
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

How long can survive Nephrotic Syndrome?

People with nephrotic syndrome will have a concern, all patients are afraid of the so-called terminally ill or worsening of the disease leading to some complications. For patients with nephrotic syndrome, how long can live depends mainly on the type of disease and the severity of the disease, personal mentality, treatment methods and their own maintenance and recovery. So for this issue, can not give a clear and unified answer, or in the following aspects of more consideration, attention to maintenance, to be able to calm the mentality of the challenges facing the disease. The following are the same as the "

How To Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Without Making It Relapse

First, how long can a patient with nephrotic syndrome live, depending on the severity of the kidney disease itself. Generally speaking, the initial situation should not be very serious, in this period should pay close attention to treatment, this time is the best treatment opportunities, can not be missed. But if you take an improper treatment, resulting in treatment is not thorough, the condition appears repeatedly, the situation is more complicated. In short, the sooner the discovery, the more effective treatment, the longer the survival time, this is no doubt. So, early detection and early treatment is a good way to deal with the disease.

What Is the Prevention of Nephrotic Syndrome

Second, the survival time of patients with nephrotic syndrome and the pathological type has a great relationship. Nephrotic syndrome is generally divided into diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis, minimal pathological glomerulonephritis, diffuse membranous hyperplastic glomerulonephritis, these types have their own different characteristics, so the prognosis is different. Which diffuse membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis survival time to end, good prognosis within ten years can also die. The other two are relatively easy to treat.

What Should I Do When I Have a Cold with Nephrotic Syndrome


Finally, patients with nephrotic syndrome also need to cooperate with a good positive attitude to the treatment, to maintain a stable and calm mood, strong will, in the psychological to establish a courage to overcome the disease, while actively doing some positive rehabilitation and Maintenance work, which is a key factor affecting the survival time of patients. Only their own perseverance and action, there will be hope of life, it will make the discouraged. So you still do not blindly pessimistic patients, but the objective of the analysis, there is a rational understanding of the future with a good attitude to deal with the disease is no problem.

Natural Treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome

Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

How to prevent recurrence of renal failure

Renal failure is a very difficult treatment of the disease, many patients in the early can not be aware of their own suffering from kidney failure, confirmed after the need for long-term dialysis treatment in order to maintain life. Some patients with renal failure due to timely detection, mild symptoms, so the rehabilitation is good. But renal failure is easy to relapse, how to prevent uremia recurrence, has become the focus of many patients.

What Food Can Control the Kidney Failure

Diet conditioning
Prevention of renal failure recurrence, first of all from the diet of life to start, the patient should strictly control the intake of protein, daily use of low-protein diet, to minimize the body's nitrogen. At the same time to fast food containing high levels of cadmium, such as animal liver, animal kidney, some mushrooms, some seafood and some vegetables grown in the sludge. Do not add too much salt in the food, you can use low sodium instead of ordinary salt. Patients should also pay attention to the daily amount of water to reduce the amount of urine. Renal failure patients pay attention to the diet at the same time pay attention to ensure that daily intake of adequate nutrients to maintain normal physical fitness.

Can I Eat Beets and Asparagus on Renal Diet

Daily care
Usually if suffering from colds, fever and other diseases, must be under the guidance of a doctor medication, to avoid taking drugs that damage the kidneys, can choose no nephrotoxicity and rapid onset of drugs, try to shorten the medication time, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.
What Should People Concern Once Diagnosed With Renal Failure

Many patients with renal failure itself suffering from high blood pressure, high blood sugar, kidney disease, must actively treat the primary disease, control the disease of the disease, so as to avoid exacerbations caused by uremia recurrence.
Often go to the hospital referral is every kidney failure patients must pay attention to things, not because the condition is controlled or alleviated and relaxed vigilance. Enhanced follow-up is necessary to detect uremic conditions.

Exercise Tips for Patients with Kidney Failure

Adjust their own habits, three meals a day regular quantitative, do not stay up all night, with the appropriate physical exercise, in the epidemic season should pay attention to strengthen the prevention. Good habits are helpful for the control of the condition.
To maintain a good attitude, not because of suffering from kidney failure and depressed, do not worry about the disease all day long. To maintain a positive resistance to the disease, to establish confidence in the disease, the body is quite beneficial to rehabilitation.

