
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How to treat kidney cysts, lifestyle is very important

Renal cyst is a more serious kidney disease, but in the early stages because there is no obvious symptoms and not easily found, often found that after the need to use surgery to treat.Kidney kidney vascular organ perspective _14671229_xxl

Renal cyst is a more serious kidney disease, but in the early stages because there is no obvious symptoms and not easily found, often found that after the need for surgery with the treatment. But with the popularity of the means of inspection in recent years, through the B-can be found on the smaller cysts, and for small cysts, usually only need to rest and pay attention to inspection, no signs of recurrence can be observed. But for some of the severe renal cysts, with surgical treatment at the same time, lifestyle changes and conditioning is also very important. Let us work together to understand the living habits of renal cysts.

Understanding Kidney Disease

For patients with renal cysts, the control of protein intake is very important, because the high protein diet can increase the early renal cysts in patients with glomerular hyperfiltration state. Has been a large number of proteinuria, edema and renal insufficiency in the intake of protein should take the principle of limited shelf life, in principle, the daily intake of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is appropriate in the intake of protein food, due to plant protein comparison It is difficult to be used by the human body, so it is best to animal protein as well. Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to control blood sugar. Can be through the usual low-sugar diet and intake of sugar control is achieved, try to avoid some sweets and high sugar content of fruit consumption, can also be taken with some hypoglycemic drugs, but for patients with advanced renal cysts , Some ingredients of hypoglycemic agents may increase the burden on the kidney, which can be used to switch to insulin treatment. The last thing to note is to control blood pressure. Usually in the diet to pay attention to light, to avoid drinking and coffee and other irritating drinks, for some of the blood pressure caused by drugs or food should be avoided. If you are more fat and used to eat some high-fat and calorie foods, it is necessary to pay attention to appropriate exercise to lose weight, but also help to enhance the body's resistance. When necessary, you can also take some appropriate antihypertensive drugs for blood pressure. Remember should also be in the emotional conditioning, to avoid the ups and downs of emotions, to maintain a happy mood, which for the recovery of any disease are beneficial.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. Click this link, or you can also send e-mail to, or whatsapp  +8613633219293.

How is the formation of renal cysts

Renal cyst is in the human kidney appears in some or large or small with the outside world can not be interlinked cystic mass of the unified call. Cause renal cysts factors can be summarized as the following: from childhood when the phenomenon of dysplasia. For cystic kidneys, it will lead to medullary sponge kidney, dysplastic polycystic kidney disease and other diseases, congenital development of abnormal genes is usually not a different phenomenon, therefore, its genetic or genetic mutation There is a difference.

Non-hereditary gene mutation, in terms of renal cysts, most of them are due to father and mother's genes for genetic. Can be divided into autosomal dominant inheritance and autosomal recessive genetic two. However, some special renal cysts are also some of the polycystic is not caused by the parents of the genetic, nor is the patient congenital formation, but in the process of embryonic formation of genes has changed. During embryonic formation, renal cysts are caused by sudden changes in genes due to various causes. However, the above situation is very rare.

Toxins also have a certain effect on the formation of renal cysts. When toxins affect the human body, it will make every kind of cell tissues and organs are damaged, it will produce disease, serious may be life-threatening. Not only that, toxins are also caused by gene mutation, congenital development is not normal and other key factors. Life in the more common toxins are: pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution and so on. It is important to note that some drugs are also with renal toxicity, if the method is not appropriate, then easy to cause damage to the kidney. These drugs include: kanamycin, gentamicin, sulfonamides, rifampicin, indomethacin, and other Western medicine.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Eating irregular, uneven is one of the reasons for the formation of renal cysts. Which is prone to overeating, hunger will be roughly malnourished; over full will be on the spleen and stomach digestive function, absorption function have an impact. The food is not clean. Symptoms of light can cause some of the diseases on the stomach, if the situation is more serious, then there will be poisoning. Used to eat cold food. It is more likely to hurt the spleen and stomach. But more, spicy lit food should not eat, over time will hurt our internal organs. Several of the above eating habits will affect the development of renal cysts. So we have to pay special attention to eat less spicy food to stimulate the diet as light as possible. Eat less pickled foods. In addition, also control animal high protein, high fat and greasy food.

