
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Urea nitrogen in patients with high dietary principles

Urea nitrogen in patients with high dietary principles Most kidney disease patients will appear creatinine, urea nitrogen high symptoms, in fact, this is caused by glomerular sclerosis and basement membrane damage. So in order to solve the problem of high nitrogen urea must start from the root cause. Let's take a look at the dietary principles of patients with high levels of urea nitrogen.

Because urea nitrogen is susceptible to dietary and renal blood flow, changes in diet are beneficial to reduce the development of urea nitrogen and the patient's condition.

1. Appropriate restrictions on protein intake. Because urea nitrogen is the final product of protein metabolism, limiting protein intake is beneficial to lower urea nitrogen. But do not limit too much, because the lack of protein intake, may cause low urea nitrogen. The best use of high quality protein, such as lean meat, eggs, milk, fish and so on.

2. limit the intake of fat. Because too much fat will increase the burden on the kidneys, and will inhibit the discharge of uric acid, so high blood urea should reduce the intake of fat, especially animal fat.

3. A lot of water. If the patient does not have the symptoms of edema, daily intake of 2000-3000 ml of water, because drinking water is conducive to uric acid and other discharge.

4. Eat rice and other cereals, because it contains guts of carbohydrates, which is conducive to the discharge of uric acid.

5. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure adequate intake of vitamins, especially vitamin B and vitamin C, such as citrus, apples and so on.

6. Prohibition of smoking. Because alcohol and tobacco poisoning is mainly on the kidney damage, and beer will inhibit the discharge of uric acid, but also damage the liver and so on.

7. Limit drugs with renal toxicity or inhibit uric acid excretion, especially some antihypertensive drugs, diuretics and other drugs.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921. 

How to reduce blood urea nitrogen

Urea nitrogen is an indicator of urine test. Some people in the physical examination found their own high levels of urea nitrogen, although the urea itself is non-toxic, but its level of increase will make you uncomfortable, will induce nausea, fatigue, skin itching, rash, etc. Smell and taste will be affected. The patient is very worried about his or her physical condition. So what exactly is it about? How can it be lowered to the normal level?

1. Identify the reasons for high urea nitrogenFirst, after learning that the urea nitrogen level is higher than the normal value, you have to conduct a thorough examination of the body to see what is the root cause of urea nitrogen in order to seek a reasonable treatment.

2. How to reduce high urea nitrogenHigh blood urea may be due to kidney damage, renal function decline. Urea nitrogen is a metabolite of protein in the human body, when the kidney is damaged, can not be discharged in time for these metabolic wastes, resulting in a large number of urea nitrogen deposition in the blood, causing blood urea nitrogen value increased. Of course, high urea nitrogen may also be due to other causes. In general, if the kidneys can not remove urea, dialysis should be used to help them filter. Of course, if high blood urea is caused by other reasons, to choose other methods for treatment.

For patients with elevated blood urea nitrogen, first, they should avoid any risk factors (such as preventing infection) and control the intake of protein. More importantly, to repair damaged kidneys, improve renal function. If you improve the renal filtration function, then the blood urea nitrogen can naturally reduce.

Traditional Chinese medicine infiltration of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is the treatment of kidney disease caused by elevated blood urea nitrogen a natural and effective method. The treatment is through the expansion of blood vessels, providing active substances, blocking fibrosis and start the damaged kidney cells self-repair capacity.By increasing the blood flow to the kidneys, to provide nutrients for the kidneys and repair damaged kidney cells to improve the function of the kidneys to achieve the purpose of natural blood urea nitrogen.

Second, patients with nephropathy in the beginning of micro-traditional Chinese medicine treatment before the need for a comprehensive examination of the body, and then according to the disease to determine the use of micro-traditional Chinese medicine time and frequency. In the condition has been greatly improved, the patient or the patient's family can learn how to medication, at home to continue treatment, consolidate the effect, to prevent recurrence.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber:008615132830921.