients with oliguria, the body of sodium, blood potassium levels are high, severe high sodium On the safety of patients with a direct threat to the role.

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Chronic nephritis

Chronic nephritis to proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure, edema as the basic clinical manifestations, different ways of onset, disease progression, slow progress of the disease, can be different degrees of renal dysfunction, the final development of chronic renal failure will be a group of kidney Disease. As the disease of this group of different types of disease and disease, the main clinical manifestations are different, the disease was diversified.

Its harm to the human body are:

1, high blood pressure, chronic nephritis renal insufficiency, often severe cardiovascular complications, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis and renal insufficiency, the main reason is chronic nephritis renal dysfunction Itself caused by the development process of metabolic abnormalities. According to statistics, the incidence of hypertension of 70% to 80%, requiring renal replacement therapy patients are almost all high blood pressure, of which 3/4 patients with low salt diet and dialysis that can control high blood pressure, the other 1/4 of patients Dialysis to remove excess sodium and water in the body, the blood pressure increased.

2, advanced renal anemia chronic nephritis can lead to renal parenchymal damage, but also lead to anemia, abnormal lymphocyte function, abnormal platelet function and coagulation disorders. Anemia is more common.

3, a large number of protein loss, immune dysfunction, malnutrition, will lead to various infections, such as skin infections, urinary tract and respiratory infections, infection as a malignant stimulus factors, often induced acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis, the disease progressively increased. Although there are a variety of antibiotics available, but if the treatment is not timely or incomplete, the infection is still the main cause of acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis, should be highly valued.

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Older people are more likely to suffer from chronic nephritis

The elderly immune function decline, lack of resistance to infection, which the incidence of urinary tract infection plays an important role. Elderly response to stress decreased, the incidence of malnutrition is high, which may lead to decreased or delayed cellular immune response in the elderly. Elderly on a variety of vaccine produced by the level of antibodies are generally lower than the young people, coupled with the normal sterile urinary system, contains only a small amount of immunoglobulin, macrophages and phagocytic cells, so the resistance to bacterial invasion low. This is not only the urinary system prone to infection, difficult to cure, and often recurrent, long-term delay, as one of the important causes of renal failure.

2, the elderly often have a variety of chronic diseases, so that the incidence of chronic pyelonephritis increased. Neurological diseases such as stroke and senile dementia patients with poor personal hygiene, and easily lead to incontinence, perineal contamination of the elderly women to increase the incidence of bacteriuria. Diabetic patients with high incidence of pyelonephritis may be hyperglycemia-related polymorphisms of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, recurrent vaginitis and bladder dysfunction and so on. Renal infection in patients with chronic kidney disease may be associated with local defense deficiencies in the kidney itself.

3, the elderly physiological loss of appetite, this water to reduce. At the same time the elderly often because of the abuse of pain medication, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, easily lead to chronic pyelonephritis and chronic interstitial nephritis

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CKD Basics

Mainly primary glomerulonephritis, hypertension, renal arteriosclerosis, diabetic nephropathy, secondary glomerulonephritis, tubulointerstitial lesions (chronic pyelonephritis, chronic uric acid nephropathy, obstructive nephropathy, drug-induced nephropathy Etc.), ischemic nephropathy, hereditary nephropathy (polycystic kidney disease, hereditary nephritis) and so on. In developed countries, diabetic nephropathy, hypertensive renal arteriosclerosis has become the main cause of chronic kidney disease; in China, these two diseases in a variety of etiology is still behind primary glomerulonephritis, but in recent years there are obvious Increase the trend. According to the statistics, the prevalence of CKD in American adults (about 200 million) is as high as 11.3%. According to some of our reports, the prevalence of CKD is about 10%.

CKD susceptibility factors are: age (such as the elderly), CKD family history (including hereditary and non-hereditary nephropathy), diabetes, hypertension, obesity - metabolic syndrome, high protein diet, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia Disease, autoimmune diseases, urinary tract infections or systemic infections, hepatitis virus (such as hepatitis B or C virus) infection, urinary stones, urethral obstruction, urinary or systemic tumors, history of nephrotoxic drugs, cardiovascular disease , Anemia, smoking, low birth weight, etc. Other risk factors are environmental pollution, low economic level, low level of medical insurance, low level of education.

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Acute glomerulonephritis three major complications

Acute nephritis clinical manifestations are different, diverse. Most patients with acute nephritis in the onset of a month before the history of infection may occur, such as suppurative tonsillitis, sudden onset, high fever, but also recessive slow onset. More to oliguria began, or gradually oliguria, or even anuria. Can be accompanied by gross hematuria, duration ranging from microscopic hematuria persistence, urine changes and acute glomerulonephritis is basically the same. About half of the patients began to edema when oliguria to face and lower limbs as the most important Once the edema is difficult to subside. When the onset of some patients with high blood pressure, but also in the course of onset after the emergence of high blood pressure, once the blood pressure increased, was persistent, not easy to decline.

