
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Lupus nephritis etiology

The etiology of SLE and lupus nephritis (LN) is not yet fully defined. Mainly due to a number of factors, such as genetic, viral infection, immune abnormalities, sunlight or ultraviolet radiation, some drugs induced and estrogen and other autoimmune inflammatory diseases. Its induced kidney disease (ie, LN) is typical of autoimmune complex nephritis.
     1. immune genetic defects
SLE and genetic factors related to the incidence of the family as high as 3% to 12%, there is a clear tendency to gather the family. In the SLE patients with a wide range of studies found that SLE closely related genes found in some of the HLA gene sites, especially the HLA DR region, HLA phenotype was polymorphic. Studies have shown that haploid HLA B8 / DR2 in the population is more likely to produce hypersensitivity to cellular and humoral reactions; this may be due to the presence of HLA-encoded polymorphisms in T and B lymphocytes and antigens For T inhibition of cell dysfunction, autoantibodies and globulin increased. It is now believed that the SLE susceptibility gene is a gene of different structures of T cell antigen receptors. Recent studies have found that some of the T cell B chain polypeptide structure and HLA DR in the same individual at the same time, improve the possibility of the pathogenesis of SLE. In addition, SLE also has a variety of complement defects, such as C2, C1q, C1r, C1s, C4, C5, C8 and Bf, TNF, C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency. These complement components or genetic defects, can affect the traditional complement activation pathway, increase the body's sensitivity to infection and other factors and SLE susceptibility related.

2. external environmental factors
Induced or aggravated SLE many external factors, including chronic infection, drugs, physical factors, emotional stimuli, living environment and so are more important.
Commonly known as chronic viral infection, under the electron microscope found in patients with SLE patients with tube-like inclusion bodies, and vice mucin nuclear protein and core tubular structure similar, but further study that this is a cell damage non-specific which performed. It was also found in SLE patients with glomerular endothelial cell plasma, vascular endothelial cells, lesions were found similar inclusion body material. But the inclusion of body-like substances from the organization has not been able to separate the virus, so the relationship between these substances and virus infection to be confirmed. In SLE patients, there are a variety of high titer antiviral antibodies, such as anti-measles, anti-rubella, anti-parainfluenza, anti-EB virus, anti-epidemic mumps, anti-stick virus and other antibodies. In patients with serum ds-DNA, dsRNA and RNA-DNA and other retrovirus antibodies. It has also been suggested that the incidence of SLE and C-type RNA virus is closely related. In general, there are many indications that viral infection may be one of the causes of SLE, but has not yet confirmed the virus infection and SLE patients with immune regulation abnormalities and autoimmune. In addition, some people think that the incidence of SLE and tuberculosis or streptococcal infection.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

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There are unique and veutions in our hospital which have got many praise and Recognition, such as Toxin-Removing Treatment and herbal treatment method.

Prevention of chronic nephritis

Prevention of chronic nephritis is the most fundamental way to improve the body disease prevention and disease resistance and reduce the chance of infection, for the cause of prevention.

1) to avoid overwork,
Mental stress: overwork, open night car, exam pressure and so on, can make chronic nephritis worse. Have a good living habits, to maintain a regular life. Usually have to arrange a reasonable living system, and more to participate in appropriate activities to strengthen physical exercise, but should avoid fatigue. Reasonable nutrition, enhance physical fitness and body resistance. Pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental sanitation clean, to develop good living habits, and keep the mood relaxed and happy, and strengthen self-care awareness.

2) Beware of bacterial or viral infections:
Bacteria or virus infection is the most common cause of acute nephritis, especially upper respiratory tract infection, asymptomatic bacteriuria, influenza, pharyngitis, bronchial bronchitis, etc., may increase the symptoms of chronic nephritis.
Active prevention and treatment of infection lesions, and actively prevent acute nephritis. Reduce the chance of infection, to prevent cold and cold, to prevent colds, suppurative tonsillitis, skin purulent infection and other diseases; once infected with the above disease or acute nephritis and other primary glomerular disease, to give timely and thorough Treatment, acute nephritis patients with chronic infection in patients with stable disease in 3 to 6 months, if necessary, surgery and other methods can be used to prevent the development of such diseases continue to develop chronic nephritis.

