
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

What are the dangers of diabetic nephropathy?

  Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes, but also a more serious one. Some patients with diabetic nephropathy due to the disease is not timely effective control, the development of uremia.

How Diabetic Nephropathy Leads to Renal Failure

    The mortality rate of uremia is very high, which makes a lot of diabetic patients die due to kidney disease. Diabetic nephropathy in the literature of Chinese medicine, both diarrhea, but also belong to the scope of nephrotic edema, urine turbidity, fullness, customs and other diseases, the pathogenesis of kidney-based, early micro-leakage, Gasification adverse, water within the stop, and even the cloud poison intrinsic, dirty gas deficiency, easy to change certificate, the total is the virtual standard disease. In recent years, with the increase in the average life expectancy of the population, life eating habits, structural changes, the prevalence of diabetes showed a linear upward trend, and because of the improvement of treatment methods, the survival time increases, so the kidney and other complications also increased. According to the latest statistics, China is currently about 50 million people are facing the threat of diabetes.

Can Creatinie Level 3.5 in Diabetic Nephropathy Be Reduced by Diet

    In some Western countries, about 35% of diabetic nephropathy developed to the late stage of renal failure. Type I (IDDM) diabetes has a higher proportion of diabetic nephropathy, about 35% to 50%, type II (NIDDM) incidence of about 20%. However, patients with diabetes, type II patients far more than the incidence of type I, so in patients with diabetic renal failure dialysis patients in type II accounted for 70% to 80%. The disease is a diabetic systemic microvascular disease performance, clinical features for proteinuria, progressive renal dysfunction, hypertension, edema, late severe renal failure, diabetes is one of the major causes of death.

How to Lower 7.2 Creatininie for Diabetes Nephropathy Patients

    Once the diabetic patients found that kidney disease, should be immediately admitted to actively cooperate with the physician treatment, to prevent further development of the disease, which led to the occurrence of uremia.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Why young people easily lead to diabetic nephropathy?

First, white-collar diabetes and depression related
Modern fast-paced life and high-intensity work, forcing white-collar workers during the day to withstand the enormous work pressure, the evening had to stay up late, not enough rest, so the vast majority of white-collar workers in a long "nervous" state, psychological pressure is very large, Become the incidence of diabetic nephropathy at high risk groups. Experts explain the tension and anxiety to promote the body's long-term stress, the body a lot of secretion of "stress hormone", so that blood sugar, the long run, causing diabetes. In addition, long-term living in anxious state, easily induced depression.

Can Kidney Disease Patients with Diabetes Eat Snack Foods

    Second, the entertainment more easily hyperglycemia
Most young people "entertainment family" eat more, sit too much, moving less, coupled with the usual do not pay attention to control diet, eat and drink, easily lead to excess nutrients, prompting the pancreas every day in excessive work. Over time, islet burden is too heavy, leading to blood sugar can not be normal control, the results in the "family" in diabetic patients increased significantly. Especially those potbellied men, more likely to be diabetes "eyeing".
Experts advise, "entertainment family" in the entertainment, you can eat some vegetables and staple food, do not eat fast enough to eat high sugar or too greasy food, do not overeating, to avoid excessive accumulation of heat, so that the body fat. In addition, pay attention to nutritional balance, eat high-fiber foods, such as vegetables, fruits, etc., to increase the movement to avoid the incidence of diabetic nephropathy.

Diet Plan for Diabetic-Hypertensive And High Creatinine

    Third, snacks too much
Young people like to use snacks "snack" habits, in fact, suffering from diabetes or abnormal glucose metabolism of a great risk. Experts pointed out that like melon seeds, walnuts, peanuts, preserved fruit and plum, etc., excessive eat, eat only, its high calorie, high salt, etc., may become the cause of diabetes. Often eat these snacks of people, it is easy to lead to obesity caused by the incidence of diabetic nephropathy. Not only that, a lot of salty snacks contained in the salt is also quite high.