Did not follow the principle of combining work and rest. Long work or strenuous exercise is easy because of long-term fatigue to form a disease. Excessive mental consumption, stress too, psychological stress. Sexual intercourse between men and women is too frequent, will have an impact on our health. Naturally affect the changes in renal cyst disease. However, too comfortable, less exercise and easy to make the body of blood is not smooth and cause other diseases. Bad mood will endocrine disorders, poor mood can make kidney cysts deepened, so to learn to control their emotions, adjust their feelings.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. Click this link, or you can also send e-mail to, or whatsapp

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Early signs of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy refers to chronic hyperglycemia caused by kidney damage, lesions can be involved in the whole kidney, including: glomerular, renal tubular renal interstitial, renal blood vessels. Can cause abnormal urinary protein excretion, abnormal renal function, leading to renal failure. According to the survey, China's type 2 diabetes patients with chronic kidney disease ratio can be as high as 64%. Diabetic nephropathy is a common cause of renal failure, if early can be found in time, positive intervention can delay, or even reverse its course of progress. Here we look at the early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy 4 signs.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Symptoms 1: Microalbuminuria is a sign of early kidney damage

Urinary albumin / creatinine ratio (UACR): greater than 30mg / g, urinary microalbumin (UMA): greater than 20mg / L, urinary albumin excretion rate (AER) ): More than 30mg / d. Among them, urinary routine cheap, but less sensitive to urinary protein, can only be found in a large number of urine protein. For early diabetic nephropathy, it is recommended to detect urinary albumin / creatinine ratio, which is currently recognized as the most effective screening method for urinary albumin. Urinary albumin / creatinine ratio ACR collection method: fasting the first morning urine samples collected. If you do not have the conditions for the collection of morning urine, random urine samples can be collected at the same time, and within 2 hours before the collection of specimens to avoid eating. In addition, severe exercise, infection, fever, pregnancy, heart failure, hyperglycemia, high blood pressure, urinary tract infection and so may have an impact on the results should avoid the above conditions under the urine protein test. With the increase in the amount of urine protein, serum albumin decreased, the patient may appear increased urine foam, eyelid and lower extremity edema and other symptoms, this time should go to the hospital in time to test the urine. In addition, for asymptomatic diabetic patients, should also be a year of urine protein screening test, in order to achieve early detection, early treatment purposes.

Symptoms 2: blurred vision - diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy are diabetic minor vascular complications, both have a strong correlation, most patients with diabetic nephropathy with diabetic retinopathy, so if you find diabetic retinopathy, need to be alert to the possibility of diabetic nephropathy. If there are symptoms of blurred vision, should be early treatment of ophthalmology, line ophthalmoscopy.

Symptoms 3: renal dysfunction, serum creatinine increased

Some patients with diabetic nephropathy abnormal albuminemia, diabetes, renal damage to the performance of renal dysfunction. Creatinine, urea nitrogen and other indicators can reflect the renal function, but the affected factors are more, such as strenuous exercise, diet, muscle volume and so on. The use of serum creatinine estimated glomerular filtration rate e-GFR is the best way to assess renal function.

Signs 4: impaired renal tubular function

In recent years, the study found that renal tubular injury in the early diabetic nephropathy can occur, can be expressed as nocturia increased, the proportion of urine decreased. By examining renal tubular function, early detection of diabetic nephropathy.

Death is the fear of everyone. Kidney disease is one of the human health killers, in order to let everyone have a healthy body, when you see here, you can share this link to your friends, pass a friend, a healthy, in fact everyone is angel The You are the angel of health to the friends and family.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. Click this link, or you can also send e-mail to, or whatsapp +8613633219293.

What is renal insufficiency?

Understanding Kidney Disease

Phase I, renal function reserve compensatory period. Because the kidney reserve compensatory capacity, so the clinical decline in renal function, but its excretion of metabolites and regulation of water, electrolyte balance can still meet the normal needs of clinical symptoms, renal function tests are normal Range or occasional slightly higher phenomenon.

Phase II, renal dysfunction. Glomerular has more damage, 60% -75%, renal excretion of metabolic waste has a certain obstacle, creatinine urea nitrogen can be high or beyond normal. The patient can appear anemia, fatigue, weakness, weight loss, the spirit is not easy to focus and so on. But often overlooked, if there is water loss, infection, bleeding, etc., then soon obvious symptoms.

Phase III, renal failure period. Kidney function has been very serious damage, 75% -95%, can not maintain the body's internal environment is stable, the patient fatigue, fatigue, attention can not concentrate and other symptoms intensified, anemia significantly increased nocturia, serum creatinine, And often acidosis. This period also known as azotemia period. Four stages, uremic or renal insufficiency end. This period of glomerular damage has more than 95%, with severe clinical symptoms, such as severe nausea, vomiting, oliguria, edema, malignant hypertension, severe anemia, skin itching, mouth urine urine smell and so on.

