
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is the basic pathological features of glomerular basement membrane uniform hypertrophy associated with glomerular mesangial cells increased matrix, glomerular and glomerular mesangial cells showed nodular hypertrophy and increased permeability. The pathogenesis includes:

Diet Plan for Diabetic with Anemia and High Creatinine Levels

① high protein diet exacerbates the deterioration of diabetic nephropathy: diabetic patients due to strict restrictions on carbohydrate intake, and high protein fiber food supply-oriented, trade-off, resulting in protein decomposition products and phosphorus overload and accumulation, and thus increased the DN Pathologic damage.

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② the impact of hypertension: diabetic patients due to lipid metabolism disorders, atherosclerosis and many other reasons, a large number of patients with hypertension, these patients can be seen almost all the urine protein, indicating that kidney damage in general.

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③ high blood sugar: long and excessive increase in blood sugar, can cause increased capillary permeability, plasma protein extravasation, causing capillary basement membrane damage, glomerular sclerosis and renal tissue atrophy.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

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Diabetic renal damage is divided into 5 periods

Phase Ⅰ: glomerular hyperfiltration. With increased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and increased renal volume, newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients have this change, while renal blood flow and glomerular capillary perfusion and internal pressure Are increased. This initial change in the involvement of the diabetic kidney is consistent with the high blood sugar level, is reversible, after insulin treatment can be restored, but not necessarily fully back to normal. This period did not suffer from pathological histology.

Care Plan or Interventions of Diabetic Nephropathy

Phase II: Normal albuminuria. Urine albumin excretion rate (UAE) was normal (<20μg / min or <30mg / 24h), and the UAE increased after exercise and recovered. The glomerular glomerulus has a structural change, glomerular capillary basement membrane (GBM) thickening and mesangial matrix increased, GFR more than normal and consistent with blood glucose levels, GFR> 150mL / min patients with glycosylated hemoglobin often > 9.5%. GFR> 150 mL / min and UAE & gt; 30 [mu] g / min were more likely to develop clinical diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy Ⅰ, Ⅱ patients with normal blood pressure. Ⅰ, Ⅱ patients GFR increased, UAE normal, so the second phase can not be called diabetic nephropathy.

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Phase III: early diabetic nephropathy. The results showed that UAE was higher than 20 ~ 200μg / min (30 ~ 300mg / 24h). At the initial stage of UAE20 ~ 70μg / min, GFR began to decrease to near normal (130mL / min). High filtration may be one of the causes of persistent microalbuminuria in patients, and of course long-term metabolic control. This period of patients with mild blood pressure, lower blood pressure can be partially reduced urinary microalbumin discharge. Patient GBM thickening and mesangial matrix increased more obvious, there have been glomerular nodular and diffuse lesions and small arterial hyaline, and has begun to appear glomerular waste. According to a group of long-term follow-up results, the incidence of this period of 16%, occurred in the course of> 5 years of diabetes, and with the course of the rise.

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Ⅳ period: clinical diabetic nephropathy or dominant diabetic nephropathy. This period is characterized by a large number of albuminuria, UAE> 200μg / min or persistent urinary protein daily> 0.5g, non-selective proteinuria. Increased blood pressure. The patient's GBM was significantly thickened, the mesangial matrix widened, the abandoned glomerular increased (mean 36%), and residual glomerular compensatory hypertrophy. Diffuse type of urine protein in patients with glomerular pathology consistent with the degree of severe daily urinary protein> 2.0g, often accompanied by mild microscopic hematuria and a small amount of tubular, and nodular patients with the amount of urine protein There is no relationship between the degree of pathological damage. Clinical diabetes mellitus protein characteristics of urine, unlike other kidney disease protein, not because of decreased GFR decreased. With a large number of urine protein loss can occur hypoproteinemia and edema, but the typical diabetic nephropathy "triple sign" - a lot of urine protein (> 3.0g / 24h), edema and hypertension, seen only about 30% of diabetic nephropathy patient. Diabetic nephropathy is more severe, poor response to diuretics, the reason in addition to low plasma protein, at least in part because of diabetic nephropathy sodium retention than other causes of severe nephrotic syndrome. This is because insulin changes the tissue Na +, K + operation, whether it is type I patients with insulin or stage Ⅱ patients with hyperinsulinemia, long-term high insulin levels that can change the Na + metabolism, so that patients with diabetes retention Na +, especially Is in the case of high Na + diets. This period of patients decreased GFR, the average monthly decline of about 1mL / min, but most patients with serum creatinine level is not high.

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Ⅴ: renal failure period. Diabetic patients once the development of persistent urinary protein development for clinical diabetic nephropathy, due to extensive glomerular basement membrane thickening, glomerular capillary lumen and more of the glomerular waste, renal filtration function decreased, Leading to renal failure, the final patient's GFR more than 10mL / min, serum creatinine and urea nitrogen increased, with severe hypertension, hypoproteinemia and edema. Patients generally have azotemia caused by gastrointestinal reactions, such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and secondary anemia and severe hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis and low calcium tetany, but also secondary uremic neuropathy And myocardial lesions. These serious complications are often causes of death in diabetic nephropathy patients.

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I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Prevention of renal cysts

Renal cysts are common in a kidney disease with a higher incidence. Renal cyst is the most common kidney abnormalities, any age can occur, but more than 2/3 of the patients found in the elderly over the age of 50, is considered a change in aging. Most of the renal cysts do not cause any symptoms, but with the increase in cysts, the patient can show hematuria, abdominal mass and other symptoms.