Diet Plan for Diabetic with Anemia and High Creatinine Levels
Fourth, diabetes is more "favored" do not eat the staple food
Experts advise, "only eat, do not eat" not only can not thin, but will hurt the health. Dishes in the oil and protein intake is high, and may even exceed the calories of starch in rice, therefore, "only eat, do not eat" may lead to excessive calorie intake.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Will diabetic nephropathy cause proteinuria?

Diabetic nephropathy patients generally have the production of proteinuria, so that a large number of large amounts of protein loss, resulting in the patient's poor health.

Proteinuria Treatment for Patients with Diabetic Nephroapthy
    When the diabetic kidney changes, the patient should be actively accept the renal function test, during this time, the patient should limit the movement, pay attention to kidney disease diet. During this period of time to strengthen dietary care of diabetic nephropathy is very important, it must comply with the doctor's instructions to control the day of salt, protein and carbohydrate intake.

How to Get Rid of Protein in Urine due to Diabetes Type 2

    When patients with proteinuria, the patient should pay attention to the strict examination, and then check still abnormal, it is necessary to accept urine sedimentation, red blood cell count, white blood cell count and other checks, but also the implementation of the kidney and urinary tract of the precise examination, And then combined with systemic symptoms to diagnose whether there is kidney disease or other diseases. There are kidney disease, but also to do other renal function tests, do a comprehensive diagnosis.

What Can I Do If I Have Foam in Urine with Diabetes

    Urine protein qualitative and physiological, but also pathological, and its degree of positive degree of renal damage is not necessarily proportional. Diabetic nephropathy in urine urinary protein positive, except urinary tract infection, primary kidney disease, should be considered the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy. Some experts believe that diabetic nephropathy early proteinuria was intermittent, only after labor or exercise for the positive reaction. Therefore, post-exercise urinary protein test for the early detection of diabetic nephropathy has a certain significance.

When the emergence of urinary protein, it should be noted that proper treatment, so for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy has a very important role.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Hypertensive nephropathy What are the main measures?

Many patients for the treatment of hypertension nephropathy in this sense of knowledge is not enough understanding, do not know those things for the benefit of patients, those things can make the patient worse, we should understand what can better allow patients to participate in treatment.

How to Control Hypertension for Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

    For some early, or mild hypertension, as well as normal urine normal can be non-drug treatment, so patients should maintain a good mood, weight loss, must pay attention to the lake limited salt, limit alcohol, practicing qigong and tai chi Boxing, and thus should be appropriate physical exercise and so on. In the absence of renal insufficiency should also be given non-dialysis treatment and alternative treatment. Thus associated with hyperlipidemia, diabetes and hyperuricemia, but also pay attention should be given the appropriate treatment.

What is the relationship between high blood pressure and kidney disease

    On some patients with malignant renal arteriosclerosis, which should pay attention to the rapid deterioration of renal function in the short term, so that in the merger of hypertensive encephalopathy, or some rapid decline in vision, there is intracranial hemorrhage, and can not oral medication, Can be intravenous administration, commonly used sodium nitroprusside, so that strive to control blood pressure in 12 to 24 hours. However, for a long time long pressure can quickly lower blood pressure, but also should pay attention to the initial treatment of malignant hypertension.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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What are the precautions for patients with hypertensive nephropathy?

Hypertensive nephropathy is essential for hypertension caused by benign small arterial nephrosclerosis and malignant arterial nephrosclerosis, and accompanied by the corresponding clinical manifestations of the disease.

