
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

The pathogenesis of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney kidney parenchyma in the size of the cysts, large can be large, small can only be visible to the naked eye, so that the whole increase in renal volume, the surface was rugged cystic processes, Yellow syrup, sometimes dark brown or reddish brown due to bleeding. There are two types of polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive genotype (infant type) polycystic kidney disease and autosomal dominant genotype (adult type) polycystic kidney disease.

What Are Survival Span for Polycystic Kidney Disease

As a hereditary nephropathy, polycystic kidney disease, the main cause of the disease is the existence of abnormal chromosomal genes. More than 90% of polycystic kidney disease in patients with abnormal gene located on the 16th chromosome. From the patient's fetal period, this abnormal situation has been formed and persistence, the vast majority of patients with polycystic kidney disease to 40 years old may be clinical symptoms. Nephrotic patients begin to originate from the renal tubular parts of the kidney, including proximal tubules and distal tubules. Origin of different parts,

Who Are Prone to Suffer from Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Kidney capsule fluid properties will also be different: originated in the proximal tubules, cyst fluid components such as Na +, K +, CI-, H +, creatinine, urea and other components within the plasma similar; originated in the distal tube, Liquid Na +, K + concentration is low, CI-, H +, creatinine, urea and other high concentrations.
From the pathological point of view, the formation of polycystic kidney disease, and the following three factors are inseparable:

How to Prolong Kidney Function for Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients

1, renal pelvic epithelial cell abnormal proliferation: polycystic kidney disease in patients with renal pelvic epithelial cells in a mature incomplete or re-development state, which is the development of mature bacteria due to obstacles, so that cells in the An immature state, which shows cell proliferation.
2, renal cell migration abnormalities: the performance of cell transport is closely related to Na + -K + -ATP ase subunit combination, distribution and activation of the expression changes; cell signaling abnormalities and changes in ion transport channels.

What Herbs Can Be Used for PKD Patients

3, extracellular matrix abnormal proliferation.
As the polycystic kidney disease in patients with abnormal genes, gene ischemia led to changes in renal cell growth and renal interstitial abnormalities. With the recurrence of nephropathy in patients with polycystic kidney disease, renal cell abnormalities and abnormal deposition of extracellular matrix, will make the kidneys fibrosis, sclerosis, atrophic degeneration, kidney disease will also be gradually from the initial polycystic kidney Become kidney failure, uremia, so that patients with polycystic kidney disease to bear more pain. Therefore, the patients with polycystic kidney disease, has repeatedly stressed that once the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease must be timely medical treatment, so as not to delay the best treatment time.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

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Polycystic kidney common clinical manifestations

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease. According to the genetic characteristics, divided into autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and autosomal recessive hereditary polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) two categories. Autosomal dominant hereditary polycystic kidney common. ADPKD is autosomal dominant inheritance, which is characterized by a family clustering, both men and women can be the incidence of gender equality of the same opportunities for several generations can occur in patients. So what is the common clinical manifestations of polycystic kidney disease?

Should I Be Concerned about Asymptomatic PKD

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: clinical manifestations are divided into two categories of kidney and kidney.
◆ kidney performance varied, due to the growth and increase of renal cysts.
1, waist, abdominal pain is the most common, manifested as the Ministry of the Ministry, waist or abdominal pain.
2, urine abnormalities mainly manifested as hematuria or proteinuria, one of the symptoms for the earlier.
3, renal hypopnea performance for polyuria and nocturia, but less severe.
4, 50% to 60% of patients with hypertension in the course of treatment of high blood pressure.
5, renal dysfunction about 50% of patients with renal failure. With age, the incidence increased.

Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)

◆ renal manifestations: ADPKD for systemic diseases, in addition to the kidney, still involving other organs, liver cysts are the most common, about 50% of the total, and with age and increased, the number and size of the capsule gradually increased. Some patients may have fibrosis in the hilar region. But rare liver damage. Women are easily involved. A small number of patients may have abdominal pain and dyspnea and other giant hepatomegaly symptoms. Occasional liver cyst infection. Aneurysms are also important for renal manifestations. Other manifestations of the kidney are: heart valve disease; esophageal hiatal hernia, intestinal diverticulum inguinal hernia and so on.

Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney: is a rare disease. 75% of children died within a few hours to several days postpartum. The survival rate of patients in the neonatal period was 50% ~ 80%. Often with liver disease. The pathogenesis of this disease is unknown, recently found abnormal gene located in the No. 6 chromosome.
Neonatal and perinatal symptoms of the main manifestations of the kidneys, infants or childhood symptoms of liver-based performance, large and adult patients rare.

PKD Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Nephrotic syndrome errors

Nephrotic syndrome is a common kidney disease, but our understanding of nephrotic syndrome is not deep enough, often into some errors, then these errors are those?

What Are the Causes of Relapse in Nephrotic Syndrome

Misunderstanding 1: primary nephrotic syndrome is an acute disease
Positive solution: primary nephrotic syndrome is a chronic disease. Manifested as "three high and one low", that is, a high degree of proteinuria, a high degree of edema, hyperlipidemia, hypoproteinemia. Most patients with nephrotic syndrome have no incentive to develop, some have a history of allergies or have a recent history of vaccination; some occur in the insect bites, bees sting and so on. Some patients think they are physically healthy, these days suddenly swollen, must have acute illness, a few days will be better. Really not, once the primary nephrotic syndrome, is a chronic disease.

Why is Nephrotic Syndrome Easy to Relapse

Misunderstanding 2: the more proteinuria, the more obvious swelling, the more severe the disease
Positive solution: nephrotic syndrome severity and prognosis depends mainly on the pathological type. The pathological type only through the renal puncture check to clear. Some patients, although swollen, but slightly pathological type, mostly sensitive to hormone therapy, the effect is better. On the contrary, some patients although edema is not obvious, the pathological manifestations of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis or severe focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, hormone therapy is not sensitive, the prognosis is poor. Therefore, patients with adult nephrotic syndrome is best to do kidney biopsy, clear pathological type, and then determine the treatment program. So as to avoid blind treatment with hormones, resulting in adverse consequences.

How To Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Without Making It Relapse

Misunderstanding 3: nephrotic syndrome patients lose the more the better albumin
Positive solution: actually losing albumin is a waste. Intravenous albumin, 1 to 2 days will be discharged from the urine through the kidneys, can only maintain a short effect. Enter albumin, just for both cases.
(A) nephrotic syndrome patients with severe systemic edema, and intravenous furosemide can not achieve diuretic swelling effect.

Basics of Nephrotic Syndrome

(B) the use of furosemide diuresis, the patient appears insufficient performance of plasma capacity. In recent years, studies of patients with nephrotic syndrome have shown that the plasma protein response to hormone therapy is significantly slower than that of unused plasma products, and the more plasma products are, the slower the proteinuria is. Albumin is expensive, especially long-term loss of albumin, can be described as "worth the candle."
Treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome

Misunderstanding 4: take a sudden withdrawal of hormones
Positive solution: the principle of hormone therapy is "the first amount of foot, the reduction is slow, to maintain long."
Usually the initial treatment of patients starting daily with prednisone 1mg / kg, hormone adjustment dose must be based on their own situation, in the doctor know the reduction, and not by their own feelings of reduction. So as to reduce the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Renal failure blood creatinine 700 how to treat?

Kidney disease we can also become immortal cancer, it will always accompany our patients to the last moment. And renal failure is the end of the kidney disease, such as can not control the occurrence of complications, then the consequences can not imagine. So renal failure blood creatinine high how to treat it?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients

Western medicine dialysis treatment of renal failure, can only be said to reduce creatinine, from the fundamental terms is to purify the toxins within the blood, and kidney detoxification not only can not be restored but also more and more abandoned, the condition is more and more serious The The key to treatment of renal failure is to block the progress of renal fibrosis, repair damaged kidney cells, care for residual renal function, from the fundamental to achieve the purpose of treatment of uremia.

