
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Allergic purpura daily attention

Allergic purpura is a pathogenesis of capillary inflammation of the pathology of connective tissue disease, clinical skin purpura, joint swelling and pain, abdominal pain, blood in the stool and hematuria as the main feature.
Allergic purpura etiology is unclear, the current that the disease is an immune response disease. The incidence may be related to infection, food, (milk, eggs, fish and crabs), drugs (analgin, streptomycin, isoniazid), vaccination, insect bites and so on.

How to Prevent Henoch-Schonlein Purpura

Allergic purpura patients susceptible to external environmental effects and increased, so in daily life should pay attention to the following points.
1) bed rest to help skin purpura subsided and reduce its recurrence.
2) diet not eat Xin, spicy, irritating food, not eat seafood, allergic cause unknown people do not eat the food that has not been eaten in the past.

What Are the Symptoms in Purpura Nephritis

3) abdominal pain heavier or fecal occult blood positive eating semi-liquid food, digestive tract obvious bleeding should be fasting.
4) keep warm and prevent colds.
5) to prevent insect bites.

Ways to Improve the Prognosis of Purpura Nephritis

6) rash itching, should keep the skin clean, trim nails, to prevent scratches and scratches.
7) Remove possible allergens.

Allergic purpura patients should be how to arrange a reasonable and scientific diet? 

Food to be Avoid with Purpura Nephritis

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,
or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Hypertensive nephropathy how to control the condition

Hypertension will cause damage to the kidneys, prolonged control, it will cause serious damage to the kidneys, leading to kidney disease, the formation of hypertensive nephropathy.
Hypertensive nephropathy can be controlled from the following aspects:
1. control blood pressure

How to Control Hypertension for Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients


Hypertension on the kidneys have a very serious damage, can lead to renal arteriosclerosis, glomerular damage and other irreversible damage, it is difficult to restore treatment. Kidney damage will continue to increase the symptoms of hypertension, if the blood pressure can not control, will increase the loss of renal function, and ultimately lead to uremia. Hypertension will also cause heart damage, involving the kidney, severe cases will appear heart failure, and aggravate the condition.
2. Reduce proteinuria

Proteinuria in Hypertensive Nephropathy: Causes and Treatments


Patients with proteinuria should be timely control of urine protein content, reduce protein intake, diet to avoid eating soybeans and their products, and timely treatment, long-term proteinuria can cause glomerular sclerosis, reduce renal function, so that Hypertensive nephropathy further deteriorated, exacerbated.
3. Reduce creatinine

How to Lower Creatinine 2.8 in Hypertensive Nephropathy


Creatinine is a large number of renal function to reduce the amount of toxins, waste is difficult to excrete in vitro caused by long-term high creatinine, resulting in a large number of metabolic wastes, toxins in the patient's body retention, accumulation, the patient's body function caused serious damage, Function will be damaged, severe cases will lead to uremia.
4. nursed back to health

Top 6 Healthy Foods for Hypertensive Nephropathy

In the control of the above symptoms, but also pay attention to nursed back to health, to protect the kidneys, usually not random medicine, not smoking, alcohol, harmful to the human body of food or substances to avoid eating or away from.
It is recommended that patients with hypertensive nephropathy in the treatment to maintain a good emotional state, do not always stare at the test single thinking how to look like, once found a small fluctuations will be dejected, to understand the treatment there will be a temporary repeated, do not pessimistic despair.

How to Treat High Blood Pressure and Proteinuria in Hypertensive Nephropathy


No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Is kidney failure inherited?

Renal failure is a common type of kidney disease that affects the health of the patient. But kidney failure patients will have such a question, that is, kidney failure will be inherited? They worry that their disease will be passed to the next generation. In response to this question, the following experts explain for us

What Exactly Are the Main Causes of Kidney Failure

Experts pointed out: only a few genetic
Renal failure is caused by a variety of reasons, most of the causes of renal failure is not genetic, but there are genetic kidney disease is caused by genetic mutation. Unless it is congenital hereditary nephropathy to kidney failure, such as polycystic kidney disease, half of the cases of renal failure is not genetic.
In addition, for patients with essential hypertension, it must be noted that due to high blood pressure easily lead to the occurrence of renal failure, renal failure is one of the reasons, kidney disease experts said, may be due to inheritance of hypertension and kidney failure happened.

