
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Diabetes causes renal failure

People with diabetes are more likely to suffer from kidney failure, and they are often earlier than those who have general kidney disease. However, dialysis is not an appropriate recommendation for patients with renal failure. So what are the best treatments for their desire to know about diabetic kidney failure?
Often, our body is to digest the food we eat every day, which produces waste products and useful substances in the blood. Our kidneys are responsible for the excretion of various wastes and toxins from the body and to absorb useful substances in the blood. When your kidney function problems, the kidneys can not fully play its role, so a lot of toxins and waste products will accumulate in your body, many useful substances will be discharged from the body. As time goes by, more and more products are wasted in your blood, further damaging the kidney function. Therefore, the removal of the body of various toxins helps to repair the sick kidney.
To this end, detoxification therapy can completely eliminate all kinds of toxins, complete waste from the body, other natural therapies such as micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy, medicine bath, foot bath, hot pressing treatment, acupuncture treatment, steam treatment.
Microbiotic osmotic therapy is designed to improve renal function. This is an external application that contains many herbs in this treatment and, in addition, herbs are refined into powder to improve its efficiency. By connecting the osmolator and the two packs, the active substance in herbs will penetrate directly into the kidney lesion. At the same time, enough blood and oxygen can also be transmitted directly in the kidney lesions. Therefore, the sick kidney will be natural repair, and then can restore its function.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Chinese medicine to the hope of patients with diabetic nephropathy

"I think the rest of my life is spent with the insulin fight, because my blood sugar level once reached 3 +, but the Chinese medicine brought me hope, so I can bravely and disease fight.
Cayard, a patient from Nigeria, is 59 years old. Before going to the Chinese hospital, he had 7 years of intermittent low back pain and hematuria, 3 years ago in an examination found that his serum creatinine began higher than normal. He thinks there is no good way to treat his illness and can only be treated by dialysis.
Cayo De through a friend to understand the Chinese kidney disease hospital, after communication with the doctor, decided to come to China to accept Chinese medicine treatment.
Came to our hospital to measure his blood pressure of 140 / 80mmHg, protein 1 +, glucose 3 +, serum creatinine 567umol / L, urea nitrogen 15.0mmol / L. The condition is that at that moment he is really terrible.
The doctor gave him a treatment plan. These treatments were completely different from what he had done before. Some treatment only need him to lie down, like kidney liver heat therapy. After these treatments he began to heat and sweat the body. He told us that she had been so sweat for a long time since she got sick. In addition to guiding him how to do treatment, nurses also help him solve personal problems, such as laundry, shopping, cooking and so on.
His overall situation is now better day by day, only 29 days after treatment, blood pressure control in the 130 / 80mmHg, serum creatinine level 496umol / L, urea nitrogen 18.1mmol / L. The point is that his blood sugar level has stabilized, and now he does not need to rely on insulin.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.