3) attention to diet nutrition:
Nephritis patients to avoid high-protein diet, pay attention to food safety, eat more fresh fruits and natural food. To species diversity, with a reasonable, light and delicious for the principle.Pay attention to their own monitoring. Consciously when the body discomfort, such as the emergence of nocturia, loss of appetite, waist discomfort or soreness, especially in the morning after eyelid facial edema and voiding abnormalities, suggesting that there may be kidney disease, to the hospital Check, in order to facilitate the early diagnosis and treatment, the prevention of the disease also has an important role.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Click this link, Understanding Kidney Disease or you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.
There are unique and veutions in our hospital which have got many praise and
Recognition, such as Toxin-Removing Treatment and herbal treatment method.

For dialysis patients with kidney disease diet should pay attention

Because the early kidney disease has not been the fundamental treatment, and finally developed into uremia embarked on the dialysis of the road. Dialysis is only the use of external factors to replace the function of the kidney, kidney damage, the body of some metabolites can not be normal discharge.

1, dialysis patients pay attention to protein intake: the use of high quality bio-potent animal protein-based, such as milk, eggs, fish, lean meat, add all kinds of essential amino acids. Plant soybeans, although peanut contains high protein, but must contain less amino acids, should not eat.

2, dialysis patients pay attention to protein calorie intake: under normal circumstances 30 ~ 45kcal / kg / d, depending on individual differences.

3, dialysis patients pay attention to protein calcium and other substances added: calcium, zinc and iron, and a sufficient amount of B vitamins

4, dialysis patients pay attention to protein water limit: the general daily control weight gain 0.5kg is appropriate, dialysis interval too much water can lead to water poisoning and cardiovascular complications.

5, dialysis patients pay attention to protein sodium: sodium should be limited to 2 ~ 3g per day to prevent high blood pressure and heart failure.

6, dialysis patients pay attention to protein potassium limit: limit the intake of potassium to prevent hyperkalemia.

7, dialysis patients pay attention to protein phosphorus: high phosphorus and low calcium can cause metabolic bone disease, to avoid eating high phosphorus foods such as animal heart, brain, kidney, liver, plant soybeans, peanuts and other food.

8, dialysis patients pay attention to protein Diabetic nephropathy in patients with dietary considerations in addition to follow the principles of diabetic nephropathy treatment, the following should pay attention to the following:

After dialysis due to improved condition, increased appetite, diet, the total calories and protein should be appropriate before dialysis increased. Each dialysis about lost protein 2 ~ 3.5g. After dialysis, the protein content of the diet is given from 1 to 1.2 g / kg body weight per day, and 2 eggs per day, 5OOml of milk, and the amount of fish, meat, etc. are large for hemodialysis, and the diet should be supplemented with rich iron content And vitamin C food to eat low-phosphorus diet, but also add aluminum hydroxide to reduce the absorption of phosphorus dialysis a large number of vitamin loss should be given enough vitamin B and vitamin C.

Click this link, Understanding Kidney Disease or you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.
There are unique and veutions in our hospital which have got many praise and
Recognition, such as Toxin-Removing Treatment and herbal treatment method

Kidney disease

Kidney disease is a multiple disease, to the patient's health to bring a great threat, if not cure the disease, then, will lead to other complications, then serious kidney dysfunction what harm it?

1. To the cardiovascular aspects of the harm: If the patient suffers from severe renal insufficiency, it will lead to vascular calcium, hypertension, arrhythmia, pericarditis, heart failure, myocardial damage, hardening of the arteries.
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2. To the hematopoietic aspects of the harm: severe renal insufficiency patients one of the most obvious symptoms is severe anemia. Disease development to the late when there may be bleeding tendency, more common symptoms of epistaxis, ecchymosis.