Dialysis 3 Times A week: Want to Know About Toxin Removing Therapy

Renal failure blood creatinine 700 how to treat? TCM characteristics of treatment "4 +7" therapy how to cure kidney failure uremia?
Kidney disease hospital expert group members after years of clinical practice experience, successfully developed a treatment of renal failure, uremia "4 +7" characteristic therapy, the characteristics of pure Chinese medicine flooding poison, poison, in addition to stasis, so that the blood flow, Improve the metabolic acidosis symptoms, patients with nausea, vomiting and other adverse symptoms also disappeared; Chinese medicine into the human body can quickly access the kidney lesions, and immune complex, caused by renal toxicity factor and other pathogenic factors closely, and its To carry out a strong attack, blocking the continuous deterioration of the kidneys.

At What Creatinine Level Dialysis Is Needed

In the treatment of renal failure at this stage, we must carefully choose, if the kidney failure can be effectively treated in the early, it can extend or even block the occurrence of uremia.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Renal failure patient life details

Patients with renal failure during treatment, whether it is diet or the pace of life should pay special attention. Patients with this period of time if not a good conditioning treatment will lead to the risk of uremia, so patients with renal failure should do their own force with the doctor will control the disease and recovery.

How Will Kidney Failure Affect My Life

1, diet to light and easy to digest the main food, bogey seafood cattle, sheep, dog meat, and spicy food and all the food, such as coffee, parsley, aniseed, etc.
2, observe the blood pressure, urine output, respiration and urine color changes, found that high blood pressure or too low, the timely adjustment, to maintain smooth stool.
3, the cold is that each of us will have a minor illness, but also the most likely to commit, but the kidney failure patients must pay attention to avoid cold, do not eat health care products, tonic to prevent lit, aggravate the condition.

What Should People Concern Once Diagnosed With Renal Failure

4, disable neomycin, streptomycin gentamicin, Guanmutong, Guangguo, Aristolochia and autoimmune injection.
5, renal failure patients must pay attention to the intake of water, too much water will give patients suffering from edema or heart and lung failure pain. Generally according to the previous day's urine plus 500ml - 700ml for drinking water principle.
6, the patient must establish confidence, adhere to the treatment, to maintain peace of mind and optimism. So that the disease can be intimidated, play efficacy, restore kidney function.

Why are Renal Patients Still Unhappy With Reduced High Creatinine

In the period of renal failure, we must pay attention to the details, to prevent these details of the small problems to bring us serious consequences.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Chronic renal failure treatment

Chronic renal failure refers to a variety of primary and secondary glomerular disease developed to the late and the emergence of a serious impairment of renal function stage. Usually renal function check serum creatinine than the normal value, generally on behalf of the disease into the stage of renal failure.

Dialysis 3 Times A week: Want to Know About Toxin Removing Therapy

Conventional treatment of chronic renal failure is often through the use of some intestinal detoxification drugs such as uremic clear particles, kidney Huining capsule, medicinal carbon tablets, Haikun kidney hi, etc., by increasing the intestinal detoxification to reduce the level of creatinine The purpose of the other with diuretics, antihypertensive drugs to relieve renal insufficiency caused by some complications such as edema, hypertension and so on.
This treatment is usually in the early stage of chronic renal failure can play a role, but because of this treatment can only temporarily from the surface to reduce the level of creatinine, and did not repair the kidney from the pathology, so once encountered Cold, tired and other predisposing factors, the condition will be repeated, it is difficult to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. The vast majority of patients have had this experience.

Recommended Treatment for Improving Renal Function in Kidney Failure

Because the patient found in the kidney failure, usually the first choice to the local hospital for treatment, and their local this comprehensive hospital are mainly symptomatic treatment of Western medicine, the patient after a period of treatment, the feeling is not satisfactory , So from the local hospital to Beijing, Shanghai and other well-known hospitals, the results of treatment similar, after a period of time, the effect is still not ideal, so go to seek other hospitals. Resulting in the disease repeatedly, continuous progress, and finally to the uremic period.

Is Chinese Medicine Good For End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

The key is the need for renal damage to the glomerular repair treatment, and not simply from the surface control of creatinine, protein and other indicators.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Lupus nephritis must do kidney wear it

Renal biopsy (renal puncture) is to determine the diagnosis, adjustment of treatment and prognosis of the main basis for judging. Lupus nephritis One of the main roles of renal biopsy is to determine the degree of disease activity and chronic changes in order to understand the prognosis and guidance of treatment. So there is a lupus nephritis patients still need to do kidney puncture, kidney puncture is also a certain physical damage.

