
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Chronic glomerulonephritis etiology

      First, the cause of the disease

The cause of this disease is unknown. Before the onset of multiple upper respiratory tract infection or other parts of the infection, a small number of chronic nephritis may be infected by acute streptococcus nephritis after the evolution, but most of the chronic nephritis is not extended from acute nephritis, and by other primary kidney Ball disease directly from the development of the disease, the onset is chronic nephritis. The disease according to its different pathological types, can be divided into the following types:

① mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis: immunofluorescence can be divided into IgA deposition-based mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis and non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis;

② membranous nephropathy;

③ focal segmental glomerulosclerosis;

④ mesangial capillary glomerulonephritis;

⑤ hyperplastic sclerosing glomerulonephritis.

You can also learn more about Chronic glomerulonephritis symptoms, treatments, and diet.

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Chronic nephritis symptoms

Early symptoms: physical discomfort: due to toxins and waste in the body continue to accumulate, may feel whole body discomfort. There will be some symptoms appear on the body, feel uncomfortable. There is swelling phenomenon, decreased urine output, frequent urination (especially at night). Sword of hand, foot and ankle. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, eyes swollen around.
Late symptoms: hematuria (brown or blood red), high blood pressure, urine bubble, diarrhea, extreme thirst, sleep disturbed, or drowsiness, decreased libido.
Symptoms: Proteinuria edema High blood pressure Chronic renal insufficiencyFirst, the symptomsChronic glomerulonephritis can occur at any age, but mainly young and middle-aged men. Pathogenesis and clinical manifestations. Most of the onset of insidious, slow, to hematuria, proteinuria, high blood pressure, edema for its basic clinical manifestations, may have varying degrees of renal dysfunction, disease progression, repeated, progressive development of chronic renal failure.Second, the diagnostic criteriaThe diagnosis of typical cases is not difficult, with proteinuria, hematuria (phase contrast microscopic more complex changes in red blood cells), hypertension, edema, renal insufficiency and other glomerulonephritis clinical manifestations, duration of more than 1 year, except secondary Glomerular nephritis caused by, should consider the disease. Renal biopsy can be diagnosed and helpful in guiding treatment and prognosis.

You can also learn more about Chronic Glomerulonephritis symptoms, treatments, and diet.

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Glomerulonephritis Treatment          Glomerulonephritis Diet
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Renal Parenchymal Disease in patients with diet

Diet is banned, fo
r Renal Parenchymal Disease patients, is very important, especially for the treatment of Renal Parenchymal Disease to make it a patient must pay attention to one aspect:

1. In the elderly if suffering from interstitial nephritis often feel soft legs, frequent urination, backache swollen, lack of energy, etc., is generally because the kidney lesions. Should use red beans, corn edible, good for kidney disease. But pepper, pepper, tea, espresso and other spicy food should be banned.

2. kidney disease patients must avoid salt. Urine less or edema, in addition to medication, the choice of some water with a suitable food. Such as melon thirst, Lee urine, attending lower abdomen rose. Melon skin decoction on behalf of tea water swelling effect. Loofah diuretic swelling, cooling blood detoxification effect.

3. Interstitial nephritis patients should drink plenty of water. And in the diet to give digestible high-calorie, high protein, light semi-liquid food.

You can also learn more about ,Renal Parenchymal Disease treatments, and Renal Parenchymal Disease diet.
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Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease

Kidney disease is a serious harm to human health of the urinary system diseases, easy to recurrent, persistent refractory. Especially when the development of kidney disease to renal failure, the system of various diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease and hematopoietic function decline, then treatment is even more difficult.Speaking of kidney disease, many people may not agree, not knowing once evolved into renal failure - uremia, it is no less harmful to humans than some cancer. Kidney damage can occur in any age price, common with acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, urinary tract infection.

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The face of kidney disease devil, today, at home and abroad for the understanding of kidney disease and medical treatment is still the lack of the ideal method, such as dialysis can only maintain life, and produce dependency and dialysis syndrome, kidney transplantation success rate is low, and exclusion But also difficult to solve, hormone therapy side effects are obvious, and easy to relapse plus dialysis and kidney transplantation costs are often difficult to make many patients difficult to bear ... ...For the patient reference: hormone side effects of drugs: 1, the body fat; 2, can cause osteoporosis, causing necrosis of the femoral head; 3, the body's resistance decreased, elevated blood sugar, corticosteroid syndrome, gastrointestinal ulcers, electrolyte disorders and many more.