3. To the respiratory side of the harm: renal insufficiency in the late when there may be pleurisy, uremic bronchitis, pneumonia and so on.
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4. To the digestion of the hazards: renal insufficiency patients will be diarrhea, mouth urine smell, vomiting, nausea and other symptoms, serious cases may occur in the case of gastrointestinal bleeding. The following are the same as the "
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5. To the mental and neurological aspects of the harm: the spirit of severe renal insufficiency patients is not very good, and will feel the body without any effort, will feel dizziness, headache, memory will be worse than before, often sleep at night Do not feel, his hands and feet numbness of the situation, there will be convulsions, coma, hand, foot incest, delirium, muscle fibrillation and other symptoms.

6. Harm to the skin: The skin of patients with severe renal insufficiency appears to be luster and the skin will dry and desquamate.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. Through our four parts--KIDNEY DISEASES, OUR TREATMENT, SYMPTOMS A~Z AND TEST, you can get a full understanding of your kidney condition.

Hydronephrosis etiology

(A) the cause of the disease

Hydronephrosis can be divided into primary and secondary two. Primary hydronephrosis, also known as congenital hydronephrosis, spontaneous hydronephrosis, idiopathic hydronephrosis. The most important cause is the obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction, which is often due to the part of the muscle cells by a large number of collagen fibers separated, lost the normal arrangement, can not effectively transmit from the pacing cells of electrical activity, blocking the normal peristalsis The transmission.

Congenital hydronephrosis and more caused by mechanical obstruction, the main reasons are: ① ectopic blood vessels: such as from the lower pole of the vagal vasoconstriction; ② fiber cord; ③ ureteropelvic high insertion; ④ ureteropelvic junction stenosis (Obstruction of ureteropelvic junction, UPJO) and valvular; ⑤ membranous adhesions caused by local ureter tortuosity. Congenital hydronephrosis can also be caused by the cause of power, such as segmental non-dynamic dysfunction.Secondary hydronephrosis due to other diseases caused by the urinary system, through routine examination can generally find the primary disease, some diseases need to pass a special examination (such as CT, magnetic resonance imaging, etc.) to confirm the diagnosis. These diseases include: ① upper urinary tract obstructive lesions, tumors, polyps, stones, tuberculosis, inflammation, injury, deformity, diverticulum, renal ptosis, etc .; ② upper urinary tract external compression, abdominal, pelvic or retroperitoneal mass , Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, ectopic blood vessels, pregnancy and menstrual congestion of the ovarian vein compression; ③ lower urinary tract obstructive lesions, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, urethral stricture, vesicoureteral reflux and so on.

(B) the pathogenesis

The normal function of the urinary system is the formation, storage and discharge of urine. The formation of urine is composed of glomerular filtration, renal tubular secretion and reabsorption. Under normal circumstances, the renal pelvis contraction, diastolic coordination action, resulting in renal pelvis hydrostatic pressure of about 10cm H2O or so, to ensure the smooth passage of urine. When the urinary tract obstruction, the renal pelvic pressure can be increased to 50 ~ 70cm H2O, on the one hand to increase the capsule pressure, on the other hand to reduce the glomerular capillary pressure, the glomerular filtration pressure reduced until the stop. The back pressure of the urine of the renal tubular distal expansion, proximal degeneration, loss of the original secretion and reabsorption function. Due to increased intracranial pressure to the blood vessels pressure, especially the output of the glomerular artery after compression, renal tissue nutrition disorders, renal papillary degeneration atrophy, from convex deformity, renal tubular system degeneration and renal thinning, And finally atrophy into fibrous tissue cysts. Observation of the ureteropelvic junction with optical and electron microscopy, mainly in the wall muscle changes, such as collagen tissue proliferation, deposition and fibrous tissue infiltration, which may be caused by local stenosis and then the main reason for the formation of obstruction. Ureteral contraction of the rhythm, urine retention can also form an obstruction. This is part of the hydronephrosis in patients with renal pelvis and ureteral connection lumen although smooth but can still lead to obstruction reasons. Renal effusion is not static, but often cycle. In the water after 2 weeks, the renal ureter urine urea was significantly reduced, while the glucose and chloride has increased significantly. Renal pelvis and re-absorption of the way may be: ① calyx bulb venous reflux; ② renal tubular reflux; ③ interstitial reflux; ④ lymphatic reflux. So acute obstruction if within 5 to 6 weeks to lift the obstruction, renal function can still be restored, which also prompted us to hydronephrosis, especially acute obstruction, can not easily decide the line of renal resection. After the formation of obstruction after the formation of hydronephrosis, depending on the severity of obstruction (obstruction is to continue to develop), renal pelvis adaptability (buffer) and the rate of urine flow, if the relative balance, you can stop the development, Thus stabilizing in the mild hydronephrosis stage.

