
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

symptoms of kidney failure patients

Core Tip: kidney failure is a more serious kidney disease, it will lead to a lot of complications, but also in the treatment of the difficulty is also great, then in the end kidney failure will allow patients to what dangerous symptoms? Here we give you seven more common symptoms, hope that patients can do a good job of these diseases prevention.

First, kidney failure can cause digestive diseases

For kidney failure, the general will cause thirst to patients, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms, which is a serious symptom of digestive diseases, severe renal failure patients with epistaxis or gastrointestinal bleeding. So for patients should be concerned about the strengthening of renal failure care work.

Second, kidney failure can cause cardiovascular disease

For patients with renal failure, with the progression of the disease, blood pressure will be varying degrees of rise, and finally developed into high blood pressure. And long-term high blood pressure, will make the patient's accumulation of uremic toxins, water, electrolytes and other disorders, to patients with serious injury. To the patient caused by the cardiovascular system of some diseases, so for patients with renal failure should be more attention.

Third, kidney failure can cause hematopoietic system diseases

Most patients with kidney failure are anemia, which is mainly due to the patient's renal hematopoietic function weakened, erythropoietin decreased, resulting in anemia. And this anemia will cause the accumulation of uremic toxins in patients and erythrocyte life of the carboxylic acid and malnutrition and other factors. To bring serious harm to patients.

Fourth, kidney failure can cause neurological diseases

For early kidneyl failure patients generally have headache, memory loss, inattention, fatigue and other symptoms. Late patients will appear drowsiness, confusion, muscle fibrillation and other symptoms. These are due to the nervous system caused by the disease, so for patients with renal failure should be more attention in the nerves.

5, kidney failure can cause respiratory diseases

kidney failure accompanied by dry cough, nasal odor symptoms, which is affected with pulmonary edema or heart failure after failure, breathing more difficult, not supine, paroxysmal, spasmodic cough, cough white foam.

6, kidneyl failure can cause urinary system diseases

Kidney failure early and mid-term, a large number of foam-like urine, late nocturia increased, the proportion of urine is low, often fixed at around 1.010. At this point, not only the size of the kidneys shrink, and most patients began to gradually reduce the amount of urine so that no urine. Of course, urine output from increasing to reduced to anuria, need a process, ranging from 1-2 years.

The above describes the harm caused by renal failure to the human body, for patients, should pay close attention to the treatment of renal failure. Medical experts pointed out that when the patients with renal failure above these symptoms, the first time the patient should be sent to the kidney hospital, because these need to take some medical rescue, if the rescue is not timely, then give the patient generation life The threat.

New understanding of kidney disease pathogenesis

The core suggests: the use of cell biology and molecular biology methods, in vitro experimental studies have been confirmed in a variety of chronic progressive nephropathy in the development and development process, not only the local inflammatory infiltration of inflammatory cells can release inflammatory mediators, stimulated by activation Of the kidney cells can also be autocrine or paracrine and other forms of stimulation of adjacent cells to produce more inflammatory mediators, cytokines, growth factors, promote the continuous progress of inflammatory lesions, leading to glomerular sclerosis and tubulointerstitial Of the fibrosis.

In recent years, the pathogenesis of kidney disease research has made great progress. Although little is known about etiology and predisposing factors, it has been confirmed that glomerular disease is mostly immune-mediated diseases caused by inflammatory diseases or metabolic abnormalities.

The use of cell biology and molecular biology methods in vitro experimental studies have been confirmed in a variety of chronic progressive nephropathy in the development and development process, not only the local infiltration of inflammatory cells can release inflammatory mediators, stimulated activation of the kidney inherent Cells can also stimulate the neighboring cells through autocrine or paracrine form to produce more inflammatory mediators, cytokines, growth factors, etc., to promote the continuous progress of inflammatory lesions, leading to glomerular sclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis The

In addition, a large number of proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and a variety of metabolic abnormalities caused by abnormal changes in renal cell abnormalities in the role of chronic disease progression is also more and more attention. Researchers have noted that local inflammatory responses, cell phenotypic changes, abnormal cell proliferation, and extracellular matrix synthesis and degradation imbalance caused by various inflammatory mediators or abnormal metabolism on renal innate cells are pathophysiological processes of these diseases In the study of the changes in the pathogenesis of kidney disease and its understanding of the pathogenesis of kidney disease.

Early kidney failure Symptoms

Core Tip: renal failure disease is a very serious disease, the patient's kidney can be reversed, so the early stage of treatment in patients with the effect is effective, can be effectively controlled, the following for everyone to introduce early kidney Failure symptoms

Symptom 1: Cardiovascular system

Usually patients with high blood pressure or heart failure symptoms, often feel palpitations or asthma, often can not lie down, heart rhythm is also easy to abnormal, severe patients sometimes there may be pericardial effusion phenomenon, sometimes Will be blocked.

Symptom 2: nervous system

The occurrence of the disease will be depressed, headache, dizziness, the phenomenon of some patients will suddenly decline in memory, sleepiness and other symptoms of dysuria is often seen, serious patients will be coma.

Symptom 3: Digestive system

After the disease, patients often feel anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., often feel their mouth with urine, or gastrointestinal bleeding.

