
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine is beneficial to dialysis patients

Although dialysis is a common treatment for patients with renal failure, it usually causes patients to experience many discomfort, such as muscle spasms, headaches, and muscle spasms. Therefore, patients are eager to know that microinjection of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy helps dialysis patients.

Micro-infiltration therapy can help dialysis patients?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Detoxification therapy is a natural treatment that removes all toxins and completely excludes product waste. Naturopathy can not only help patients slow the progression of the disease, but also prevent as much damage as possible. Prior to taking this treatment to repair the diseased kidneys, provide a healthy and clean internal environment to remove all toxins and completely dispose of the product because the accumulation of toxins and waste not only causes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, Reduce other therapeutic effects. 
 Therefore, patients need to pay more attention to the removal of various toxins and waste. In Shijiazhuang kidney hospital, using detoxification therapy, remove all kinds of toxins, thorough waste from the body.

Microinjection of traditional Chinese medicine osmotic therapy is a therapy that extends the blood vessels, promotes blood circulation, regulates blood pressure, provides adequate blood, oxygen and nutrients in the kidney, restores kidney cells and tissues to repair sick kidneys.

Diet to Follow for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Simply rely on these treatments can not fundamentally solve the problem, other treatments such as medicine bath, heat treatment, fumigation treatment, acupuncture treatment can be used to repair the sick kidney and restore the kidneys.Through these treatments, all toxins and waste products are completely excreted, and then the kidney function can be gradually recovered, the results can also gradually avoid dialysis

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008613633219293.

How to do recurrent child nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome has become a common disease affecting children's health, children with nephrotic syndrome have pre-infection symptoms, its prominent feature is the three high and one low, that is highly swollen, highly proteinuria, hypercholesterolemia and hypoprotein disease. 2 to 3 weeks after the cold, if the child appears eyelid edema, fatigue, loss of appetite, oliguria and other symptoms, to take the child to the hospital for urine examination, or serious will cause systemic swelling, pleural effusion, ascites , The skin will be a little damage will be seepage, so that the treatment is not only trouble, but also the child's physical development impact.

How To Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Without Making It Relapse

Compared to adults, children with nephrotic syndrome is more likely to attack, the main reason is the child is still small, do not pay attention to daily health care, can not be a good constraint themselves. But do not have to worry too much, the prognosis of many children is good, with age, the arrival of adolescence, the body gradually increased immunity, fewer and fewer opportunities for recurrence of the disease, the body will be better. Experts advise, in the child vaccination, the parents must be vaccinated with the doctor to explain the child's physical condition, because some of the children in the vaccination after the disease will appear the phenomenon of recurrence.

Natural Treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

Children with kidney disease is one of the above, more importantly, improper treatment, treatment is not complete, for children with patients, hormone therapy is not recommended, after all, is still small in Zhang body, oral hormone is bound to normal Development has a certain impact, so for the treatment of children with nephrotic syndrome, here is recommended conservative treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.
Treatments for Proteinuria in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

To get rid of nephrotic syndrome recurrence, only the glomerular basement membrane repair is good, macromolecule protein will not leak, and to some extent is not easy to relapse, while patients with kidney disease in life and life should pay attention to, according to the doctor's request Diet rest, because the patient's own immune system or their own resistance is relatively low, so be sure to prevent infection, rest good.

Nephrotic Syndrome in Children: How to Prevent Kidney Failure


If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Conservative treatment of chronic renal failure measures?

