
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Renal failure in patients with daily care

1, patients should pay attention to diet careKidney failure in patients with diet, should be to ensure their own nutrition on the basis of the burden of the kidneys to reduce the purpose of the main diet in the staple food can be rice, surface-based, limit the amount of protein in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, protein.

2, patients should pay attention to emotional careRenal failure in patients with the general condition is relatively heavy, longer duration, very easy to produce depression pessimism. So for patients should actively enlighten, educate patients to properly treat their own diseases, encourage patients to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude. In this way, positive and happy psychology can enhance the body's resistance to disease, play righteousness, evil can not do the role.

3, patients with caution when medicationPatients in the medication, should try to avoid the stimulation of kidney drugs, such as gentamicin, cephalosporins and so on. At the same time pay attention to medication taboo, chronic renal failure patients taking ginseng and other qi should not eat radish, mung bean and other cool food, so as not to reduce the role of drug warming. At the same time to guide the patient during treatment can not unauthorized dressing, reduction, premature withdrawal or withdrawal does not follow the observation, so as not to aggravate the condition.In fact, for patients with renal failure, in addition to treatment, but also attach importance to daily care. These routine treatments for renal failure are very helpful in helping patients recover.

There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

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Prevention of chronic nephritis

1, to avoid overwork, mental stress, excessive fatigue, night driving, examination pressure and so on, can make chronic nephritis chronic glomerulonephritis refers to a variety of causes of different pathological types of bilateral glomerular diffuse Or focal inflammation.
2, to have a good living habits, to maintain a regular life. Usually have to arrange a reasonable living system, and more to participate in appropriate activities to strengthen physical exercise, but should avoid fatigue. Reasonable nutrition, enhance physical fitness and body resistance. Pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental sanitation clean, to develop good living habits, and keep the mood relaxed and happy, and strengthen self-care awareness.
3, pay attention to diet nutrition: to avoid high protein diet, pay attention to food safety, eat more fresh fruits and natural food. To species diversity, with a reasonable, light and delicious for the principle. Pay attention to their own monitoring. Consciously when the body discomfort, such as the emergence of nocturia, loss of appetite, waist discomfort or soreness, especially in the morning after eyelid face edema excessive body fluids in the tissue gap or body cavity accumulation known as edema.

There are many types of kidney disease,  

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,          IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,          Kidney Cyst,     Kidney Failure,   

Glomerulonephritis,              Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment


Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. 
That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various 

services online.

you can also send email to, or 

whatsapp + 8613633219293.

Induced nephritis causes

Nephritis refers to the kidneys appear non-suppurative inflammatory response, suffering from nephritis, patients usually have oliguria, hematuria, hypertension and renal failure and other symptoms. There are many types of kidney disease, 

Chronic Kidney Disease,      FSGS,     IgA Nephropathy,   

Diabetic Nephropathy,       Kidney Failure,     Kidney Cyst

Glomerulonephritis,         Nephrotic Syndrome,  

Hypertensive Nephropathy,      Polycystic Kidney Disease

Renal Parenchymal Disease

Nephritis on the body of great harm, so to be timely detection and treatment. What are the causes of nephritis caused by it?1, family history. Part of the nephritis patients have a family history, the family also have nephritis, therefore, home with relatives suffering from nephritis, need to be vigilant, the best regular to the hospital for examination.2, diabetes. Diabetes can also cause nephritis, diabetes can cause complications - diabetic nephropathy, early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy with proteinuria, edema, high blood pressure, etc., late there will be renal damage.3, digestive system lesions. Some patients suffering from long-term gastrointestinal diseases, nausea, vomiting, the investigation, found suffering from nephritis. So if the appetite is not good, taste disorders, nausea and vomiting, extreme thirst and other symptoms, to be more vigilant, timely examination to rule out kidney dysfunction.What causes the cause of nephritis nephritis what is caused by how the nephritis is caused4, high blood pressure. Hypertension and kidney disease is a vicious circle, high blood pressure can cause nephritis, and nephritis will lead to high blood pressure. Hypertension does not get timely, correct treatment, will damage the kidney blood vessels, causing kidney damage, or even kidney failure. At this point, the kidney can not work properly, blood pressure on the basis of the original will be higher.5, lupus erythematosus Lupus erythematosus nephritis is also a kind of nephritis, indicating that lupus erythematosus can cause nephritis. Because the kidney is the most common organ of lupus erythematosus, the production of a large number of autoantibodies in the blood is the causative element of systemic lupus erythematosus. When the rash after the sun, or repeated oral ulcers, severe hair loss, can not use anti-inflammatory, anti-viral treatment of fever, but also take into account the possibility of lupus nephritis.6, other diseases. When the skin appeared allergic purpura-like rash, pay attention to check the urine. A person infected with hepatitis B virus, whether hepatitis B virus carriers or sick, if there is hematuria, proteinuria, should pay attention to check whether the suffering from hepatitis B virus-associated glomerulonephritis. Overweight or obese people are likely to suffer from obesity-related glomerulopathy.

Understanding Kidney Disease Treatment

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. 
That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online.

