
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How does chronic renal insufficiency prevent?

Chronic renal insufficiency has been seen as a quiet epidemic in recent years that is spreading mercilessly around the world. Once you enter uremia, you need to spend a huge medical expenses by dialysis or kidney transplantation to maintain life, and dialysis and kidney transplant patients survival period is significantly shorter than normal people.

How to Avoid Kidney Failure

First, the following high risk factors should be monitored, such as: hypertension, diabetes, old age, smoking, obesity, hyperlipidemia, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, renal tubulointerstitial nephritis, kidney stones, urinary system anatomical abnormalities , Autoimmune diseases, long-term exposure to nephrotoxic substances. Urine urinary albumin, 24-hour urinary protein quantification, renal function (serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, uric acid), blood lipids, blood glucose, endogenous creatinine clearance rate, if necessary, do more accurate isotope GFR determination. These tests can determine whether chronic renal insufficiency and specific staging (now divided into five phases), can help determine the cause of chronic renal failure. Among them, glomerulonephritis patients to do kidney puncture, is a clear pathological type, to determine the prognosis and guidance of treatment is very important method, because the B-guided operation, high security, no significant impact on the body.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: A Magic Therapy for Kidney Failure

Should be under the guidance of a nephrologist under the guidance of long-term, regular follow-up and treatment. Qualified nephropathy specialists are different from the general physician, they will be the patient's renal function damage and the reasons for accurate assessment; will be for some etiology of treatment, which can make some patients with renal function is stable or even reversed; Using a series of international kidney disease recognized and effective treatment, delay the patient's renal function decline.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure

These methods include: strict blood pressure reduction, the use of angiotensin Ⅱ converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and receptor antagonist (ARB), control of blood glucose and blood lipids, low-salt diet, limiting protein intake, smoking cessation, avoid nephrotoxic drugs, Change the way of life, correct anemia, correct acidosis, treatment of renal bone disease, correct malnutrition, treatment of cardiovascular complications and so on. Kidney disease specialist will regularly monitor the patient's renal function progress, accurately determine when the need for dialysis treatment, ahead of a comprehensive pre-dialysis mission. 

Stage 4 Kidney Failure Without Dialysis

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Children's nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to what

Children are the future of the family, but children suffering from nephrotic syndrome is very easy to lose the future, then how to make the kidney of these children better life?
1. Children should not be tired. Children's self-restraint ability is poor, from the hospital home will feel very fresh, easy to play too tired, lack of sleep, parents should pay special attention to arrange the child's schedule, as much as possible to get full rest.

Why Are Children With Nephrotic Syndrome More Prone to Infections

2. Children should not eat more salt food. Diet should pay attention to less salt, blood pressure has not been reduced to the normal children, this is very important. But the salt and salt will affect the appetite, it is appropriate to use low-salt diet. In the swelling and high blood pressure disappeared, can improve the general diet, but also light, not salty. Bread and soda biscuits also contain sodium, it is best not to give children to eat. Can let the children eat some fresh vegetables and fruits to supplement the body of vitamins.
What is Permanent Solution for Nephrotic Syndrome In Children

3. Children should not wear clothes for a long time. Infection is often the cause of kidney disease relapse. Often bath changing clothes, keep the skin clean, to prevent skin infections.
4. Children should not go to public places. To keep the indoor air fresh, try not to bring their children to stores, cinemas and other public places. Pay attention to change according to climate change clothes, prevent colds.

Prognosis of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

5. should not be casually reduced or withdrawal. Treatment of kidney disease, most need to take hormones drugs. Taking the sick child, must be under the guidance of a doctor, with the condition improved, gradually reduced until the withdrawal. Parents to urge the child on time according to the amount of medication, must not be free to reduce and withdrawal, so as to avoid repeated illness. 

Diet to Be Recommended in Nephrotic Syndrome
No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or 
WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Cause chronic kidney disease causes

Chronic kidney disease is usually one of the more common chronic diseases, but there are several people who know the cause of chronic kidney disease? Summary of the following reasons:

What is the Main Causes of Chronic Nephritis

(1) glomerulonephritis, a group can cause kidney filtration unit inflammation and injury of the disease.
(2) Diabetes, when your blood sugar is too high, you suffer from diabetes, it will damage your body many organs, including the kidney and heart, as well as blood vessels, nerves and eyes.

Basics About Chronic Nephritis

(3) high blood pressure, when the blood pressure on the blood vessels increased, they suffer from high blood pressure. Without control or poor control, high blood pressure can cause heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. While chronic kidney disease can cause high blood pressure.
(4) hereditary diseases, such as polycystic kidney disease, it will form many large cysts in the kidney and damage the surrounding tissue.
(5) deformities that occur when the fetus develops in its mother's body. Such as ureteral stenosis may occur and prevent the normal flow of urine, causing the urine back to the kidney, which can cause infection and damage the kidneys.

How to Prevent the Chronic Nephritic Develop Into Uremia

(6) lupus and other diseases that affect the body's immune system.
(7) obstruction caused by kidney stones, tumors or men with increased prostate.
(8) repeated urinary tract infections. 

Natural Remedies for Chronic Nephritis

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Is the sooner hemodialysis better?

The incidence of uremia increased year by year, has become a major disease affecting health. Dialysis is the main method of temporary treatment of uremia, but it is not a long time, the reason for more, began to dialysis too late is a very important factor. When is it better to start dialysis? Is not the sooner the better hemodialysis?