Patients with chronic kidney disease with kidney damage continues to increase, the function of the kidney gradually decreased, when the residual renal function can not guarantee the balance of body function, it will develop to the stage of renal failure. Common treatment of chronic renal failure with conservative treatment and kidney replacement therapy category. If patients with chronic renal failure do not need to use early kidney replacement therapy, but by strict control of diet and the use of drugs to treat the way known as conservative treatment, can be in a period of time as a way of treatment of chronic renal failure.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure

Chronic renal failure conservative treatment of the main measures are the following:
(L) early detection and treatment of kidney disease: ① kidney disease (a variety of primary, secondary kidney disease) early diagnosis and treatment. ② to avoid or remove the increased risk of renal injury risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high blood sugar, etc., and to avoid the application of nephrotoxic drugs. Application of rhubarb to delay kidney damage. ④ for patients with hypertension, the use of ACEI or ARB antihypertensive drugs to delay the progress of renal damage, reduce proteinuria.

How Does Chinese Medicine Treatment End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

 (2) to delay the progress of early renal failure: ① change the way of life, quit smoking, alcohol, appropriate sports activities, weight control. ② low-protein diet, given the necessary amino acids or keto acid. ③ control of high blood pressure, reduce proteinuria. ④ to correct metabolic acidosis. ⑤ maintain water, electrolyte balance. ⑥ correct hyperlipidemia, improve lipid metabolism abnormalities. ⑦ anticoagulation and improve microcirculation.
How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Work

(3) traditional Chinese medicine treatment: including rhubarb, Cordyceps sinensis, Salvia, Sichuan Shao and so on. Can also use traditional Chinese medicine enema. Some of the aristolochic acid containing traditional Chinese medicine also has the role of renal toxicity, should try to avoid the use, such as Guanmutong, Aoki and wide defense and so on. Moreover, please remember, open the Chinese medicine must go to the regular hospital, and according to the doctor prescription to take.
What Food Can Control the Kidney Failure
(4) chronic renal failure before the diagnosis and treatment of dialysis: ① cardiovascular complications prevention and treatment. ② maintain a good nutritional status, prevention and treatment of malnutrition. ③ give erythropoietin correct anemia. ④ control of hyperphosphatemia, rational use of active vitamin D, inhibition of secondary hyperparathyroidism, prevention and treatment of renal bone disease. ⑤ timely publicity and education of patients, good psychological preparation before dialysis.

Foods to Avoid with Renal Dysfunction

It is noteworthy that if patients with chronic renal failure have been developed to the end of the kidney disease, commonly known as uremic period, only conservative treatment has not achieved a good effect, it must be kidney replacement therapy. Renal replacement therapy is divided into three types, peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and kidney transplantation. Doctors can be based on the patient's disease and lifestyle for patients with chronic renal failure to choose the most appropriate treatment.

If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

The clinical manifestation of polycystic kidney disease

The disease is slow onset, asymptomatic before the onset, it is clinically visible in many patients in the routine physical examination found to come to medical treatment. Through the family genetic survey often family history, and not generations of inheritance. The clinical symptoms of the age of more than 35-45 years old, an average of 40.7 years old. Clinical symptoms and cysts and damaged kidney tissue two aspects.

Things to Avoid Doing When Having Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
Symptoms associated with cysts are backache, low back pain, bloating, abdominal mass, gross hematuria, acute infection, and colic if blood clots or concurrent stones block the ureter. When the disease progress, renal tissue compression, impaired renal function and chronic renal insufficiency, eventually uremia. In the uremia before the emergence of often due to loss of function of the collection tube caused by reduced renal function, such as low specific gravity urine, urine output increased significantly. About 50% to 75% of patients have high blood pressure. Urine routine examination often red, white blood cells and mild urinary protein.

How Does Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Limit Me
In addition, the disease manifested kidney cysts, ovarian cysts, pancreatic cyst symptoms. Common complications of urinary tract infection, urinary tract stones and urinary tract obstruction.

If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Kidney disease syndrome to eat corn

Medical records, corn must be sweet and flat, into the liver, bladder, kidney, is conducive to small yellow total, liver function, can chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, acute cholecystitis, edema, high blood pressure Have a good treatment. Nephrotic syndrome edema can be eliminated with corn, corn contains a lot of potassium nitrate, gluten, vitamin K, soy sterols and a volatile alkaloid.

