
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Urinary occult blood performance

Urine occult blood is the centrifugal precipitation of urine per high magnification field of view ≥ 3 red blood cells, or non-centrifugal urine more than 1 or 1 hour urine erythrocyte count more than 100,000, or 12 hours urine sediment count more than 500,000, showing urine Abnormal red blood cells, is a common urinary system symptoms.
Urine occult blood as a result of other diseases, common causes of urinary occult disease are a variety of nephritis, urinary tract infections, hemorrhagic cystitis, urinary stones, kidney tuberculosis, kidney tumors, kidney and urethral injury and so on. Urinary occult blood is one of the main symptoms of these diseases. The disease to the patient's physical and mental health caused a great harm, if the daily discovery of urinary occult blood symptoms, the need for early medical treatment, so as to exacerbate the condition.
Urinary urinary tract common symptoms
1, urine color changes
Urinary occult blood is the main performance of the urine color changes, in addition to the urine under the eyes of normal urine, the flesh and blood of the flesh and blood according to the amount of bleeding was different colors. Urine was pale red like washing meat samples, suggesting that blood per liter of urine more than 1mL. Bleeding can be severe when the urine can be blood. Kidney bleeding, urine and blood mixed evenly, the urine was dark red; bladder or prostate bleeding urinary dolphin bright red, and sometimes blood clots.
2, segmented urine abnormalities
The whole urine segmentation observation color, such as urine three cup test, with three clean glass, respectively, to stay in the beginning, the middle and end of the urine observation, such as the beginning of urinary occult blood in the urethra; terminal urinary occult blood Suggesting that the bleeding site in the bladder neck, triangle or posterior urethra of the prostate and seminal vesicle; three urine were red that whole urine occult blood, suggesting that urinary occult blood from the kidney or ureter.
3, renal or postrenal urinary occult blood
Microscopic urine occult blood color normal, but the microscopic examination can determine urinary occult blood, and can be judged to be renal or postrenal urinary occult blood. Microscopic red blood cells vary in size and shape for the glomerular urinary occult blood, seen in glomerulonephritis.
4, symptomatic urinary occult blood
Urine occult blood while patients with systemic or local symptoms. And the main symptoms of the urinary system. Such as accompanied by kidney dull pain or colic prompted lesions in the kidneys. Bladder and urethral lesions are often urinary urgency and urination difficult.
5, asymptomatic urinary occult blood
Some patients with urinary residual blood neither urinary tract symptoms nor systemic symptoms, seen in the early stages of certain diseases, such as kidney tuberculosis, kidney cancer or early stage of bladder cancer.
6, with symptoms
① urinary occult blood with renal colic is the characteristics of kidney or ureteral stones;
Urinary occult blood with urinary obstruction seen in the bladder and urethral stones;
③ urinary occult urine with dysuria and dysuria seen in prostatitis, prostate cancer;
④ urinary urinary with urinary urinary urgency in cystitis and urethritis, accompanied by low back pain, fever chills often pyelonephritis;
⑤ urinary occult blood accompanied by edema, hypertension, proteinuria seen in glomerulonephritis;
⑥ urinary occult blood with renal mass, unilateral can be seen in the tumor, hydronephrosis and renal cysts; bilateral swelling seen in congenital polycystic kidney disease, touch the kidney found in the kidney or drooping kidney;
Â'¡ urinary occult blood associated with skin and mucous membranes and other parts of bleeding, found in blood diseases and certain infectious diseases; ⑧ urinary occult hemoptysis seen in the treatment of filariasis, chronic pyelonephritis.
Conclusion: Above for everyone on the urine occult blood of some of the relevant knowledge, I believe we read it after a further understanding of it, urinary occult blood is a manifestation of our body disease, only to the hospital to identify the reasons for urinary occult blood in a timely manner Treatment is good, in order to avoid the emergence of urinary occult blood situation. I wish you a speedy recovery.

If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

What causes urinary occult blood

Most of the people who do not know it, so when we diagnose the results of the word when many people are very confused, in our lives and the hospital routine examination, presumably have urine occult blood indicators check it, So we know what is the matter of urinary occult blood, urinary occult blood 3 + serious, urinary occult blood how to do it, let us work together to find out about it
What is urinary occult blood
Urine occult blood is a routine check in the blood, if we check the urine after the case of erythrocytosis, it is called urinary occult blood, and if the urinary occult blood index is high, then it will be kidney disease or urinary tract infection Oh the situation
Urine occult blood can not be observed in the naked eye or under the microscope there is the presence of red blood cells, but if the test paper when there is a reaction, why so? Because when the red blood cells were destroyed, the inclusion of heme will be released, so Urine test rod to detect the reaction of heme.

