
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

6 kidneys rule

Keep an active lifestyle
Multiple exercise helps reduce blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of chronic kidney disease. For kidney health, should actively exercise, walking, running and riding a bike is a good way to exercise.
Monitor blood pressure
Many people know that high blood pressure can lead to stroke or heart attack, and little is known that high blood pressure is the most common cause of kidney damage. Normal blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg, blood pressure between 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg between the early high blood pressure, this time should be actively improve the lifestyle. If you are suffering from diabetes, hyperlipidemia or cardiovascular disease, then high blood pressure is more likely to lead to kidney damage.
Control blood sugar
Diabetic patients have a risk of kidney damage of about 50%, but if found earlier, diabetes-induced kidney damage can be reduced or prevented. Therefore, patients with diabetes should regularly measure blood sugar, keep blood sugar stable, it is possible to ensure normal renal function.
Ensure healthy drinking water every day
Although a number of clinical studies have not reached a consensus on maintaining healthy drinking water and other beverage intake, the traditional view has long been recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. The researchers found that a large number of drinking water helps the kidneys to discharge sodium, urea and body a variety of toxins, and thus significantly reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease. In addition, the daily drinking water because of gender, exercise, weather, health status, pregnancy, breastfeeding and other factors and there are great differences, such as kidney stones per day drinking water should be 2 to 3 liters to prevent the formation of new stones.
do not smoke
Smoking will slow down the blood supply to the kidneys, the less blood into the kidney, it will damage the normal functioning of renal function. Smoking also increases the risk of kidney cancer by about 50%.
Pay attention to diet and keep healthy weight
This helps prevent diabetes, heart disease and other diseases associated with chronic kidney disease. One of the keys to maintaining a healthy diet is to reduce salt intake, suggesting that salt intake per person per day should be controlled at 5 to 6 grams (about 1 teaspoon of salt). In order to effectively reduce salt, should also try to limit the processing of food and food food intake, do not add more salt in the food. Choose fresh ingredients, prepare their own meals, but also a good way to salt.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's 

why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services 

online.There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment


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