Is Lupus Nephritis Curable by Chinese Medicine

Kidney puncture is also a strict contraindication.

⑴ absolute contraindications: 

① obvious bleeding tendency,
② severe high blood pressure, 
③ mental or not with the operator, 
④ isolated kidney, 
⑤ small kidney.

What Are the Chances of Having a Remission With Lupus Nephritis

⑵ relative contraindications: 
① active pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis, hydronephrosis or empyema, renal abscess or renal abscess. 
② kidney tumor or renal aneurysm. 
③ polycystic kidney or kidney cysts.  
④ kidney position is too high (deep inspiratory kidney under the pole is not up to twelve      ribs) or walk the kidney.  
⑤ chronic renal failure.  
⑥ excessive obesity.  
⑦ severe ascites.  
⑧ heart failure, severe anemia, low blood volume, pregnancy or age.

Available Therapy to Avoid Dialysis for Lupus Patients


No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

What is the case of nephritis repeated?

Chronic nephritis is a more common kidney disease, generally after appropriate treatment, the patient's condition can be alleviated. Can be more recently, more and more patients with signs of recurrence of nephritis, obviously feel the cure of nephritis and how will faint relapse? This makes many patients very worried. What causes the nephritis has been repeated? Here we look at how the kidney disease health physician analysis:

Treatment for Chronic Glomerular Nephritis

First, the treatment is not complete or treatment should not be. Many patients with acute and chronic nephritis, there is no formal treatment of the system, and some use of nephrotoxic drugs: amino-type drugs, gentamicin, kanamycin and streptomycin for treatment. This is not only not conducive to treatment, but to a large extent increased the condition, a lot of patients said that every year I in the treatment, spent a lot of money, but also a lot of time wasted, but still recurrent, Recurrent, and increasing, and eventually the development of the kidney disease in the late - uremia.
Second, blind withdrawal. In the treatment method properly, a better to think that their disease is a good stop immediately. This situation is also caused by recurrent episodes of acute and chronic nephritis one reason. Many people do not know enough about kidney disease, that treatment for some time, there is no obvious symptoms on the neglect of treatment or simply no longer treatment, since that their effective treatment of kidney disease. In fact, no matter what disease, physical symptoms disappeared after a period of consolidation must be treated. So many patients with acute and chronic nephritis, although the symptoms are no, but it is easy to relapse.

Latest Treatment for Glomerulonephritis

Third, prevention is not in place, diet does not pay attention. Do not follow the doctor's instructions to prevent and develop diet, in the daily diet, eating too much sodium and high potassium diet, increased the burden on the kidney and heart. Overwork: overwork, open night car, and even sexual intercourse, etc., can make chronic nephritis aggravated condition is prone to nephritis is always repeated.
The above points are caused by recurrent episodes of nephritis, chronic treatment of common causes, many patients can not do and attention. Some think that nephritis is not more serious disease, this is not enough attention. In fact, this is wrong, once the development of nephritis or the emergence of other lesions, patients will bring fatal injuries.

What Are the Risk Factors for Chronic Nephritis


 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

What about nephrotic syndrome recurrence?

Nephrotic syndrome has leaped into the form of our lives, its involvement will undoubtedly bring us harm, but after the treatment of patients facing it in the "care", the injured not only patients but also family. We all know that the recurrence of kidney disease will be more serious than once, then the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome, how should we do?

What Are the Causes of Relapse in Nephrotic Syndrome 

Nephrotic syndrome why the recurrence of the disease, there may be no attention in life: diet and the law, or because of colds caused by the attack. For example (cold: cold is hematuria, proteinuria repeated and aggravated the condition of the incentive). Cold when the body's immune cells will swallow the invasion of the body of bacteria and viruses, the formation of an antibody, and then death, to eliminate the function of bacteria to ensure that the human body is not affected.To avoid the recurrence of the troubles, this time, you can not continue to the same treatment every time. In other words, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, a simple treatment is far from the final treatment can not achieve the effect, and therefore need to start from the disease of the disease fundamentally, from the fundamental treatment, increase disease resistance, eliminate kidney damage factors, Eventually eliminate the disease, the greatest reduction in the risk of recurrence.

