
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How to reduce the high creatinine of polycystic kidney disease

Under normal circumstances, the kidneys have to maintain the function of the body balance, the body's creatinine value is also maintained in a stable range, when the body too much accumulation of creatinine, the kidneys will be excess creatinine excreted. 

However, if the body's long-term high creatine value, then the kidney is damaged, in clinical, creatinine value is one of the main indicators of renal function.

Polycystic Kidney Disease with Creatinine 5.5


For healthy men, the creatinine value of 0.6-1.2mg / dL is normal, for healthy women, creatinine value of 0.5-1.1mg / dL is normal. However, for patients with polycystic kidney disease, long-term oppression of the kidneys due to lack of adequate oxygen and blood, coupled with some inflammatory response, can not work, it can not be discharged from the body too much creatinine, it also produced High creatinine.

However, high creatinine damage to patients is very large, creatinine accumulation in the body also formed toxins, when the creatinine value to a certain extent, the body will appear a series of symptoms, dizziness, nausea and so on, so reduce the high creatinine It is vital. So how to reduce the polycystic kidney of the high creatinine?

How Can We Lower 5.7 Creatinine without Dialysis for PKD Patients

Creatinine increase in the root causes of kidney damage, can not work, so repair damaged kidneys, improve renal function is the fundamental measure to reduce the high creatinine.In China, micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine and blood purification therapy in the reduction of polycystic kidney creatinine on the effect is significant. Blood purification therapy is a dialysis upgrade therapy, which has six sub-treatments, including dialysis. This therapy can help patients selectively exclude toxins from the body, reduce the outflow of nutrients, the patient's kidney repair to provide a good environment, and no side effects.

Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is the traditional Chinese medicine innovation therapy, this therapy is a topical therapy, the drug ingredients can effectively penetrate into the kidney lesions, the role of the kidney, by expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation of harmful substances To repair the damaged kidney cells, rebuild the original structure of the kidney, restore renal function.

ADPKD Patients with Creatinine 4.5: What Can We Do

The combination of these two therapies can be used to fundamentally reduce the polycystic kidney of the high creatinine, the treatment of polycystic kidney disease. If you are interested in our treatment, or have any other questions, you can consult our online doctor for free or leave a message below, we will promptly reply to you.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

Reversal of polycystic kidney disease by traditional Chinese medicine

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary nephropathy, in which many cysts grow on the kidneys. And the cysts are getting bigger and bigger. As a result, the expansion of the cyst will cause damage to renal function. Can Chinese medicine reverse this damage?

How Could I Receive Herbal Treatment for PKD

In patients with polycystic kidney disease, there will be a lot of cysts and growth in the kidney, in addition, the expansion of the cysts will oppress the normal cells and tissues, seriously affecting kidney function. With the decline in renal function, a large number of waste products and toxic substances can not be completely excluded from the body.

The deposition of toxins and waste products causes further damage to kidney cells and tissues. Often, surgery is usually used to eliminate cysts.

However, most patients do not want to use surgery to treat contraction of renal cysts, simply because surgery can not handle cysts at all, surgery can only eliminate large cysts and cysts outside the kidney, but not small cysts and cysts within the kidneys.

Chinese Medicines for PKD Patients with Creatinine 3.34

Elimination of large size cysts provides a lot of space for the growth of small cysts. So you need to do surgery again to remove the cyst. In fact, surgery can not reverse polycystic kidney disease.

Reversal of renal cysts should focus on fundamentally contracting renal cysts. Fortunately, a natural therapy known as micro-drug penetration therapy is based on the development of traditional Chinese medicine, it can naturally and thoroughly play the role of shrinkage cysts.This treatment contains a large amount of Chinese herbal medicine, and they are refined into powder to improve efficiency. The powder was collected in two drug bags and placed in the low back area for about 30-40 minutes.

What Herbs Can Be Used for PKD Patients

By connecting the osmolator and the two pockets, the active substance in the herbal medicine will come out and then penetrate directly into the kidney lesion. On the one hand, it shrinks the renal cyst by preventing the release of the active substance in the epithelial cells. On the other hand, it promotes the excretion of cyst fluid by increasing the blood circulation of the surface of the kidney cyst.

This treatment is about 2 weeks, cysts decrease, this treatment is about 4 weeks, the cyst will be significantly reduced. With the contracting of the kidney cysts, your kidney function will naturally and gradually recover, and then your disease will be reversed.


If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem,you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921. 
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.