
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

The best way to treat creatinine 3.8 for renal failure

Renal failure patients with higher levels of creatinine, in addition, patients also experienced a variety of symptoms of poisoning, renal failure. Therefore, some patients are eager to know what is lowering the creatinine 3.8 with renal failure drugs.

What Herbal Medicine to Take in to Lower Creatinine Level

To be honest, it is easy to take some drugs to reduce creatinine 3.8. But what is the main cause of high creatinine? Under normal circumstances, the kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood to drain a variety of wastes and toxins, including creatinine, urea and excess water. When the kidneys do not function, a lot of toxins and waste accumulate in the blood, resulting in increased levels of creatinine. In addition, in the event of high creatinine, more than 50% of renal function is impaired. Creatinine 3.8 means that your condition is at the third stage of renal failure, which is a critical stage of kidney disease and requires the patient to receive treatment as soon as possible to prevent further damage.
How to Reduce Creatinine 831 without Dialysis

Detoxification therapy is a cure that gradually removes all toxins and gradually withdraws the product from the body, not only to improve the health of the internal environment to repair the sick kidney, but also to improve other treatment. Therefore, the removal of various toxins to repair sick kidney plays an important role.
Is Mangosteen Tea Good for Patients with High Creatinine Level

In a healthy, clean internal environment, micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy can most effectively repair diseased kidney cells and tissues. This is an external application, in this therapy contains a lot of herbs, in addition, herbs refined into powder to improve its efficiency. By connecting the osmotic machine and the two packs, the active substance in the herbal medicine will penetrate directly into the kidney lesion and directly replenishes the blood, oxygen and nutrients in the kidney. In addition to other treatments such as medicine bath, foot bath, hot therapy, acupuncture therapy is also used to restore renal function.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.  

A treatment for the treatment of kidney disease without dialysis

Today, dialysis is still a better treatment to help patients, but dialysis also allows patients to experience many discomfort. Therefore, patients need to try to treat kidney disease and do not need dialysis.
In order to help patients eliminate all kinds of toxins, do not need dialysis, many kidney experts work in the Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for many years, and carried out a series of natural treatment of kidney disease treatment.

How to Treat Kidney Failure Without Dialysis

The use of these treatments can help patients to treat kidney disease without dialysis, because these treatments can restore renal function. As long as the renal function is improved, dialysis will naturally be gradually avoided. And what should the patient do to improve kidney function?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: A Magic Therapy for Kidney Failure

First, the detoxification therapy is a cure for various toxins, completely from the treatment of waste products in vitro, for the gradual repair of diseased cells and tissues play an important role. In this therapy, there are huge herbs in helping patients to restore renal function has a significant function. In addition, the herbal refined into powder, improve efficiency, connect the infiltration machine and two medicine bags, herbal active substances will penetrate directly into the kidney. At the same time, you can also directly in the kidney to send enough blood, oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, the sick kidney will naturally be gradually restored.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure

In natural and clean environment, natural therapy can achieve the best results. Micro-traditional Chinese medicine by extending the blood vessels, promote blood circulation, regulate blood pressure, the release of blood hypoxia and ischemia, the sick kidney repair. In addition, other treatments involve medicated bath, foot bath, hot therapy for nourishing the kidneys and restore renal function.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.  