What are the complications of acute glomerulonephritis?

1, cycle congestion state

Due to water and sodium retention, blood volume exhaust, until the pulmonary edema. The incidence of each reported different, and the severity of the disease, the treatment of the situation. China 50 ~ 60 years reported in children with acute nephritis in 24% to 27% of children to see such complications, in recent years, the report has dropped to 2.4%. Occurred in acute renal inflammation within 1 to 2 weeks after onset. Clinical manifestations of shortness of breath, can not supine, chest tightness, cough, lung dorsal wet rales, liver tenderness, gallop and other symptoms of heart failure, due to expansion due to blood volume, and the actual myocardial pump exhaust different. At this point the heart rate often increased and not reduced, the cycle time is normal, arterial and venous oxygen partial pressure difference did not increase, and digitalis strong cardiac effect is poor, and diuretics can often make it to ease. Very few severe cases can develop to true heart failure, in a few hours to 1 to 2 days of rapid pulmonary edema and life-threatening.

2, hypertensive encephalopathy

Refers to blood pressure (especially diastolic blood pressure) increased dramatically, there is central nervous system symptoms. General children are more common than adults. Usually think that this disease is based on the body of high blood pressure, brain blood vessels caused by small blood vessels spasm caused by cerebral hypothermia; but some people think that a sharp increase in blood pressure, the original cerebrovascular with automatic systolic and diastolic function out of control, Cerebrovascular hypertonia, brain edema Erzhi acute nephritis when the water and sodium retention also play a role in the onset. Occurred in the early stage of acute nephritis, onset is generally more acute, manifested as severe headache, frequent nausea and vomiting, followed by visual impairment, vertigo, diplopia, temporary black, and lethargy or irritability, if not timely treatment occurs Convulsions, coma, a few temporary hemiplegia aphasia, severe cases of herniation. There are no limitations of the nervous system, shallow reflex and tendon reflex can be weakened or disappeared, ankle claws sometimes positive, can also be pathological reflex, severe cases may have hernia symptoms and signs. Fundus examination of common retinal arteriolar spasm, and sometimes visible optic disc edema. Cerebrospinal fluid is clear, the pressure and protein are normal or slightly increased. Such as blood pressure over 18.7 / 12.0kPa (140 / 90mmHg), and with visual impairment, convulsions and coma can be diagnosed one of the three items.

3, acute renal failure

Acute nephritis in children with a considerable part of the acute phase of varying degrees of azotemia, but the progress of acute renal failure is only a very small number. Complications are still effective preventive measures, has become the main cause of acute nephritis death. Clinical manifestations of oliguria or anuria, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine increased, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis. Oliguria or anuria continued 3 to 5 or more than 1 week, then increased urine output, symptoms disappeared, gradually restored renal function.

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Glomerulonephritis diet care

"Glomerulonephritis" is caused by direct infection of bacteria caused by urinary tract inflammation. Pathogens can be raised from the urethra through the bladder dirty, ureter into the renal pelvis and kidney.

Glomerulonephritis What is the diet taboo glomerulonephritis how to care for glomerulonephritis care methods which
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Acute glomerulonephritis diet taboo

Diet should not eat all the salty seasoning and high protein foods, should eat some vitamin C with vegetables and fruits.

Chronic glomerulonephritis diet taboo

Diet should eat light and digestible low salt or salt-free diet. In recent years that for patients with chronic renal insufficiency appropriate to add essential amino acids can improve the efficacy.

Nursing of glomerulonephritis

"Glomerulonephritis" is caused by direct infection of bacteria caused by urinary tract inflammation. Pathogens can be raised from the urethra through the bladder dirty, ureter into the renal pelvis and kidney.

"Glomerulonephritis" points "acute glomerulonephritis" and "chronic glomerulonephritis" two. Acute if not timely treatment can be converted to chronic; chronic due to treatment or rest and other factors, can also cause acute attack. The disease more common in women, especially women of childbearing age. Clinical manifestations: rapid onset, fever chills, back pain, urinary frequency urinary urgency. Routine examination often urinate with a large number of pus cells, white blood cells, red blood cells, proteinuria rare. Urine culture can be found in bacteria.

Glomerulonephritis What is the diet taboo glomerulonephritis how to care for glomerulonephritis care methods which

Nursing Essentials:

1. Encourage patients to drink plenty of water and increase urination.

2. Regular urine test and training, master the disease.

3. Women should pay attention to sexual life, menstrual period, pregnancy health.

4. baby period is to pay attention to the diaper clean and sterile.

5. If the patient is still untreated by treatment or rise, but also into or accompanied by severe low back pain to be hospitalized.

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