
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

IgA nephritis patients daily diet program

1, there are irritating to the kidneys of food, increase the burden of kidney food should be fasting, otherwise it will cause serious harm to patients. Be cautious in your diet.

How Can I Control IgA Nephropathy with Food

2, edema of patients, alert the salt, as little as possible drinking water. Edema is not heavy, low-salt diet can be; no edema patients do not limit the amount of drinking water and protein food; microscopic hematuria and easy to get angry patients drink water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, edible fungus, etc. Chanting fire. IgA nephropathy hyperkalemia do not eat high potassium foods such as: bananas, potatoes, citrus, pumpkin, tomatoes, soy sauce, tea, monosodium glutamate.

IgA Nephropathy Diet Restrictions

3, IgA patients should be alert to water and more food, such as watermelon. IgA nephropathy diet and taboo, Yin heat, such as tongue purple, chest tightness, pulse stagnation, abdominal distension and other patients with stasis should pay attention to diet taboo. Yin deficiency IgA patients diet as light as possible, taboo seafood, beef and mutton, spicy spicy food, Yin patients with symptoms are as follows: red tongue, night sweats, pulse flood, hematuria embolism; but yang deficiency IgA nephropathy should heat Sex food. Yang symptoms such as: pulse sink, pale tongue, white fur, it is thin, cold body cold and so on. High uric acid IgA patients, vigilance animal offal, fish and crab clam, spinach, beans, beer, mushrooms.

Diet Therapy for Stage 3 IgA Nephropathy

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp +8613633219293. Hope that the patients will be helpful!

IgA nephritis review method

(1) urine routine examination: urine abnormalities is one of the main manifestations of nephritis patients, so urine examination is a diagnosis of kidney disease, kidney disease to understand a preferred, indispensable means.

How Does IgA Nephropathy Affect Kidneys

(2) blood routine examination: blood is the most common hospital in a laboratory for the patient's physical condition, the initial diagnosis of the disease and the observation of the efficacy of treatment. Blood routine should generally include white blood cell count and classification, red blood cell count, hemoglobin determination, platelet count, but because of modern laboratory blood routine examination using multi-parameter blood cell counter can be measured a dozen to dozens of parameters.
Can IgA Nephropathy Be Hereditary and Fatal

(3) B-ultrasound: talk about how to check the kidney disease, experts say that B-ultrasound is used to understand whether the kidneys atrophy, renal damage to the extent of how, if necessary, further CT examination.
(4) immunological examination: It is now known that primary glomerulonephritis and a considerable part of secondary nephritis are related to immune response. Some kidney disease, is purely immune response disease, and some kidney disease has nothing to do with the immune. There are different types of nephropathy caused by different immunoglobulins (total number of) involved in immune response. Therefore, immunological examination of renal disease diagnosis classification, guidance and treatment, to determine the prognosis are important value, so immunological examination is necessary for kidney disease.

How Much Vitamin C Can IgA Nephropathy Patients Take Every Day

(5) renal function determination: the classification of renal function is a doctor on the patient diagnosis of an important content, to guide the treatment and determine the prognosis is essential, this is a kidney disease patients will make a check.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.
Hope that the patients will be helpful!