Urine urinary 3 + patients how to exercise

Under normal circumstances, the kidneys have the function of filtering the blood, in the glomerular filtration mask under the effect of red blood cells in the blood can not be filtered into the urine. Once the urine occult blood, then the kidneys are damaged, glomerular filtration rate function decreased glomerular filtration membrane permeability increased. Urinary occult blood 3 + that renal dysfunction is more serious, if not timely treatment, kidney disease will rapidly deteriorate. But life is the movement, urinary occult blood 3 + how to exercise it?
1. Select the appropriate sports project
Each patient and each patient's physical condition is different, hobbies are different, so the choice of sports project will be different. And each kind of sports project has different indications or contraindications, so in the choice of sports project according to the disease may be.
2. Step by step, perseverance
Only to step by step, perseverance, in order to achieve efficacy; too hasty, arbitrary increase in exercise, it will lead to excessive fatigue in patients, which directly affect the effect of exercise therapy, and even increase the burden on the kidney to aggravate the condition.
3. Sports combined with good environment and other therapies
Outdoor exercise is more beneficial than the indoor exercise; exercise therapy and massage, traction combined, more conducive to the rehabilitation of the disease; exercise therapy and physical therapy match, can reduce the fatigue, but also improve the efficacy.
4. Elderly patients should also pay attention to strengthening self-movement surveillance
The elderly due to low body immunity, the function will decline. So we must strictly strengthen the self-movement surveillance. In case of discomfort, it should be stagnant exercise, appropriate exercise time and frequency of exercise, exercise time is not more than half an hour, every day 1-2 times the movement, the heart rate after the event is 120 times, no palpitation, asthma and so on.
Urinary occult blood 3 + patients how to exercise it? Believe that you should have a general understanding. Appropriate exercise can help patients improve immunity and prevent disease from deteriorating. So we must pay attention to the choice of sports and exercise, to prevent the effect of doing more with less. In addition, we must maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail :,or WhatsApp : 008615132830921.


Nephrotic syndrome can cure

Nephrotic syndrome, the incidence of a wide range of people, up to the elderly, down to infants and young children are likely to disease, according to the expert's long-term clinical experience concluded that nephrotic syndrome has four main features:
1. Large amounts of proteinuria 2. Hypoproteinemia 3. Hypercholesterolemia 4. Severe systemic edema.
In fact, most of the nephrotic syndrome can be clinically controlled, but this requires a variety of factors with:

Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria and Swelling:Ideas on What I Can Do

1. must be for the pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome treatment. The main cause of nephrotic syndrome is the function of the patient's kidney cells long-term ischemia, hypoxia, overload work and damage, due to various reasons, such as inflammation or immune complex deposition, glomerular basement membrane Filtration hole increases. Protein, red blood cells and other substances appear in the patient's urine, the external manifestations of proteinuria, hematuria and other symptoms. Identify the cause, control of proteinuria and hematuria in order to reduce the damage to the kidneys.
How to Treat Proteinuria++ and Creatinine 2.8 in Nephrotic Syndrome

2. To alleviate the complications of nephrotic syndrome such as edema, dyslipidemia and other symptoms. For these two symptoms, Western medicine in this area have a significant effect, hormone drugs in the short term to alleviate the nephrotic syndrome in patients with protein in the urine, alleviate a large number of proteinuria caused by hypoproteinemia and other issues. Diuretics can quickly resolve the symptoms of the patient's edema. Take Western medicine, try to use less damage to the kidneys, to avoid nephrotic syndrome, the patient's condition deteriorated. For patients with severe nephrotic syndrome, clinical hormones and immunosuppressive agents in combination, to minimize the side effects of Western medicine, and allow drugs to interact effectively in the body to treat the disease.
What Are the Causes of Relapse in Nephrotic Syndrome

3. In the diet should also be strictly controlled, do not eat high protein foods, because high protein foods accelerate the development of nephrotic syndrome. In order to avoid aggravating edema, daily should be low-salt diet. Nephrotic syndrome patients are often accompanied by hyperlipidemia, which can cause arteriosclerosis and glomerular injury and sclerosis, so eat animal offal, fat and other high cholesterol and high fat foods. Nephrotic syndrome patients due to glomerular basement membrane permeability increased, but also a large number of missing trace elements, should be appropriate to supplement the trace elements per meal, eat more vegetables, fruits, grains and other foods rich in vitamins and cellulose.
What Does Nephrotic Syndrome Patient Need on Diet

4. Positive attitude with the treatment is also very important, people will be optimistic about the immune system will rise, there must be to restore health confidence, with the doctor treatment, negative psychology is one of the factors of deterioration of nephrotic syndrome, so negative psychology is absolutely some.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, 
you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.