How to Avoid Dialysis 

With the decline of renal function, uremic patients in vivo accumulation of toxins, vital organs of the human body caused irreversible damage, and renal organ damage is the impact of dialysis patients long-term survival and quality of life of the main factors, which is why Said uremia is not terrible, terrible is its complications. Dialysis can effectively avoid or reduce the vital organs of the kidney damage, help to reduce the occurrence of various complications, prolong survival time, improve the quality of life.
But dialysis is not as soon as possible, but not the better sooner. Premature dialysis can not significantly improve the prognosis. However, if late dialysis, are often prone to serious complications or complications, thus affecting the quality of life of patients and long-term survival, increase medical expenses. When did that start?

Will I have an addiction to dialysis

The choice of appropriate dialysis timing should be based on the patient's renal function, nutritional status and clinical symptoms and other comprehensive factors, but also should refer to the patient's primary disease, age, medical status.
Assessment of renal function and more use of glomerular filtration rate estimates (eGFR) assessment, the current multi-advocated eGFR less than 10ml / (min · 1.73m2) may be considered to start dialysis, diabetes because of its complications appear earlier, More, more severe, should be appropriate early dialysis, such as eGFR less than 15ml / (min 1.73m2) can start dialysis. For patients with no clinical symptoms and signs of uremia may be appropriate to delay dialysis, but in any case, eGFR less than 10ml / (min 1.73m2) should start dialysis.

The Disadvantage of Hematodialysis and the natural therapy

If there is nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of uremia, and can not explain the reasons other than uremia, and conservative treatment can not be alleviated, even if not meet the renal function standards, should also consider the preparation of dialysis treatment. When there is acute heart failure, uremic encephalopathy, severe hyperkalemia and acidosis and other serious complications, after drug treatment can not be effectively controlled, it is an indication of emergency dialysis. In addition, for malnourished patients, although the positive non-dialysis treatment can not be corrected, should also consider the beginning of dialysis treatment.
Pros and Cons of Dialysis You Should Know

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

How to treat creatinine-toxin deposition?

Many patients were detected in the detection of creatinine (CRE) is too high, which makes I do not know creatinine (CRE) what patients are at a loss. Creatinine (CRE) is the product of muscle metabolism in the human body, every 20g muscle metabolism can produce 1mg creatinine (CRE). Creatinine (CRE) is mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. Understand what it is so after, toxins deposited more, can not rule out how to treat in vitro? And see how the experts explain and analyze.

Creatinine Level 1000: Alternative Treatment to Avoid Dialysis

Normally, when the patient's creatinine (CRE) is too high, the general doctor will replace the body by means of alternative means, it is an important means to reduce the symptoms. And touxi in this part of the treatment as an important step. But touxi on the patient treatment really effective it, it does not affect it? Renal failure patients can touxi treatment, touxi treatment can be corrected in a short time the patient's body water, electrolyte, acid-base balance disorder state, these functions for toxins deposition, can not rule out in vitro patients to extend life to be sure Advantage. However, touxi is not the only way out of the patient, once the stop will be relapsed, long touxi will appear a series of complications. At the same time creatinine (CRE) to a certain extent touxi treatment has also failed to achieve results. So much toxins deposition, can not rule out how not in vitro treatment?

Creatinine Reduced From 700 to 406 By Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of toxins deposition, can not rule out the body has its own unique benefits. Characteristics of pure Chinese medicine by regulating the immune function, the establishment of the glomerular basement membrane, the active ingredients of drugs through the penetration of the points to the patient's kidney, to kidney activity, blood circulation, reduce turbidity detoxification as a way to clear the kidneys, activate the kidney Function for the purpose. Promote and improve the renal tissue has been atrophic necrosis, accelerate the metabolism of kidney metabolism, so that the effective ingredients in the drug to give full play to the advantages of the establishment of damage to the glomerular, enhance the glomerular reabsorption, restore the normal physiological function of the kidney, so that creatinine CRE), urea nitrogen dropped to normal.In the treatment of increased creatinine (CRE), the traditional treatment of the past is only creatinine (CRE), rather than to establish the basement membrane, so that creatinine (CRE) is not decreased, even if the decline, it is also temporary.

Natural Remedies to Reduce High Creatinine in Diabetic Patients

Traditional Chinese medicine therapy can remove the immune complex and diseased tissue that cause glomerular basement membrane injury, and establish the glomerular basement membrane. As long as the damage to the basement membrane after the establishment of the change in the kidney structure, expanding the glomerular filtration area, creatinine (CRE) will gradually decline, but this to a process, this time must prevent colds, ease eating and emotions, Do not be tired, relieve blood pressure, blood sugar and other factors, to protect the kidney function.In response to this problem, the experts have given a clear explanation, and introduced the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of therapies can cure the disease. As long as careful to these, creatinine (CRE) will certainly come down. Toxins deposited more, can not rule out the in vitro can not blindly see the level of creatinine (CRE) but should be more from the toxin deposition, can not rule out the source in vitro, glomerular basement membrane injury angle to resolve the status of creatinine (CRE) , The only way to achieve the treatment of toxins deposition, can not rule out the purpose of the body.

Why the Serum Creatinine Level Rises Again After Dialysis

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail
,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.