What to Do Once You Were Diagnosed With Hypertensive Kidney Disease

    For the disease patients, if only by changing the way to control blood pressure, blood pressure is difficult to smooth, must give a positive antihypertensive drug treatment. There are many types of antihypertensive drugs commonly used today, including angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, beta-blockers, alpha-blockers, etc. The These different types of antihypertensive drugs through different mechanisms of action, blocking the blood pressure caused by different links, can achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure. In the blood pressure to achieve the target value under the premise of different antihypertensive drugs in the kidney protective effect there are some differences, this time should be preferred kidney protection of the strongest drugs. Calcium channel blockers have a strong antihypertensive effect, the effect is not affected by the amount of salt, do not induce hyperkalemia, do not increase serum creatinine and other characteristics, so in the ACEI or ARB antihypertensive effect is poor, moderate to severe renal insufficiency or Patients with renal artery stenosis can still be selected. These advantages make calcium channel blockers widely used in the treatment of hypertension in chronic kidney disease.

Symptoms of Hypertensive Kidney Disease with Creatinine 2.3

    For the treatment of hypertension nephropathy, hypertension and kidney disease should be treated together, should be given the appropriate treatment measures, according to different patients with different conditions to take symptomatic treatment.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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What are the symptoms of renal insufficiency in hypertensive nephropathy?

     Under normal circumstances, the involvement of hypertension on the kidney is a relatively long process. Pathological studies have shown that high blood pressure on the kidney damage, mainly from the small arteries began.

Insomnia and Hypertensive Nephropathy 
     The initial no obvious changes in the shape and function of the kidneys. First renal arteries sclerosis, stenosis, so that renal ischemia, some renal fibrosis occurred fibrosis, and other normal renal unit is compensatory hypertrophy, with the continuous development of the disease, the surface of the kidney was Granular, cortical thinning, due to the continuous destruction of nephrons, kidney atrophy, followed by renal insufficiency and development of uremia.

Symptoms of Hypertensive Nephropathy 
     Because the kidney's compensatory ability is very strong, the only thing that can reflect the disorder of the kidney itself is the increase of nocturia. But in urine routine examination, may see under the microscope red blood cells, proteinuria and tube type. Therefore, nephritis patients understand the "hypertensive nephropathy renal insufficiency what symptoms" problem is necessary.

Cardiovascular Disease Caused by Hypertensive Nephropathy

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Hypertensive nephropathy should pay attention to the eating habits

① limit the intake of fat. Cooking, the choice of vegetable oil, can eat more fish, marine fish containing unsaturated fatty acids, can oxidize cholesterol, thereby reducing plasma cholesterol, but also to extend the platelet aggregation, inhibition of thrombosis, to prevent stroke, also contains more linoleic acid, To increase the flexibility of microvascular, prevent blood vessels rupture, to prevent complications of hypertension have a certain role.

Foods to Eat and Avoid with Hypertensive Nephropathy

    ② control the energy intake, to promote eating complex carbohydrates, such as starch, corn, eat less glucose, fructose and sugar, such sugar is a single sugar, easy to cause elevated blood lipids.

Top 6 Healthy Foods for Hypertensive Nephropathy

    ③ eat more potassium, calcium and low sodium-containing foods such as potatoes, eggplant, kelp, lettuce. High calcium foods: milk, yogurt, shrimp. Eat less meat soup class, because the broth in the nitrogen extract increased, can promote the body to increase uric acid, increase the heart, liver, kidney burden.
④ appropriate intake of protein. Hypertensive patients daily protein dosage per kilogram of body weight is appropriate 1g. 2-3 times a week to eat fish protein, can improve blood vessel elasticity and permeability, increase urinary sodium excretion, thereby reducing blood pressure. Such as hypertension combined with renal insufficiency, should limit the intake of protein.

Is Barley Tea Good for Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

    ⑤ limit salt intake: the daily should be gradually reduced to 6g the following, that is, ordinary beer cover to remove the pad, a flat cover of salt is about 6g. This amount refers to the amount of salt, including cooking salt and other foods contained in the total amount of sodium salt. Appropriate reduction of sodium intake can help reduce blood pressure, reduce the body's sodium and water retention.
⑥ appropriate increase in seafood intake: such as kelp, seaweed, seafood and so on.
⑦ more fresh vegetables, fruit. Eat fresh vegetables every day no less than 8 two, fruit 2 to 4 two

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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How is acute renal injury different from chronic renal failure?

