
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Chinese Medicine Make My Swelling Disappear in 15 Days

My name is ESSA. I’m from Pakistan and 65 years old. I suffered 10 years of polydypsia, polyuria and polyphagia diabetes. Three month ago, I found my serum creatinine increased to 3.Even worse, my lower limbs began to show serious swelling, and I could not get out of bed. My doctor told me that I would have to dialysis soon. Fortunately, through the Internet searching, I found the China kidney disease hospital.

I never thought that only 15 days of treatment, my swelling disappeared.

After arriving the Chinese hospital, the doctor first gave me a check, which shows that my blood pressure is 140/90, hemoglobin is 119, protein+, occult blood+- and uric acid 580. According to my condition, the doctor arranged many treatment for me. For example, medicine detoxification treatment, heat treatment, foot bath therapy etc.

My swelling disappeared after 15 days of treatment. The re-examination showed that blood pressure 120/80, protein in normal, occult blood- and uric acid 354. I am pleased that my urine volume increased from 700 to 1500.

The aim to share my story is telling the diabetic patient don’t give up the hope of treatment.
If you want to get more treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Viber / Phone Number: 008615132830921