
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Is There Any Chance to Stop This Dialysis When I felt Normal

I have kidney problem, and right now I am having dialysis three times a week for almost three months already. Fortunately, it is going fine and my urine seems to be normal as before. My question is, Is there any chance to stop this dialysis? Because I felt normal and I am in physical fit at this time.”

From your description, you do have a great chance to reverse to normal. You still can produce urine normally, which means your kidneys still work. The blood and nourish can still offered to your damaged kidney cells, which also provide a smooth way for medicine and treatment to work.

To be honest, dialysis is only a technology to filter the blood and remove certain some toxins and wastes form the blood through a treatment machine. It can not repair the kidney damage. Instead of it, you kidney function will be lower and lower with dialysis and finally kidney transplant will be the sole measure to save your kidneys. Although you feel better with dialysis, your kidney function is not resumed. That is to say, once you stop dialysis at your willing, various toxins and wastes will be gathered in the body again. At that time, you will feel bad once more.

You know that, in fact, there are 3 states of nephrons: died ones, damaged ones and health ones. Frankly speaking, at modern medical level, we can do nothing with the died ones. What we can do at present is just to repair and nourish the damaged ones, reverse them to normal step by step. When your damage kidney repaired and kidney function reversed, you can discharge toxins out of body naturally, such as creatinine, urea etc. Then you can get rid of dialysis. Can you understand it?

How is your blood pressure controlled at present? Do you feel nausea, vomiting, fatigue, short breath and other discomforts? Do you have diabetes, heart problem or other disease? If possible, please send your latest medical reports to me. And then, I will give you more information about treatments and diets.