
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Renal cyst patients should pay attention

First, the mentality of patients with renal cysts

Kidney cyst patients to maintain an optimistic and progressive thinking, to establish the confidence to overcome the disease: renal cystic disease is congenital and acquired factors of the interaction of various factors, scientific research found that all those factors can be changed or controlled to eliminate, and thus , Must not be pessimistic disappointment, Moreover, optimistic about the emotions can improve people's immunity, is conducive to overcome the disease.

Second, kidney cysts diet:
(Including pepper, alcohol, shrimp, crab, etc.), contaminated do not eat (including rotten deterioration, leftovers leftovers, etc.), barbecue (including pickled) Class do not eat, and renal insufficiency or late renal failure, poison should also pay attention to beans and their products do not eat, limit animal high protein food, greasy food.

Third, renal cyst patients should pay attention to rest:
(Including blood pressure, urine, renal function and B-ultrasound); to avoid all the nephrotoxic drugs; relatives (including blood pressure, urine, bone function and B-ultrasound); to avoid all the nephrotoxic drugs; (Parents, brothers and sisters and children) for B-ultrasound.

Fourth, renal cyst patients should actively prevent infection:
Mainly urinary tract and cyst infection more common in women.
Preventive measures:
    1, bath with shower;
    2, avoid holding urine;
    3, after the stool toilet paper rub back
    4, often pay attention to genital hygiene;
    5, sexual life before serving nifedipine two, immediately after urination and clean the vulva;
     6, try to avoid catheterization and other urinary tract equipment more

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Early renal cysts

Some patients with renal cysts asymptomatic, some patients due to the cyst itself and increased pressure inside the capsule and infection will occur, early symptoms of renal cysts are as follows:

Early renal cysts in patients with proteinuria generally not days, the day the urine of the protein will not exceed 2g.

Renal cysts will oppress to the kidneys, the formation of renal ischemia, so that increased secretion of renin, causing high blood pressure. Renal cysts in patients with renal dysfunction, the incidence of hypertension more than 50%.

Waist and abdomen pain
Patients with back pain is due to kidney swelling and expansion, so that renal capsule increased, kidney pedicle by pulling or causing the adjacent organs caused by extrusion. At the same time, renal cysts lead to increased renal water content in patients, the kidneys become heavy and fall to cause low back pain. If kidney stones, then there will be renal more

There are unique and systemic treatments in our hospital which have got highest
praise and recognition , such as Toxin-Removing Treatment and herbal treatment
 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921

our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

Diabetic nephropathy

"About 30% -40% of diabetic patients may be associated with diabetic nephropathy, early diabetic nephropathy clinical symptoms are not obvious, may only microalbuminuria, it is not easy to cause the patient's attention.Even once the clinical proteinuria, half of patients In 5 years may develop for renal failure, must attach great importance to early prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy.

Chronic kidney disease is mainly caused by infection; and diabetic nephropathy and eating habits. Data from the public in recent years, China's proportion of chronic nephritis decreased year by year, while the incidence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly increased. Clinical investigation found that diabetic nephropathy to 40 to 60 years old in the elderly population, and was younger trend, more than 20 years of age patients are not uncommon.

"Ten years ago, patients with chronic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy patients less than 10%, and now increased to more than 25%, which by the chronic disease 'pro-Lai' of the elderly, diabetic nephropathy is also more and more. Of the bad eating habits is the main cause of increased diabetic nephropathy, and now many people's lives, eating habits increasingly Westernization, resulting in more and more people have high blood pressure, diabetes and other "rich disease." And long-term excessive calorie diet, insulin secretion of the pancreas can not keep up with the needs of the human body, resulting in blood sugar conversion function blocked, resulting in blood sugar levels have been higher than the normal level, an increase of kidney load, and ultimately irreversible damage to the kidney, induced kidney disease The

For patients with diabetic nephropathy, the most important thing is to control the intake of diet, in particular, to control the intake of fat and sugar intake, eat more fruits and vegetables. In addition, but also to develop the habit of more exercise, through exercise to consume excess calories, promote sugar decomposition, reduce the burden on the kidneys.

 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921
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Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetes will be accompanied by a variety of complications, often involving the kidneys, early manifestations of the kidney becomes larger, increased glomerular blood flow, increased glomerular pressure, the filtration rate also increased, when the glomerular filtration rate increased More than the normal 40%, the patient will appear microalbuminuria, and this time the general urine test paper to detect urine protein was negative, only to do 24 hours of microalbuminuria quantitative detection can be found, if the amount of microalbuminuria 30 ~ 300mg / 24h, can be diagnosed as diabetic nephropathy (early).

Prevention of diabetic nephropathy:

First, change the way of life. Diabetic patients must quit smoking and drinking. As we all know, tobacco and alcohol is a major threat to human health, for the special physical condition of patients with diabetes, should quit smoking and alcohol, while at least 100 minutes a week to aerobic exercise, to avoid sedentary long lying.

Second, control protein intake. In the strict control of total calorie on the basis of diabetes patients should also control the intake of protein, the general daily protein intake of 1.0g / kg or so, and recommended to contain essential amino acids more high-quality animal protein (such as eggs, Dairy, lean meat, fish, etc.), you can eat less food, eat more vegetables, appropriate intake of fruit.

Third, regular drug treatment. In recent years, many clinical studies have shown that angiotensin receptor blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors can reduce glomerular capillary pressure and reduce microalbuminuria in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy (early) , Thus preventing and delaying the occurrence and development of diabetic nephropathy. Patients with hyperlipidemia, on the basis of diet control, often need to take certain drugs to control blood lipids. Kidney is the body to clear the body of metabolites and some waste, toxic organs, especially in the New Year, the face of the rich table, gluttonous meal is inevitable, the burden of the kidney will be correspondingly increased, the protection of the kidney is very important.

Fourth, control blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids. Diabetic patients should also pay attention to monitoring blood pressure at home, blood sugar (fasting and postprandial) and timely records, treatment can be provided to the admissions doctor, easy to normal blood pressure, blood glucose levels to adjust medication. Beijing recommended diabetes hospital Chen Weiya experts advise, for each diabetic patients, their blood pressure control target is not exactly the same, generally require control in the 130 / 80mmHg or so. Fasting blood glucose is generally controlled at 5 ~ 7mmol / L, 2 hours after meals 9 ~ 11mmol / L, generally about 6.5% glycosylated hemoglobin.

 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.