How to Prevent Chronic Kidney Failure

 How to diagnose renal failure
1. Blood routine examination: the patient will appear symptoms of anemia, so you can do a detailed examination of anemia symptoms. For normal cell anemia, the number of white blood cells is normal or increased. Platelet reduction, accelerated cell deposition rate.
2. Urine routine examination: kidney disease can be diagnosed from the urine, including urine output, urine color and so on.
3. renal function tests: kidney lesions, a variety of indicators will appear to decline or abnormal. According to renal failure examination can be targeted treatment.

Western Treatment and Chinese Treatment for Kidney Failure

4. blood biochemical tests: the blood may be the lack of certain elements, such as protein, hematopoietic function will certainly be reduced. Plasma albumin reduction, low blood calcium, increased serum phosphorus, serum potassium and sodium with the disease may be.
5. Other renal failure examination: x-ray urine plain film and angiography, isotope kidney map, kidney scan, renal biopsy, etc., for the diagnosis of the cause of help.

Toxin-Removing Treatment for Kidney Failure In China

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by,

or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Chinese medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome, kidney disease, the most common one, the incidence of nephrotic syndrome, a wide range of people, from the elderly, down to infants and young children, can occur. Therefore, "got nephrotic syndrome can cure it", become the majority of patients with nephrotic syndrome, the most concerned about the focus. Most of the primary nephrotic syndrome can be cured, but this depends on the effects of multiple factors:

Chinese Medicine Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

For the incidence of nephrotic syndrome due to treatment.
Nephrotic syndrome occurs because the patient's kidney cells within the long-term ischemia, hypoxia, due to overload caused by damage, glomerular basement membrane filtration pore size increases, protein, red blood cells and other substances from the urine Leakage, the patient external manifestations of proteinuria, hematuria and other illnesses.
Only to seize the incidence of nephrotic syndrome and the root causes of its symptoms to be targeted treatment, so as to effectively control the leakage of protein and hematuria in order to gradually recover the disease.

How Can I Get Herbal Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome in China

From the perspective of immunization, nephrotic syndrome should use traditional Chinese medicine treatment. This method is effective in the treatment of Chinese medicine? Significant effect, by clearing the kidneys destructive substances and immune complexes, treatment of mesangial proliferation, change glomerular sclerosis.
Nephrotic syndrome Chinese medicine treatment, pay attention to certain methods. Taking Chinese herbal medicine, to achieve the combination of internal and external, to promote the effect of each other. Through the removal of renal disruptive substances and immune complexes, treatment of mesangial proliferation, changes in glomerular sclerosis, improve renal blood perfusion, increased glomerular filtration rate and nephrotic syndrome patients rehabilitation.

Good Natural Way to Lower High Creatinine 3.6 In Nephrotic Syndrome Without Prednisone

Chinese medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome effective? Traditional Chinese medicine can also topical treatment of nephrotic syndrome, that is, micro-ion therapy. Is the commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, through the external use of human kidney into the body to achieve the adjustment and maintenance of the body's internal balance effect. This therapy to avoid the simple oral drugs can not be fully absorbed by the kidney problem, you can make the drug as much as possible to reach the kidneys, kidney absorption, greatly improving the drug utilization.
Kidney Hospital experts said that according to nephrotic syndrome patients with specific pathological damage, the severity of complications and the patient's renal ECT test results, dialectical treatment, combined with nephrotic syndrome, the basic necessities of life, all-round adjustment of micro-ion The use of imported therapy. As the iontophoresis introduction therapy is from the pathological repair of renal function, so you can make patients with significantly improved condition, or even complete recovery.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome in China

In the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, the combination of Chinese medicine and Western medicine can be used, is the most effective. To the body organs and organs issued by the physiological and pathological information and drug role information as the basis for the treatment of renal pathological damage for the purpose, to achieve a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, external treatment, righting, to evil combination, to stasis, new students Combined with the combined effect. Is a combination of traditional conditions in the modern conditions of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of nephropathy new method.
Chinese medicine is an effective method of treatment of nephrotic syndrome, oral Chinese herbal medicine, to achieve the combination of internal and external, the role of mutual promotion.

Chinese Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.
Hope that the patients will be helpful!