Symptoms IV: skin performance

The disease will occur when the phenomenon of scaling, the skin will often feel no luster, and sometimes there will be melanin calm, the skin color will appear deeper, edema or skin infections and other undesirable phenomena The

Symptom 5: Respiratory system

The disease occurs when we have an impact on the respiratory system, often feel the mouth of their own urine appears, but also metabolic acid poisoning gas breathing, there will be such a bad feeling.

In summary, we know that the symptoms of early renal failure have the above-mentioned five main, so people should pay special attention when the disease occurs, pay attention to the body's various symptoms, in order to early treatment, comprehensive treatment , As soon as possible to recover.

Causes of chronic kidney failure

(1) lower urinary tract obstruction of the lower urinary tract drainage is poor, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy, or some kind of anatomical defects caused by urine reflux, causing renal pelvis, calyceal expansion, said hydronephrosis, oppression of normal kidney tissue Renal Failure.

(2) interstitial nephritis interstitial nephritis accounted for the second rate of chronic renal failure. Renal tubular atrophy, fibrosis, scarring lead to reduced blood supply to glomerular blood and renal dysfunction.

(3) diabetic nephropathy long course of diabetes, some people may have renal complications, especially young or type I diabetes patients may appear proteinuria, which is often the first indication of kidney involvement. Nephrotic patients with kidney disease, about half of which occurred in 5 years after renal failure, and other complications of diabetes, such as reticuloendothelial system, vascular system and neurological complications can also occur at the same time.

(4) polycystic kidney polycystic kidney disease is a congenital disorder, in the same family can have several patients with the disease. Pathological examination can be seen in the development of defects in the filling of water. Oppression of normal kidney tissue. The condition can be long-term shade, until 40 to 50 years after the emergence of kidney enlargement, renal insufficiency was diagnosed as polycystic kidney disease

(5) severe high blood pressure can cause severe renal hypertension arteriosclerosis, renal blood flow reduction, renal dysfunction. Renal artery disease itself can also be the cause of renal dysfunction.

Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease

Chinese medicine bath commonly known as skin dialysis, sweating detoxification, diuresis itching has a certain effect. Mainly for severe edema, the general treatment is not obvious; refractory hypertension, conventional antihypertensive ineffective; uremic patients with severe skin itching

Acupoint external application is a method of external disease treatment, the Chinese medicine into the fine, the reference to the osmotic agent in a specific acupuncture points, through the meridians and acupuncture points to stimulate the regulation of human function, improve kidney failure symptoms, delay renal function deterioration process

Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease characteristics

Kidney in traditional Chinese medicine is very important, that is congenital of this, with Yuan Yin (kidney yin), Yuan Yang (kidney yang), possession of fine, Division II Yin, and the bladder each other. And Western medicine is not the same thing about the kidney, Western medicine kidney is an anatomical concept, located in the abdominal cavity on both sides of the spine-like organs, Chinese medicine is more emphasis on the function of the kidney, such as kidney water, that is, in charge of the body's water metabolism, by the role of kidney yang, lung, spleen, bladder and other water metabolism play a leading role. The Western medicine is mainly manifested in the discharge of urine and a variety of metabolites (including creatinine, urea nitrogen), regulate water, electrolyte, acid and alkali balance, and the role of hormone secretion. It can be seen that the theory of kidney water in traditional Chinese medicine contains the function of western medicine kidney involvement in aqueous metabolism. As the Chinese medicine, Western medicine theory is different in the diagnosis and treatment of the two are different. Western medicine is usually based on the patient's clinical characteristics, physical and chemical diagnosis of a diagnosis of a disease, once diagnosed, the treatment principles and methods, the drug is basically the same, and Chinese medicine is based on the specific patient's performance, come to a "card" The disease is different, a Western medicine, Chinese medicine can have multiple cards, different evidence, treatment is different, that is, "different disease"; different diseases, can also have the same card, that is, "different disease Tongzhi" , The same evidence, the basic law, prescription is consistent, reflecting its "common", and because of each patient physical factors, mental state and age, sex, and even eating habits, different prescription medication has changed The flexibility to reflect the specific patient medication "personality". In general, the basic characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of nephropathy is syndrome differentiation.

Nephropathy professor said: medicine is not as good as diet. Tang Dynasty drug king Sun Simiao said, "Where to treat, first to diet, both food unhealed, after the drug Seoul." Medicine and food homologous, any food with the same drug, with acid, bitter, sweet, Xin, salty flavors, and cold, hot, warm, cool four gas. Different kidney disease, according to the characteristics of the disease and the patient's physique, you can use food treatment. Such as acute nephritis, available steamed crucian carp, eat meat soup, with qi and spleen, diuretic swelling effect. In addition, food and proprietary Chinese medicine "kidney will Ning" series combination, the effect is better. Such as chronic nephritis, can be used in the doctor prescribed "kidney will Ning" series at the same time, appropriate to eat Astragalus stewed hen, have the temperature, spleen diuretic effect. Another point, kidney patients pay attention to "taboos", such as nephrotic syndrome, diet should be light, avoid salty, avoid spicy, seafood and spirits, to control the thickening of the cream beam.

In short: dialectical treatment, attention to diet and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine combined comprehensive control of efficacy, is our hospital kidney disease and Professor Zhao Peng, the basic characteristics of treatment of kidney disease.