Is Safe to Use Corn Oil for Children Nephrotic Syndrome

Corn should be very effective in the diuretic effect of pregnant women, and very safe. The role of diuretic animals can increase the amount of chloride emissions, but the role is weak. Methanol insoluble with water extract after dialysis diuretic effect of the strongest, whether oral, subcutaneous or intravenous injection is a significant effect. And the role of diuretic is mainly renal, the role of the kidney is relatively weak.
Diet and Fitness for Nephrotic Syndrome

Kidney Syndrome edema patients can be fresh corn to 60g, water after suffering sooner or later will take the role of swelling, the general medication 3 days began to have a diuretic phenomenon, while the patient's urine protein and non-protein nitrogen There will be varying degrees of decline, the body of the phenomenon of swelling will be effectively controlled, the blood will be significantly improved, the method is simple, and very convenient.

How To Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Without Making It Relapse


If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

How to care for children with nephrotic syndrome

In the face of an increase in the number of children with nephrotic syndrome, more parents are worried. How reasonable care of nephrotic syndrome children become parents are eager to understand the problem, this is to give parents and friends scientific guidance, on the one hand is also conducive to the rehabilitation of children with nephrotic syndrome, reduce the children's pain.

Is Ayurvedic Treatment Good for Children Nephrotic Syndrome

 Experts from the following aspects of kidney disease syndrome children care work:
1. medication: stable condition: generally also need medication, teachers and health care doctors should monitor the child's daily medication situation, and some children will take diuretic hormone, will lead to increased urine output, so to cause teachers and doctors attention , So as not to cause pain in children.
2. Diet: a large number of protein benefits from the urine, the body will occur in the phenomenon of protein deficiency, it should be given from the diet. To high protein-based, such as: fish, lean meat, poultry and so on. Should also limit the intake of salt, no more than 2g daily.

What Are Some Natural Remedies to Give a 5-Year Old Suffering Nephrotic Syndrome

3. To grasp the epidemic, to avoid cross-infection, children's kindergartens and other places once the source of the disease, should be timely isolation of children, so as not to infect other diseases, aggravate the disease.
4. pay attention to the changes in the season to add clothing, pay attention to warm, rest to give more care to ensure that the child's adequate sleep.
Children in the sick, parents should give more care and care, do nursing work, will contribute to the recovery of the child's condition. Not only need to find timely treatment in a timely manner.

Is Safe to Use Corn Oil for Children Nephrotic Syndrome


If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

How to reduce creatinine in life

How to reduce creatinine in life is an important indicator of kidney examination, if the urine creatinine or serum creatinine some changes, then we need to pay more attention, because it is caused by some of the disease in the kidney, we have to early detection Timely to the diagnosis and treatment, so as to make the disease away from us. So when the creatinine is higher than normal, the patient friends in life should be how to do?

Can You Suggest Any Mediation If the Creatinine Level Is 10.5Can You Suggest Any Medication If the Cr

1. More exercise, must not do the intense exercise, you can choose swimming, tai chi like aerobic exercise. Drink plenty of water, drink soda water, alkaline water, at least boiled water, the amount of urine every day to control 2000ml before and after is good. Not easy tea, coffee.
What Herbal Medicine to Take in to Lower Creatinine Level

2, more vegetarian, but not all vegetarian food should eat, eat more purple eggplant, green, lettuce. Green vegetables bogey spinach, and then all the beans should eat or eat. Eat less meat, why do not I Meat, of course, is to eat a little, animal fat and animal protein with other food is irreplaceable, but also the human body necessary, but must control the amount of seafood and animal offal and hot pot Is to be strictly taboo.Otherwise, no diet meat, you will come to naught.

What Is the Best Thing to Do If A Person Is in High Creatinine Level

Experts advise: patients should find the disease in a timely manner to the hospital for treatment, so as to better treatment of the disease, the patient should actively cooperate with the expert's treatment, so that their better to restore health.

If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.