Renal insufficiency is what? The above has been a simple description of the best treatment of renal insufficiency method: Anhui Zhonggui Hospital Chinese medicine cloud fire kidney characteristics of the therapy, the therapy fundamentally activate the body's immune system, accelerate kidney metabolism, change the kidney Structure, to promote renal blood flow increased, repair damaged glomerular, enhanced glomerular reabsorption, activation of nephrons, restore normal renal physiological function, so that serum creatinine, urea nitrogen dropped to normal.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. Through our four parts--KIDNEY DISEASES, OUR TREATMENT, SYMPTOMS A~Z AND TEST, you can get a full understanding of your kidney condition.

Renal insufficiency how to treat more effective

Hypertensive patients are only satisfied with blood pressure control to the normal range. That as long as the normal control of blood pressure to achieve the purpose, in fact, this is not correct. For patients with chronic renal insufficiency, antihypertensive treatment of hypertension is necessary to control the system of blood pressure, but also reduce the glomerular high pressure, which play a role in protecting renal function.

Blood pressure control can stop taking antihypertensive drugs. Chronic renal insufficiency with renal hypertension, hypertension, in turn, to accelerate the progressive progress of renal function. Control blood pressure can delay its progress, and antihypertensive therapy should in principle long-term use, blood pressure should still adhere to the normal medication. But some patients believe that blood pressure has been no longer necessary to take medicine, or for economic reasons to consider and no further medication, which can lead to the gradual increase in the disease, or even more serious

Renal insufficiency of a patient's diet control the more stringent the better. Chronic renal insufficiency need to be given control diet to meet the drug treatment. Diet control with low salt and limit the intake of protein the most important, such as the merger of hypertension or edema may be appropriate to reduce salt intake, limiting the amount of protein into the daily weight of 0.5-0.8 grams per kilogram is appropriate, should be given high-quality protein such as Lean meat, egg white and fresh milk.

Chinese medicine treatment of renal insufficiency has a thorough effect of treatment, get a lot of patients of all ages. Kidney disease hospital nephropathy experts to "kidney special practitioners six-step kidney" method, cure and repair the process of renal effect will be better, the current success of patients with more than cure, and no recurrence cases. "Shentang traditional Chinese medicine six step kidney" method, ultra-light penetration technology directly to the drug penetration into the blood, kidney, quickly to resolve the blood toxins (equivalent to Western hemodialysis), and through sweat, urine toxins from the body, Fundamentally reverse renal fibrosis. This is not only the gospel of patients with kidney disease, but also a major breakthrough in the history of kidney disease treatment.

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Symptoms of renal insufficiency ckd3

The kidneys in our body which has a very important role in the body of the waste are required to excrete through the kidneys, and kidney function is also very strong, once the problem, then the human health will bring great damage. Renal insufficiency is a common kidney disease, it is a different stage, renal insufficiency ckd3 is what we call the renal insufficiency decompensation, then the renal insufficiency ckd3 major symptoms on those?

1, nitrogen metabolites increased
Patients with renal insufficiency ckd3 main performance is the blood of the nitrogen metabolites were significantly increased phenomenon, urea nitrogen content has exceeded 20mmo1 / L, serum creatinine clearance rate has also decreased significantly, has been in 20 % Of the following, the patient's various clinical symptoms also showed a significant increase in the phenomenon, at the same time, many patients will be accompanied by acidosis and water and electrolyte disorders symptoms.

2, other performance
Renal insufficiency ckd3 patients in addition to the performance of these primary diseases, there will be dizziness, headache, malaise and other psychiatric symptoms, there are some patients with gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, nausea and so on. Renal insufficiency ckd3 stage there will be varying degrees of anemia, the immune system function also appeared to decline significantly, while many patients will appear pneumonia or pleurisy and other diseases.

We introduce the renal insufficiency ckd3 some of the main symptoms of the performance, we hope to better understand the renal insufficiency help. Renal insufficiency ckd3 stage in the early majority of patients will show the body fatigue, poor appetite and other symptoms, renal insufficiency patients must pay more attention to their physical changes, as soon as possible to the hospital for examination and treatment.

Death is the fear of everyone. Kidney disease is one of the human health killers, in order to let everyone have a healthy body, when you see here, you can share this link to your friends, pass a friend, a healthy, in fact everyone is angel The You are the angel of health to the friends and family.

Understanding Kidney Disease

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. Click this link, or you can also send e-mail to, or whatsapp +8613633219293.