Why is Nephrotic Syndrome Easy to Relapse

Routine Western medicine treatment is the application of hormones, immunosuppressive agents and other drugs, is a temporary solution, a short time can eliminate urinary protein, but can not repair your damaged kidney structure. Even if the protein disappeared in a short time, nor is it a real recovery. Renal pathological damage is present, once disabled hormones, immunosuppressive agents and other drugs, or encounter infection, fatigue and other factors may be relapse.Nephrotic syndrome, the purpose of treatment is to improve the glomerular filtration membrane barrier function, reduce urinary protein, correct pathophysiology of abnormalities, prevent or delay the process of renal fibrosis, protect the kidney function, should be increased by the kidneys The amount of renal ischemia, hypoxia, removal of glomerular basement membrane immune complexes and necrotic tissue, repair glomerular basement membrane, so that protein, occult blood naturally disappear in order to fundamentally treat the disease.

How To Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Without Making It Relapse

For the treatment of nephrotic syndrome in patients with daily life must pay attention to: nephrotic syndrome patients must try to avoid cold, do not catch cold. In addition, the mood is also particularly important for patients with kidney disease, if a patient disease recurrence, no doubt, is not cold is bad mood, there was tension, angry, work pressure and so on. For patients with nephrotic syndrome, experts recommend not to eat fat, seafood must be fresh, but also limited, do not eat cold food, like sorbet, raw food, especially in summer, so as not to cause diarrhea, causing disease recurrence. Spicy food is best to eat less, if caused by pharyngitis, can also lead to disease recurrence, so patients not only in the life of attention also in the emotional diet on the attention.

What Is the Prevention of Nephrotic Syndrome


No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Nephrotic syndrome patients can live a few years

Nephrotic syndrome patients can live a few years? This problem is almost every patient with nephrotic syndrome have asked, nephrotic syndrome is not a difficult disease is difficult to understand the pathological type of nephrotic syndrome and the severity of the disease, early Treatment, symptomatic treatment, the possibility of health is only big. The main causes of nephrotic syndrome are:

Life Expectancy of Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome can live a few years - depending on the pathological type of nephrotic syndrome: nephrotic syndrome, more pathological types of type, mainly diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis, minimal pathological glomerulonephritis, diffuse Membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis, etc., different characteristics of the disease, the prognosis is different. Such as small lesions of glomerulonephritis is a common primary glomerulonephritis, also known as lipid nephropathy. The use of hormones with traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the method is right, the prognosis is good; diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis occurs in young people, clinical chronic, late 50 to 70% of patients died within 10 years, poor prognosis; diffuse Membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis, the general prognosis is better.

What Are the Causes of Relapse in Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome can live a few years - depending on the severity of renal syndrome: the initial investigation of the kidney, this time the general condition is not serious, as long as the positive and effective treatment can be cured and no recurrence, but if the treatment Improper method, the clinical cure after the condition is still recurrence, recurrence, so look at "got kidney can still live a few years" is hard to say, in summary, it is easy to see that the treatment of kidney is the most critical point is cured No recurrence.

Why is Nephrotic Syndrome Easy to Relapse

Nephrotic syndrome can cure? Nephrotic syndrome is caused by the incidence of kidney disease is due to the root causes of kidney cells have been damaged, resulting in renal fibrosis, destruction of the normal structure of the existing cells, kidney inherent cell function Decline, so there will be high proteinuria, high edema, hyperlipidemia and hypoproteinemia in the three high and one low typical characteristics.

Is Nephrotic Syndrome Contagious


No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Polycystic kidney disease can not eat anything

Polycystic kidney disease can not eat what? Polycystic kidney disease to eat what can be important, and eat can not eat things will hinder their treatment, but also aggravate the condition. Which food can not eat in the end? To listen to experts to introduce it!

