
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Prevention and treatment of IgA nephropathy

1, IgA nephropathy patients should be reasonable to arrange their own diet

For patients with IgA nephropathy, in the diet as much as possible to taste should be light, avoid alcohol and tobacco and irritating food, the emergence of renal dysfunction to control the use of protein absorption in rice, eggs, milk, lean meat and other animal protein is the main Oral essential amino acids to avoid malnutrition.

2, the patient should keep enough sleep and rest
The patient should keep plenty of sleep and rest. Sleep in bed, there are more blood back to the kidney, is conducive to the recovery of IgA nephropathy. Adult daily to ensure sleep 7 to 8 hours. Sleep environment to be quiet, bedtime available warm water feet to help sleep. Do not drink tea before going to bed coffee, do not eat food, or hinder sleep. Moderate workout.

3, patients should increase the understanding of IgA nephropathy
Patients should be better understanding of IgA nephropathy, so to determine the disease and treatment are not the same, and treatment may be longer. 1 part of the patient needs a renal biopsy to clearly determine the condition, to guide the treatment and diagnosis of disease progression, the patient knowledge of the relevant knowledge if the basic, you can reduce the fear and strengthen the coordination with the doctor.

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purpura nephritis Symptoms

Symptoms of purpura nephropathy - Behind renal symptoms:

① rash; ② joint symptoms; ③ gastrointestinal symptoms: the most common is the abdominal pain to the navel and the lower abdomen, paroxysmal colic, abdominal pain can be mixed with nausea and vomiting and hematuria, occasionally hematemesis, blood in the stool. ④ other symptoms: lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegaly and so on.

Symptoms of purpura nephropathy - kidney symptoms:

Mainly for edema, hematuria and proteinuria. Purpuric Nephropathy Western medicine treatment: Western medicine patients to take some anti-histamine drugs such as diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, An Qimin or cyproheptadine and other drug treatment, or the use of hormone + immunosuppressive agent + + Heparin treatment or the use of methylprednisone shock therapy; to test allergic purpura nephritis, the above method is ineffective when taking cyclophosphamide treatment.

What is the etiology and pathology of purpuric nephropathy?

At present, the cause of the disease is not yet clear. It is generally believed that may be related to infection, food, drugs, toxins, or pollen inhalation, prevention of vaccination and other factors caused by capillary allergy. Most of the age of onset in the 6-12 years old, adults are not uncommon, more men than women, happened in the late autumn and early summer. Its pathology changes to the skin, joints and digestive tract extensive vasculitis. With rich vascular network of the kidney is easy to damage, due to the blood circulation in the soluble complex in the kidney deposition caused by immune complex nephritis. Diagnosis depends mainly on the history of allergies, skin purpura, urinary and renal function tests.

The clinical manifestations of purpuric nephropathy mainly in the sense of food, or drugs and other allergies, distal limbs, buttocks and lower abdomen symmetry than the skin surface, ranging from the size of the bleeding point of purpura, or visceral purpura, or see abdominal pain , Blood in the stool, or see joint pain. In a few weeks or years later can be seen kidney disease, or visible naring hematuria, and even proteinuria. Laboratory microscopic examination of hematuria, proteinuria, a small tube, blood IgA increased, renal dysfunction, a small number of patients may have a lot of proteinuria, severe edema, manifested as nephrotic syndrome. Very few patients with rapid progression of the disease, died of renal failure in a few months uremia

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Renal failure prevention

1, in life, patients should be to prevent infection, especially for the respiratory tract or urinary tract infection is the most common, to prevent infection to prevent chronic renal failure progression has a positive effect.

 2, for patients with renal failure, should prevent urinary tract obstruction, especially in urinary tract stones, prostatic hypertrophy, so as to prevent the deterioration of renal failure has a very important role.

 3, the patient should try to prevent their own blood pressure height, engage in blood pressure is the most common symptoms of chronic renal failure, but sustained high blood pressure will affect renal function. Decompression therapy can improve renal function to varying degrees.

 4. In the consumption of drugs, patients should try to avoid harmful substances on the kidneys, and nephrotoxic drugs, such as amino sugar antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

 5. Patients should be strengthened to understand their own condition, through some symptoms can determine their condition, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, excessive diuretic and inadequate intake of water and so on.