Prevention of acute renal impairment into chronic renal insufficiency
Acute kidney injury is dangerous, but the treatment can be cured in a timely manner. Patients should be early detection, timely diagnosis and treatment, to prevent acute renal injury into chronic renal insufficiency. So how to scientifically treat acute kidney injury?

What Stage Is Anuria in Renal Failure

 If it is more mild acute renal injury, mainly to remove the cause; if it is caused by the use of drugs should stop medication; if it is nausea, vomiting, resulting in inadequate water capacity in the body, then it is necessary to add liquid to ensure that the blood of the kidney Infusion; if the disease further aggravated, such as edema, oliguria and even anuria, heart failure and other symptoms, you have to further treatment.

What Are Symptoms to Identify Kidney Deterioration

If after more than the treatment, acute renal injury in patients with the disease or can not control, you have to kidney replacement therapy, alternative treatment is usually we say dialysis, if the condition has come to a very serious point, combined with multiple organ failure, the patient Continuous bedside blood purification (CRRT) was performed in the ICU ward.
What Are the Most Common Symptoms When A Person Has Kidney Failure

Renal failure patients service center pointed out that those who do not have chronic kidney disease based on acute renal injury patients after treatment, more than 90% of patients with renal function can be restored to normal, but these patients later to regular urine routine testing. For those who can not restore renal function is likely to be converted into chronic renal insufficiency, these patients have to be long-term dialysis treatment.
How to clearly distinguish between acute kidney injury and chronic renal insufficiency?
Renal failure patient service center said that acute kidney injury is not previously appeared, is suddenly caused by a certain factor. And chronic renal insufficiency is always have chronic diseases. These two diseases can be judged from the following aspects:

How Serious When Kidneys Stop Producing Urine

First, if the patient had a long time ago found urine problems, found that urine protein, hematuria, creatinine slowly rising, this situation on behalf of is chronic. If the patient is clear that he had done before the physical examination, including urine, serum creatinine are no problem, but recently found that creatinine increased, then it shows that the patient is acute kidney injury.

What Are the Symptoms of Shrinking of Kidney


At the same time, chronic renal insufficiency has a lot of complications, such as more severe anemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism and so on.
There is also a way to judge, by giving the patient to do the kidney B, if the kidney size is normal, then you can determine the possibility of acute kidney injury. This is because the acute kidney injury is only dysfunctional, the kidney structure has not been damaged. If it is chronic renal insufficiency, the kidneys will shrink, the volume will shrink.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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What are the advantages of Chinese medicine for uremia?

1, to protect residual kidney function

Although uremic patients have entered the final stage of renal failure, but there are 5% -15% residual renal function exists, and this area of ​​5% -15% is very important, can help patients to discharge part of the water, toxins, Thus greatly reducing the acute complications of uremia to patients with the harm, the dependence on dialysis dehydration can be reduced.

When Is the Appropriate Time to Start Dialysis
2, regulate endocrine function

Uremic patients due to the long-term erosion of toxins, metabolic disorders, their own endocrine function has also been severely damaged, endocrine disorders and often bring a variety of illnesses, so that patients' lives are more seriously affected. Due to the complex condition, organ dysfunction, many of the effective regulation of endocrine Western medicine is often difficult to really rational use in place

Why Are Dialysis Patients Constantly Nauseated 

 3, to reduce the side effects of Western medicine and dialysis treatment

Dialysis is the most important and effective treatment of uremic patients, but dialysis treatment itself has some negative effects, such as: increased heart, lung, brain function decline, affect hemodynamic stability, increase the loss of nutrients, resulting in the body of the Elements of the imbalance, the use of Chinese medicine can reduce the dialysis brought a variety of negative problems, improve the overall efficacy of dialysis treatment.

Creatinine 10 After 3rd Dialysis: What Can I Do

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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