Is Radish Good for PKD Patients 

Animal liverVisceral food, animal offal made of cooked food is not suitable for patients with polycystic kidney disease, especially animal liver, China has a message, what to eat, what to fill, in fact, is not the case, in the process of killing animals, many toxins left in the liver, Kidney, especially the liver, the function of the liver is detoxification, a lot of animal metabolic toxins are left in the internal organs, if the patient taking these substances after the invisible increase in burden on the kidneys, aggravate the condition.

Can Coriander Leaves Help Polycystic Kidney Disease

High protein foodEvery kidney disease should be low-protein diet, to avoid the synthesis of nitrogen metabolites in the body to reduce the excretion of the kidneys. Such as soybeans, tofu, and other beans products.

Diet to Follow for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Fermented foodMainly fermented food, such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs. Avoid eating this will be beneficial to the growth rate of cysts.WineAlcoholic beverages, alcohol, especially white wine, for patients with polycystic kidney disease should quit, alcohol and kidney irritation is important. It can stimulate polycystic protein activity, accelerate cyst growth.

Dietary Restrictions for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Does Purpura Nephritis cause severe creatinine?

Purpura nephritis caused by high creatinine serious? Clinical creatinine is one of the main methods of checking renal function. Anaphylactic purpura nephritis is an immune disease. Clinical manifestations are mainly in the sense of food or drugs and other allergies, limbs distal, buttocks and lower abdomen symmetry than the skin surface, the size of the bleeding point of purpura, or visceral purpura, or see abdominal pain, blood in the stool, Or see joint pain. In a few weeks or days after the kidney lesions can be seen, increased creatinine, visible naring hematuria, and even proteinuria.

Popular Questions That Purpura Nephritis Patients May Concern

Allergic purpura nephritis creatinine is how is it?
Creatinine is the product of muscle metabolism in the human body, producing 1 mg of creatinine per 20 g of creatinine. Creatinine is mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. Blood creatinine from exogenous and endogenous, exogenous creatinine is the waste of meat in the body of the production of waste, endogenous creatinine is the body of muscle tissue metabolites. In the meat intake of food intake when the body is not a big change in muscle metabolism, creatinine generation is relatively constant. In muscle, creatine is closely related to the total amount of muscle in the body and is less susceptible to diet. Creatinine is a small molecule material, can be through the glomerular filtration, rarely absorbed in the renal tubules, daily production of all the excreted by the urine, generally not affected by urine output. In the renal insufficiency, creatinine accumulation in the body become harmful toxins. The normal upper limit of serum creatinine is about 100 micromoles / liter.

What Are the Symptoms in Purpura Nephritis

Urinary creatinine: mainly from the blood after the glomerular filtration with the urine after the excretion of creatinine. [Reference value] 8.4-1 3.25mmol / 24 hours normal urine creatinine: male 5.3 ~ 16mmol / d; female 7 ~ 18mmol / d.
Allergic purpura nephritis creatinine high how to treat blood creatinine is the product of the body's normal metabolism, when the kidney disease, due to damage to the renal filtration membrane gradually lost the function of detoxification, serum creatinine can not be relatively discharged, it will accumulate in the body , To a certain extent is uremia. The traditional treatment of the past is only hypoglycemic, and not to repair the basement membrane, so that creatinine will not decline, even if the decline, it is also temporary.

Purpura Nephritis: Serum Creatinine Reduced From 517 to 205 Without Dialysis

Cleaning the blood toxin therapy as long as the damaged basement membrane repair, change the kidney structure, expand the glomerular filtration area, serum creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process, this time must prevent colds, control diet and Emotions, do not be tired, control blood pressure, blood sugar and other factors, to protect the kidney function. As long as the attention of these, serum creatinine will come down! In short, the reasons for the progress of kidney disease and more complex, for whatever reason, patients have to go to regular hospital treatment, do not blindly seek medical attention.

How Can I Avoid Kidney Failure With Purpura Nephritis

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

All-round care, treatment of chronic nephritis

Chronic nephritis patients can not just rely solely on technical treatment, but also a full range of nursing work, so as to have a better recovery effect, in order to help patients get rid of the disease as soon as possible, the following we introduce the full range of chronic nephritis Nursing knowledge.