Blood in urine and kidney disease

But why will the red blood cells rupture before leaving the body? This is because the life of the red blood cells itself has come, as the foam itself to dissolve, it may be drank a lot of water, urine becomes weak, the tension is reduced, red blood cells and thus rupture , No matter how there are occult blood, as with urinary occult blood is generally a warning, can not be taken lightly.
Usually, the urine is being checked most of the three cases, one is the urinary tract or kidney appeared serious, one is with stones, there is a tumor.
On the inflammation, such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc., in addition to urinary occult blood may occur, urine examination will have occult blood occurs, regardless of the stones themselves, the ureter or bladder stones, may cause occult blood, Other circumstances such as the physiological period, constipation may also cause occult blood.
Another tumor can also cause occult blood, such as kidney, bladder, ureter benign or malignant tumor, of course, older men because of prostatic hypertrophy because of more than urine, bladder irritability, prostate surface vascular congestion, coupled with difficulty in urination, After urination, urinary occult or occult blood may occur.
In fact, the prostate hypertrophy can be considered a kind of tumor, it is prostate cancer, due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy, so the urinary tract of the tumor can not be taken lightly. At this time should do intravenous pyelography, if the angiography is no problem, you can rule out the migration of cell tumors, usually should regularly review urine routine, if there is occult blood, should go to the Department of Nephrology, if necessary, renal biopsy.
Urine occult blood, the most worrying or nephritis, and many people will have recurrent episodes of nephritis, which is due to nephritis is not completely caused by the treatment, and only a thorough treatment of nephritis to solve the situation of urinary occult blood.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you. If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.

Prevention of nephrotic syndrome recurrence of three steps

Nephrotic syndrome has a certain recurrence rate. Statistics show that the treatment of nephrotic syndrome follow-up 36 months in the recurrence rate as high as 31%. Of course, some patients relapse, because the disease itself caused; but there is a considerable proportion of recurrence, because the patient factors.

How To Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Without Making It Relapse

Some patients do not strictly follow the doctor's medication, medication is not a meal, arbitrarily too large; some patients over-consider the drug side effects, inadequate course of self-medication, or even withdrawal; some feel sick in the body , Should be "tonic", eating too much intake of protein; some life is not control, fatigue, eating unclean, do not pay attention to increase or decrease clothes, three days of diarrhea, cold and so on. These are common causes of recurrent renal syndrome. "After recognizing these reasons, how to prevent the recurrence of the problem will be solved.The first step should be closely with the doctor diagnosis and treatment, as soon as possible a clear diagnosis. Conditional conditions for renal biopsy, from the cell structure to determine the nature of the disease, and then develop targeted treatment programs.

How to Treat Proteinuria++ and Creatinine 2.8 in Nephrotic Syndrome

The second step in the program after the development of patients to do is strictly in accordance with doctor's advice. Medication must be taken by the dose, taking the cycle to reach the doctor described the course of treatment; regular outpatient follow-up, follow the doctor's advice to adjust medication. Especially when the strong loose reduction to 20 to 25 mg per day, the disease more chance of repeated. Do not panic after relapse, and quickly contact the doctor, according to the disease adjustment program, often able to regain the relief. The treatment of nephropathy is relatively long, long treatment is easy to make some patients have slack mood, so stressed that "follow the doctor's advice, regular follow-up", is particularly important for reducing recurrence.The third step to actively deal with infection. Kidney patients with a large number of blood in the blood of the protein from the loss of urine, the loss of substances, including the composition of our immune line of important components, such as immunoglobulin, complement and so on. At the same time the body white blood cell function decreased, zinc and other trace elements are lost. Which are seriously weakened the body's resistance to external pathogenic factors.In the treatment, often use glucocorticoids, cytotoxic drugs and other immunosuppressive agents, which patients have a weak immune line of defense, is tantamount to worse. So kidney disease prone to infection, including respiratory infections, intestinal infections, peritonitis, pleurisy, subcutaneous soft tissue infections.If an infection occurs, care should be taken to grasp the two principles: positive and careful, and at the same time medical treatment.

Patients in the treatment attitude to be positive. Because the patient is not only prone to infection, and infection is easy to spread. Early active treatment, can eliminate the infection in the bud.

Treatments for Proteinuria in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome


After the infection, the patient himself must be treated with care, must not be taken lightly. Can not think that a small upper respiratory tract infection, eat their own antibiotics to eat on it, and this made a kidney disease treatment on the taboo. Because now the use of antibiotics, the majority is still liver and kidney toxicity, such as aminoglycosides gentamicin, kanamycin, there are tetracyclines, sulfonamides, antipyretic analgesic. If this time to buy their own wrong wrong medicine, your kidney disease is tantamount to worse, counterproductive. So this is advised to have kidney disease and infected patients, even if it is a small cold should go to the hospital to see a doctor, under the guidance of a doctor prescription is a good policy.

In addition, patients should also strengthen their own health care, appropriate exercise, improve physical fitness.

I hope the above informations can help you and your friends around you. If you still have other questions, you can consult our online doctors, or you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.