 6, patients with kidney disease diet, should maintain a reasonable diet, so that the treatment of renal failure has a very important role.

 7, the patient should ensure that the body of electrolyte balance, to prevent the disorder, otherwise it is easy to lead to chronic renal failure deterioration: such as low calcium, low potassium or high potassium.

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Kidney disease diet

Kidney disease, that is, a variety of kidney disease, causing kidney disease and the cause of excessive fatigue, evils invasion, long illness and injury and other fine gas. For the treatment of the disease, should be used to fill the kidney fill, Ziyin Wen Yang, kidney and gas and Tongyang line water method. So, what kind of things can eat people can not eat it? Here to introduce the treatment of kidney disease.

Treatment of nephropathy

Renal insufficiency and uremic patients need to pay attention to the following aspects. First, beans, walnuts, chestnuts, almonds and other nuts. Pickles, pickles and other pickled foods should be fasting. Second, should control the patient every day to eat the amount of high protein, according to the patient's condition may be, adults eat protein every day should be about 3 grams, 3-5 this food. Such foods are lean meat, milk, eggs and so on. Third, due to renal failure, the body's drainage capacity is limited, so the daily drinking water must be controlled, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys. Finally, in order to make the body's creatinine and uremic effective discharge, the need for patients to increase the number of excretion. The following food for the excretion is very beneficial: melon, watermelon, gourd, red bean soup, black bean soup, mung bean soup and other diuretic; can Tongchong Runzhu honey, bananas, pears, radish, walnut meat, black sesame seeds and so on. Such foods are edible during treatment.

Treatment of nephropathy II
Patients should pay attention to control the intake of salt, should choose low salt, light food. Patients should not eat hot pepper, onion ginger garlic, wine, tea and other stimulating food, at the same time, greasy, animal protein-rich fishy food should also eat as much as possible, such as fat, shrimp, crabs and so on. In addition, if suffering from edema, hypertension and heart failure patients should eat less salt or salt-free food, such as tofu, bean sprouts, soy flour and other beans products should not eat. Also, cock, carp, old pork, goose and so are belong to hair, very easy to lead to kidney disease recurrence, so should not eat.

Treatment of nephropathy three
For the kidney disease diet, the following types of food can be eaten more.

First, staple food and beans, millet, red bean, cornmeal, rice, sorghum rice, beans and wheat starch.

The second category, meat and egg products, carp, yellow croaker, whitebait, herring, carp; lean pork, pig kidney, chicken, duck; milk, eggs and so on. If patients with high cholesterol, should use high-quality protein.

The third category, fruits and vegetables, spinach, eggplant, cabbage, tomato, loofah, Malan head, lotus root, mushrooms, seaweed, etc .; watermelon, grapes, kiwi, pineapple,

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Renal transplant rejection

The most important thing after kidney transplant surgery is the observation of patient rejection, the doctor will do a very detailed observation of the patient after a period of time. Rejection according to the specific incidence of different types have different types of renal transplant rejection which type? Through the following introduction we have to understand the next.

What are the types of renal transplant rejection? In the clinical definition of renal transplant rejection mainly in the following circumstances:

1, acute rejection, occurred in the postoperative 3-6 months, the clinical manifestations of fever, decreased urine output, increased blood pressure, renal function deterioration, graft kidney discomfort, if found in a timely manner, handled properly, such rejection Reversible.

2, chronic rejection, the process is slow, was gradually increased, there may be proteinuria, hematuria, blood pressure, anemia, renal function gradually deteriorated, generally irreversible changes, transplantation is the main reason for the loss of graft function The main reason for long-term healthy survival of patients.

3, accelerated exclusion, occurred in 2-5 days after surgery, the gradual recovery of renal function after transplantation in the sudden reduction of urine output or no urine, kidney pain, the original decline in serum creatinine has rapidly increased, there This type of exclusion is serious and difficult to reverse.

4, hyperthyroidism, is the most severe postoperative rejection, often occurs in the middle of surgery or within a few hours after surgery can also occur in the 24-48 hours after surgery, there is no effective treatment.

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