6 Common Symptoms in Chronic Nephritis

First, the treatment of chronic kidney disease should be the first: the first treatment of chronic kidney disease is very long, so be patient, do not three days fishing two days drying network, choose effective treatment and long-term adherence is very important; There is confidence, chronic kidney disease is not easy to treat, but not not cure, and some can not cure, but adhere to long-term medication, or can achieve long-term remission of the effect; again is the recurrence rate of chronic nephritis is high, Some people on the treatment of long-term lack of thinking, coupled with chronic nephritis early no obvious symptoms, so patients tend to relax vigilance, can not adhere to long treatment, leading to deterioration of the disease.

Natural Remedies for Chronic Nephritis

Second, we should pay attention to self-protection, prevention of infection: any infection will aggravate the condition. Chronic nephritis in patients with the body than the normal immunity, it is easy to infection, so serious prevention. (Respiratory tract, urinary system and skin)
Third, work and rest: in daily life or work, whether it is manual labor or mental work, patients should pay attention to, excessive fatigue will increase the metabolism is not normal, thereby increasing the burden of renal function, so that kidney damage, so Rest more.
Fourth, to avoid taking drugs: improper use of drugs will directly damage the kidney function, leading to abnormal renal function, such as cold medicine and antibiotics.

Membranous Nephropathy And Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

5, dietary conditioning: when acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis, edema or hypertension should limit the intake of salt, the daily 2 to 3g is better, a high degree of edema should be limited to 2g daily, until the edema subsided, may be appropriate The increase in salt intake; patients should choose high-quality protein foods such as eggs, fish, milk, etc., avoid spicy food and pickled food; in the fruit is best not to eat bananas, bananas contain a lot of sodium, Excessive consumption is to increase the burden of edema, hypertension and kidney. To give adequate vitamins, especially to add vitamin c, because long-term chronic nephritis patients may have anemia, vitamin C can increase the absorption of iron, such as tomatoes, cucumber, green leafy vegetables, watermelon, citrus and natural fruit juice.

What To Do to Cure the Chronic Nephritis

Well care is the basis for the treatment of chronic nephritis, in the case of a good foundation for the treatment of disease, then, in the treatment will be much easier. Tips: must not be anxious to seek medical treatment, listen to rivers and lakes treatment remedies, must go to the regular kidney hospital for treatment, so as to avoid more serious consequences.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by 
E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Healthy Diet for Patients with Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic renal failure (CRF) is the progressive loss of kidney function. For CRF patients, in addition to accepting the traditional treatment, they also should pay attention to their diet in daily life. Then, what are the healthy diet for CRF patients?...
Chronic renal failure (CRF) is the progressive loss of kidney function. For CRF patients, in addition to accepting the traditional treatment, they also should pay attention to their diet in daily life. Then, what are the healthy diet for CRF patients?

What Food Can Control the Kidney Failure
1. Limit the salt intake
For patients, the kidneys can not work as normal, and too much salt will increase the burden of kidneys, cause more severe renal injury, too much salt will also aggravate edema. So, it is necessary to decrease the salt intake.

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2. Keep a low-protein diet
Because patients may present massive proteinuria, so, too much protein will exacerbate the symptom, it is not beneficial to relieve the condition.

3. Get rid of high-potassium foods
In chronic renal failure, due to the decline of GFR(glomerular filtration rate), kidneys can not adjust the balance of sodium and potassium, so patients will experience high potassium level. Thereby, avoiding the high-potassium foods is necessary. The common foods are laminaria japonica, broad bean, animal giblets and so on.
Except for the above diet limitation, patients should take some nutrients.

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Supply calcium element. Because patients will present hypocalcemia, so, they should take some high-calcium foods, such as milk, shrimp, soybean, peanut, etc, these foods can balance the shortage of calcium, it is beneficial to relieve illness condition.
Take more fresh fruits and vegetables. They should also take less high-quality protein, such as milk, eggs, lean, etc.

Besides, chronic renal failure patients should keep a good habit. For example, quit smoking and drinking, they should also take some moderate exercises, such as, Tai Chi, yoga, walking, jogging.

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Do you have any other questions?you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.