Nephritis in patients with dietary considerations

1, nephritis patients should not eat eggs.
Due to the onset of renal function and metabolic effects were significantly decreased, reduced urine output, the body of some toxins can not be all excreted. At this point if you eat eggs, will inevitably increase the egg metabolites - urea, so there will be more accumulation of urea in the body, so that exacerbations.
2, nephritis patients do not eat bananas.
Banana containing sodium, chronic nephritis patients with edema, hypertension must limit the intake of sodium. Often eat bananas, it is equivalent to intake of a large number of sodium salt, so that increased burden on the kidney, swelling, high blood pressure and other symptoms also increased, indigestion and diarrhea patients will make the disease worse after eating.
3, kidney disease avoid eating pineapple eggs.
Songhua eggs to eat though the taste is not salty, but its sodium content is not low, occasionally eat a little trouble. Prolonged consumption will increase the body's sodium content, is not conducive to physical rehabilitation. Chronic nephritis patients are not suitable for eating pineapple eggs.
4, nephritis fasting high salt content of food.
Such as soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, tomato sauce, sand tea sauce, vinegar, miso and so on.
Nephritis can not eat what food nephritis diet should pay attention to what nephritis to taboo what food
5, nephritis fasting preserved food.
Such as all kinds of pickles. At the same time, try to eat less MSG.
6, kidney inflammation can not stimulate food.
Irritating ingredients of food and a variety of spicy spices, all kinds of spices and volatile oil and more vegetables in the body metabolism process, spicy ingredients to excrete through the kidneys, these spicy ingredients on the renal parenchymal cells to varying degrees of stimulation, Affect kidney function. Such as onions, garlic, ginger, chili, fennel, pepper and other food.
7, nephritis eat too cold food.
Because the cold food will damage the spleen and stomach yang and kidney yang, leading to cold from the endogenous, aggravated Yang sick condition; overheated food can lead to stomach fire Kang Sheng, or damage Yin Ye, increase the condition of Yin.

Understanding Kidney Disease Diet

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online.

Understanding Kidney Disease or you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.

Nephritis treatment

First, the treatment of edema

Mild nephritis patients without treatment, limited salt and rest can disappear. Significant edema patients, available drug treatment, the general discontinuous application is better than continuous application.

Second, bed rest
Acute nephritis bed rest is very important. Edema subsided, blood pressure decreased, abnormal urine after the reduction, the patient can carry out moderate walking, and gradually increase the number of mild activities, but do not suddenly increase the amount of activity.
Third, anti-infective treatment
In the acute phase of nephritis patients in the case of infected lesions to give enough anti-infective treatment, no infection, the general to not properly.
Fourth, the treatment of hypertension and heart failure
If there is high blood pressure in patients with nephritis need conventional treatment of hypertension. Heart failure in patients with nephritis is due to acute nephritis patients with high blood volume problems, its treatment focus is on the removal of water, sodium retention flow, reduce blood volume above.
Five, diet and moisture

The amount of water intake to urine, edema, the degree of hypertension and whether the heart failure to determine the comprehensive, in the acute phase of the nephritis patients to limit the water is appropriate, but not too much. Salt intake in the case of significant edema and high blood pressure, can be limited to 2g / d or so. Protein intake, depending on the target limit, the protein need to high-quality protein is better, such as eggs, dairy, lean meat and so on. Generally advocated into the low-protein, high-sugar diet continued to diuretic start, until the symptoms of nephritis patients after the basic relief can be restored to conventional diet
Six, Chinese medicine treatment
Chinese medicine on nephritis no obvious repeatable efficacy, and some Chinese medicine with renal toxicity, may lead to delay and increase the condition.

What is the cause of nephritis?

1, congenital factors

Some patients in the body after the birth of the extreme lack of nutrition leading to malnutrition in the state, so long-term is likely to lead to abnormal function of the body, while the kidneys will also be implicated, leading to the incidence of nephritis. For such people, we must pay attention to the daily nutrition supplement, timely and effective treatment.

2, eating unreasonable

The incidence of nephritis is also a reason is the diet is unreasonable, including picky eaters, overeating and so on. If the daily lack of nutrition will lead to the body's normal metabolic supply is not on the long-term lead to the body in a state of weak fatigue, and ultimately lead to nephritis.

3, infection

If the patient has a variety of infections, but also induced nephritis. Whether it is respiratory infections or gastrointestinal infections, will give the body a different degree of damage, and ultimately increase the burden on the kidneys, causing the incidence of nephritis.

Understanding Kidney Disease Diet

4, gene changes

If the patient's gene changes (here mainly refers to the genetic mutation), may also cause the incidence of nephritis. Under normal circumstances, gene mutation will occur in the embryonic period, because of various factors, will make the patient's genes produce changes, leading to kidney disease, causing nephritis.

5, fatigue

Many patients with nephritis before the onset of long-term in a state of fatigue, so that the various organs of the body can not get enough rest, so go will gradually increase the burden of detoxification of the kidneys, the formation of a vicious cycle, the final will cause kidney lesions, causing nephritis