Natural Treatment for End Stage Renal Failure in China

Hormones and immunosuppressive agents have a certain impact on sexual function. Long time, high doses of prednisone and other corticosteroids can increase the degree of sexual dysfunction. Almost all of the immune agents can make testicular atrophy, ovarian damage, resulting in decreased or disappeared spermatogenic function, sexual desire disappeared, impotence.

The treatment of kidney disease, the current general, Chinese medicine should be better than Western medicine. Because Western medicine on a variety of nephritis, nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome treatment, the use of hormone therapy, but the hormone cover the disease is strong, side effects, and easy to relapse. Chinese medicine is not the same, on the one hand the effect is obvious, not easy to relapse, on the other hand, no pain, non-toxic side effects, low cost, so that the current treatment of kidney disease, compared with some developed medical technology. In short: although the kidney disease refractory, but not incurable. As long as the key to grasp the treatment, medication is reasonable, will achieve the desired effect.

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Manifestations of patients with polycystic kidney disease

In daily life, I believe that many people have heard of uremia it! Well, uremia is also divided into many kinds, including adult polycystic kidney disease is a common disease, it occurs in the young, and in the Incidence at the same time often accompanied by the liver, spleen, brain and other organs of polycystic lesions. So, what are the performance of adult polycystic kidney disease?
Common adult polycystic kidney disease in patients with the main performance of the following:

What Stage Is Anuria in Renal Failure

1, waist and abdomen pain:
Most of this symptom is the majority of adult polycystic kidney disease in patients with the first symptoms, and the pain was persistent or paroxysmal, after fatigue can increase the pain. If the polycystic kidney disease occurs when you need to consider whether there is cyst rupture, kidney stones caused by renal colic and so on.
2, urine abnormalities:
Half of the patients with polycystic kidney disease will be associated with the occurrence of hematuria, mostly intermittent painless naring hematuria, increased renal capsule and associated with high blood pressure in patients with polycystic kidney disease is more common. All patients with polycystic kidney disease can occur proteinuria symptoms, mostly mild and sustained development.

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3, abdominal mass:
Polycystic kidney disease in the disease, mostly from their bilateral upper abdomen touch the tumor, the size of the lumps vary.
4, high blood pressure:
Hypertension in adult polycystic kidney disease is mainly associated with renin-vascular nervous system. There will be increased blood pressure phenomenon, and often dizziness, headache and other symptoms. Most of the occurrence of high blood pressure before the decline in renal function, and high blood pressure on the deterioration of renal function play a role in promoting.

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kidney failure should pay attention to their skin

Good skin care for patients with chronic renal failure is an important task in preventing skin infections, bedsore and related complications.

As the kidney of patients with  renal failure can not be the body of toxic substances excreted, easily lead to skin itching, and even itching unbearable, often so that patients with insomnia. At this point should avoid scratching, to prevent skin damage bacterial infection and aggravate the condition. Skin itching, can be topical phenol-containing calamine lotion antipruritic, but also optional leaves, Sophora, Xanthium, wind 4 herbs in any one or two (30 grams each), Jue Tang wash; or With wind, leaves the 30 grams each, pepper, realgar 60 grams, Jiantang outside wash. Acupuncture treatment can also achieve the purpose of itching, can be used Qu pool, Hegu, blood sea, Zusanli and other points.

Renal failure in patients with advanced, due to long-term bed pressure, causing neurological disorders and blood circulation disorders, local soft tissue continued ischemia, malnutrition, prone to bed sores. Do skin care, is the key to the prevention of pressure sores. Therefore, care should always change the patient's position, usually every 2 to 3 hours turn over 1. Turn over should avoid dragging, pulling, pushing and other actions to prevent scratching the skin. The patient's bed should be kept flat without wrinkles, clean and dry without debris. Especially to keep the skin clean and dry.

In addition, patients with chronic renal failure should always use hot water to take a bath, rub back and local massage to promote local blood circulation, prevention of bed sores. If renal failure patients have appeared bed sores, skin infection prevention and control work is particularly important. Part can be supplemented by infrared or standing light irradiation, so that the wound dry, promote blood circulation, keep the wound granulation tissue healthy growth. Irradiation, at any time to observe the local situation, to prevent burns.

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 Renal failure symptoms

 Renal failure treatments 

 Renal failure eating habits

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