Symptoms of early kidney insufficiency

Early renal insufficiency patients because the symptoms are not very obvious so it is easy to ignore the treatment, missed the best treatment period, hope to help everyone.

1. urine, urinary protein symptoms increased. Chronic kidney disease patients with urinary protein, hematuria symptoms, the early stages of the disease failed to effectively control, the urine protein, hematuria symptoms will continue to increase, there are moderate and severe urine protein, hematuria, general proteinuria 3 +, or even 4 +.

2. Body swelling increased. Chronic edema of patients with chronic kidney disease showed only early morning edema, or mild edema of the lower limbs, and into the stage of chronic renal failure, the edema will spread to the body of the major parts, facial, lower limbs, and even ascites, Pericardial effusion and so on.

3. Blood pressure is high. From the early progress of chronic kidney disease to early stage of renal insufficiency, the patient's glomerular injury is serious, glomerular ischemia and hypoxia continued, the blood pressure in the body can not be alleviated, there will be sustained high pressure state, that is, kidney Hypertension. In turn, high blood pressure also increases the burden on the kidneys, which constitute a vicious circle, kidney damage and promote mutual deterioration of hypertension. Early renal failure symptoms In addition to the above three typical performance, the patient may also appear other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, the body cold, etc., and check the renal function can be expressed in the blood of liver and urea nitrogen indicators increased.

For the first time these patients are diagnosed with chronic renal failure in patients with early symptoms of renal failure can be wary of the following points. Such as physical discomfort, nausea and vomiting, poor quality of sleep, no appetite and other issues; body edema, urine output decreased, nocturia increased; anemia performance, often cold, tired; and even diarrhea may occur, Drowsiness, decreased libido and other abnormalities.

There are unique and systemic treatments in our hospital which have got highest praise and recognition , such as Toxin-Removing Treatment and herbal treatment method


Chronic nephritis due to various causes of renal cell damage, glomerular selection of filtration dysfunction, the original can not leak a large number of proteins with urine exclusion, urinary routine test indicators show urine protein positive "+" " ++ "or more. Therefore, the treatment of chronic nephritis, especially for the treatment of proteinuria, need to repair the damaged kidney cells as a starting point for treatment. After more than 200 cases of chronic nephritis treated by micro-traditional Chinese medicine, it was obtained that the repair of the damaged kidney cells in place, especially the remnant of glomerular epithelial cells in place, after the corresponding glomerular Selective filtering function can also be repaired, once the selective filtration function is repaired, you can restore the function to prevent the protein from continuing to leak. So as long as the damaged epithelial cells in place, the patient's urine protein leakage will gradually reduce the damage to the repair of glomerular epithelial cells is a long process, there is a certain objective repair law, so proteinuria The disappearance of micro-traditional Chinese medicine is a long-term treatment of blockade therapy.

Because chronic glomerulonephritis referred to as chronic nephritis, refers to proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure, edema as the basic clinical manifestations, different ways of disease, disease progression, slow progress of the disease can be different degrees of renal dysfunction, Development of a group of glomerular diseases with chronic renal failure. There are many ways to treat chronic nephritis, and diet on the recovery of patients with a certain effect, especially in the summer, the choice of melon treatment of chronic nephritis, which is conducive to the recovery of patients. This article for everyone to explain some of the therapeutic side with melon, hope to help patients.

There are unique and systemic treatments in our hospital which have got highest praise and recognition , such as Toxin-Removing Treatment and herbal treatment method