Is 1.2cm*1.0 cm Renal Cortical Cyst Dangerous

So, what are the precautions for renal cysts?
1, throat, tonsils and other Streptococcus sores when the need to immediately cure antibiotics to be thoroughly, not halfway and waste, or streptococcus susceptible to kidney disease.
2, moderate (full) drink water do not hold back urine in the bladder for too long is easy to breed bacteria, bacteria are likely to be infected through the ureter to the kidneys, every day full of water at any time urination, the kidney is not easy stones.
3, control of high blood pressure if the blood pressure control in the safe range. Due to long-term high blood pressure will continue to destroy the renal microvascular, the kidney is composed of two million kidney (microvascular) composition.

Kidney Cyst 2.7x2.1cm on Right Kidney: Causes and Risks

4, women before pregnancy for renal function tests, to avoid the occurrence of women during pregnancy, due to increased burden on the kidneys, so the best pregnant women before pregnancy check whether the kidney disease, if there is a considerable degree of kidney disease (sometimes do not know) Please consult with the kidney specialist whether the pregnancy. Or blind pregnancy, kidney disease may soon deteriorate into, to "wash kidney" level.
5, regular inspection of the body.
Renal cysts are naturally slow to change, mainly by an increase in the number of times followed by a slight increase in size, and a few minor reductions. Right kidney cysts generally appear back pain, waist difficulties, high blood pressure and other symptoms, hematuria and local pain can occur, can also appear renal obstruction and secondary infection, but will not lead to renal failure.

When Should A Renal Cyst Be Treated


 I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Diabetic nephropathy how to reduce creatinine?

Diabetes increased creatinine means that diabetes causes kidney damage, diabetic nephropathy is gradually increasing the pathological symptoms of patients, while creatinine is also prompted to actively treat patients with diabetic nephropathy signal, then how to treat diabetic creatinine.

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Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic nephropathy is a common clinical manifestation of patients with elevated creatinine. This is due to a decrease in the ability of the normal kidney unit to be replaced by fibrous tissue and a decrease in the drainage capacity of the kidneys.
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For diabetic nephropathy increased serum creatinine treatment, conventional treatment is the use of dialysis treatment. Dialysis can play the role of artificial kidney, but not for the treatment of the kidneys, even if the application of dialysis, but also need to protect renal function at the same time treatment. Can not always rely on dialysis The current situation is recommended in the dialysis of symptomatic hypoglycemic at the same time to further improve the ability of kidney cells detoxification, from the pathological control of the progression of the disease in order to avoid more complications.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy


For the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, the use of traditional Chinese medicine therapy - micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy, not only can clear the glomerular basement membrane damage caused by immune complexes and diseased tissue, but also can repair the glomerular basement membrane. According to the reasons for the production of serum creatinine, as long as the damaged basement membrane repair, change the kidney structure, expand the glomerular filtration area, serum creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process.

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Prevention of Hypertensive Nephropathy?

Hypertensive nephropathy is now more and more sick, so many people want to understand the prevention of hypertensive nephropathy is how to implement, and only in the life of the prevention of hypertensive nephropathy
Hypertensive nephropathy prevention 1, regular exercise: according to their own health regularly participate in appropriate sports activities.

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Prevention of hypertension nephropathy 2, smoking cessation limit alcohol: no smoking, no alcohol.
Hypertensive nephropathy prevention 3, adjust the mentality, reduce stress: pay attention to work and rest, pay attention to rest. Especially in the mental or mental work is often in a state of tension, but should be adjusted in the spare time to adjust the pace of life, and more to participate in easy sports and recreational activities.

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Hypertensive nephropathy prevention 4, balanced diet: reduce fat intake, increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, increase the amount of calcium foods (such as milk, beans, etc.) intake. Which is conducive to maintaining weight, control of blood lipids, but also add potassium and calcium, is conducive to the prevention and control of hypertension.
Above is the introduction of prevention of hypertensive nephropathy in the life of the prevention of hypertensive nephropathy need to maintain a good living habits, if found when the disease, be sure to timely to the regular hospital for treatment. In the treatment, to symptomatic treatment.

Natural Ways to Improve the Prognosis of Hypertensive Nephropathy

I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
 or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

What should the initial renal failure be?

Kidney failure is actually the end stage of various kidney diseases, early renal failure in patients with kidney and a considerable part of the remaining kidney function cells to survive. Treatment of patients with renal failure, no matter what kind of treatment, should be from the treatment of symptoms stage to the treatment of "root" stage.
Only to damage the damaged kidney cells to repair, in order to increase the glomerular filtration rate, in order to increase the overall detoxification capacity of the kidney in order to eliminate the essence of patients with high serum creatinine, blood pressure, edema, poor appetite and other abnormal performance The real purpose of treating renal failure.

How to Reduce Creatinine 831 without Dialysis

Early renal failure patients, creatinine in the basic 700 ~ 800 or so, the general use of large-scale hospital dialysis treatment of early renal failure is a certain reason. This is because dialysis treatment of renal failure has such advantages:

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1, dialysis can effectively reduce creatinine, alleviate the problem of complications.
2, dialysis treatment without matching and other complicated procedures.
3, dialysis costs compared to kidney replacement.

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However, dialysis treatment did not take into account the dialysis can not fundamentally repair kidney damage, and only play an alternative "artificial kidney" function, over time, the damaged kidneys completely loss of function, dialysis times more frequently, The patient's dialysis reaction is getting bigger and bigger, dialysis effect is getting worse. According to incomplete statistics, dialysis and kidney survival time is basically the same, about 80% of patients can live for 1 year, 60% of patients can live for 5 years.

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I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!