
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Chinese medicine treatment of renal failure 2(For the treatment of the course of the disease)

For the treatment of the course of the disease
The process of development of chronic renal failure, that is, the effective reduction of effective nephrons, renal function is constantly losing the process. In this process, the kidneys gradually atrophy, a large number of glomerular sclerosis, renal tubular - interstitial fibrosis. Therefore, the process of renal failure, that is, the degree of renal fibrosis continue to deepen the process. Blocking the process of renal fibrosis for the effective control of disease progression to uremia is important.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients

Blocking the process of renal fibrosis has been a major problem in the medical profession, although there are some scientific research institutions that some of the traditional Chinese medicine to block the process of renal fibrosis have a certain effect, but the real application to the clinical not much. The hospital used by the drug is a high-tech micro-treatment series of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine by micro-treatment, the increase in activity, many of the traditional conditions are difficult to play a role in the drug composition, but also to play a full role.

Can I Avoid Dialysis After Chinese Medicine Treatments

The formation of renal fibrosis, the extracellular matrix of a large number of synthesis and accumulation played a key role. Extracellular matrix accumulation, will lead to kidney tissue results and loss of function. In this process, the large number of myofibroblasts generated on the synthesis of extracellular matrix plays a major role, it can be said that myofibroblasts are the main source of extracellular matrix. To this end to block the process of renal fibrosis, renal interstitial fibrous cells must be blocked to a large number of fibroblasts into a fundamental link. The mechanism of the synthesis of difficult to degrade the collagen, the mechanism of action is: Chinese medicine active substances in the human body and myofibroblast molecules close fusion (molecular valence bond), fusion, the composition of myofibroblasts Degradation, to promote muscle fibroblasts cracked, broken. Split, broken fibroblasts are phagocytosed by phagocytic cells or become debris in vitro.

Recommended Treatment for Improving Renal Function in Kidney Failure

The core of treatment for renal failure is to block the deterioration of renal fibrosis, and the key to blocking the deterioration of renal fibrosis is to find a drug that prevents normal cells from converting into myofibroblasts.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.

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Chinese medicine treatment of renal failure 1(For the treatment of etiology)

Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is actually a micro-traditional Chinese medicine to block the process of renal fibrosis in a systematic treatment, based on the latest theory of kidney disease diagnosis of renal failure patients medication and treatment measures to develop and implement. The core technology is to treat kidney disease after the micro-treatment of Chinese medicine, and then evenly distributed in the two kidney areas, with the micro-treatment instrument for infiltration. Treatment of renal failure micro-traditional Chinese medicine combined with Western symptomatic treatment, if necessary, using hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatment, but this is only a supplementary measure, not the key to treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

For the treatment of etiology
The treatment of the cause is from the "source" treatment of renal failure. The cause of renal failure is due to various causes of kidney damage and inherent cell damage. With glomerular kidney failure as an example, we can explain our treatment: glomerular disease is an immune disease, the onset of incentives often by antigen or antibody binding to form immune complex, and deposited in the glomeruli (Immune complex). In the inflammatory mediators (such as complement, interleukin, reactive oxygen species, etc.) involved, and finally lead to glomerular injury. In the practice of treatment, the main measures are taken:

Is Chinese Medicine Good For End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

(1) expansion of the renal artery, increased glomerular, renal tubular, renal interstitial effective infusion, accelerate the maintenance of damaged cells i, ease its hypoxia.
(2) expansion of the whole body arteries, reduce and ease the body pressure state, especially to reduce the glomerular pressure, reduce glomerular hyperthyroidism.
(3) by accelerating the feeding method, to avoid endothelial cells are not activated to inhibit the formation of micro-tethered.
(4) to inhibit the proliferation and infiltration of a series of inflammatory factors by accelerating blood velocity and by adequate supply to prevent the abnormal release of inflammatory cells that have been activated.

Natural Treatment for End Stage Renal Failure in China

Clinical observation of the reality, through the implementation of the above four treatment measures, the normal metabolism of glomerular activation, when the glomerular condition improved, the whole function of the kidney also improved

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.

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Rehabilitation of chronic glomerulonephritis

 Chronic nephritis patients with low immunity and immune function, physical strength is also poor, especially with anemia, hypoproteinemia, renal insufficiency in patients. Sports activities is a need to consume physical activity, and fatigue is caused by chronic nephritis recurrent, causing renal dysfunction or acute exacerbation of chronic kidney inflammation of the important incentives. Therefore, the rehabilitation of chronic nephritis should first prevent the recurrence of the disease.
What Treatments Are Available for Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis

   1, repeated attacks prevention
Leading to chronic recurrent nephritis for many reasons, first with the pathological type of nephritis itself, such as some pathological type itself is irreversible, such as focal segmental glomerular sclerosis; secondly, with the rational use of drugs or not, Especially the rational application of hormones and cytotoxic drugs, antihypertensive drugs is essential. Inpatients in this area is often able to better deal with, but the outpatients are relatively easy to ignore, especially the mild performance of the patient, the patient often do not follow the doctor's advice, self-increase or even disable the drug, resulting in the emergence of rebound phenomenon. Third, the efficacy of certain drugs itself is not sure, such as dipyridamole, etc. to reduce the role of urinary protein, often after repeated treatment as usual. Fourth, the immune function of chronic nephritis is low, especially with anemia and hypoproteinemia, their physical and resistance are low, intolerance fatigue, susceptible to infection, once the life and work irregular, that is, because of infection Upper respiratory tract infection, fatigue and other factors induced by aggravation, and even manifested as acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis, or lead to deterioration of renal function. Fifth, misuse of nephrotoxic drugs, the most misuse of aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin, etc., if leading to deterioration of renal function, causing uremia. In addition, when the condition is unstable, due to pregnancy, long-distance travel, sports often lead to repeated or aggravated condition. Impaired renal function, but also because of inappropriate diet and increased renal insufficiency.

Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis

  2, the so-called chronic nephritis recurrent, including the following aspects:
(1) after treatment, proteinuria or hematuria to reduce or disappear, after a period of time, but also the emergence of proteinuria or hematuria.
(2) some clinical symptoms, especially high blood pressure, after treatment can be reduced to normal, and then repeatedly increased.
(3) acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis.
(4) renal dysfunction, repeated BUN, serum creatinine when the high and low, can not be stable at a better level.

How to Improve GFR 34 in Glomerulonephritis

    To prevent the recurrence of chronic nephritis and protect renal function, must be between doctors and patients with each other, the patient in all aspects of life are always pay attention to their own kidney condition. Strictly in accordance with the guidance of the specialist to choose and take drugs, to develop a good living habits, work and rest, to avoid overwork, in the condition is stable, it can not be forgotten so, avoid long distance travel and excessive work, Prohibited, isolated, should be appropriate exercise, enhance their ability to fight disease. Renal function has been impaired, avoid using nephrotoxic drugs. Diet should be selected according to the doctor's request food, should not blindly tonic.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.

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