How to Increase Kidney Function in Kidney Failure Naturally


Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Renal failure to explain

In clinical, renal failure occurs, this time the patient will have some symptoms, will directly affect their own gastrointestinal tract, will often appear nausea and vomiting symptoms and can cause oral erosion and gastrointestinal bleeding, mental aspects Will also be affected by some will become sluggish, but also dizziness, cardiovascular and hematopoietic system and respiratory system, will be direct, because kidney failure caused by a very serious performance. It can be seen that the harm caused by this disease is more serious. So we in the life of the early to control.
What Should People Concern Once Diagnosed With Renal Failure

First to prevent health care
When the emergence of renal failure, we all will find that this disease is not an independent disease, it will directly on our body caused a certain violation, in life, we have to understand any damage to the kidneys at any time performance. Such as diet which can not be arbitrary to indiscriminate use of some food, including some drugs can not be used indiscriminately. To protect our kidneys, we must understand that hypertension and diabetes can directly cause our kidney damage, in the choice of some drugs to avoid some of the toxicity of the kidneys.

What Food Can Control the Kidney Failure

Maintain the body more exercise
Disease in our lives which is more common, no matter what kind of disease, we should pay attention to should be in advance to control. In fact, in life want to control these diseases is very much, we should pay attention to maintaining the body more exercise, everyone in their lives will be exposed to the movement, only those lazy people do not go to exercise, regular exercise their own body, Can be sustained, according to their own circumstances to choose the way of exercise, can effectively avoid some of the disease.

Treatment to Avoid Dialysis or Regain Kidney Cells
Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy

Early to actively control diabetes, stable blood sugar at normal levels, to prevent kidney damage and deterioration of renal function. You can use diet therapy and insulin to control blood sugar.

How to Prevent Diabetic Kidney Disease for Diabetes Patients

Patients with hypoproteinemia should be low or no salt diet, in the case of renal function permits, may be appropriate to increase the protein intake. If there is renal insufficiency and azotemia, the protein intake to limit the shelf life, that is, the daily protein into the protein does not exceed 0.5g / kg body weight, mainly to high-quality animal protein, the appropriate increase in carbohydrate intake, Fat is best to use vegetable oil.
How Can I Keep My Kidneys Healthy with Diabetes

Insulin consumption should be based on individual principles, renal failure, renal degradation of insulin capacity decreased, and renal failure can reduce the impaired glucose, showing insulin antagonism, so the application of insulin should be appropriate reduction. Renal insufficiency when the filter sugar from the urine to reduce, so according to the patient's blood glucose levels to adjust the amount of insulin. Effective control of blood pressure can delay the occurrence of renal failure.
Care Plan or Interventions of Diabetic Nephropathy

Commonly used antihypertensive drugs are calcium antagonists such as nifedipine, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors such as captopril, biodeceptors such as metoprolol, and vasodilators such as prazosin. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors have the effect of reducing glomerular perfusion pressure, slowing glomerular sclerosis, protecting renal function, and are often used as a drug of choice. In addition to glomerular sclerosis, diabetes is often accompanied by Pyelonephritis, should use sensitive, nephrotoxic antibiotics to prevent and control the infection. In addition, there are swollen, who can give spironolactone and benzothiadiazine drugs. Intractable edema, available furosemide and sodium urinate. Renal failure, renal failure should be handled, if necessary, dialysis or kidney transplantation.

How to Lower Creatinine 5.3 in Diabetic Nephropathy

Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

What are the aspects of kidney disease diet?

First, the diet should be given high calorie, high vitamin, high quality low protein diet. The use of higher nutritional value of eggs, milk and other animal protein food, and less soy products and other plant protein. Avoid the use of pesticides, household detergents and other products containing cadmium, chloroform, ethylene glycol and tetrachlorethylene. If the blood pressure should limit the intake of sodium salt, edema should also limit the intake of sodium. Line dialysis treatment should be high quality and high protein diet.

Foods to Avoid With Chronic Kidney Disease

Avoid high potassium and high uric acid food: such as pickles, processed canned, ginseng fine, chicken, tea, animal offal, seafood, beans, carambola, melon, melon, orange, banana and so on. Skin itching, hot water can be used bath, avoid scratching the skin by hand. Pay attention to keep warm, prevent cold, prevent secondary infection. Moderate exercise, work and rest, increase the body immunity. Strengthen oral care. Limit the intake of water can reduce water and sodium retention, usually uremic patients intake of liquid is about equal to the amount of urine plus 500 ml. If sweating more, can be increased. Measure body weight daily as a reference for drinking water. In addition, happy and adequate rest is also very important, to establish confidence, physical and mental health is very important.

Diet & Fitness for Kidney Failure


Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp/  Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

Renal failure treatment

For the treatment of renal failure, Chinese and Western medicine also exists in the treatment field, have their own strengths. Western anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant therapy or intestinal detoxification, the effect is better, and a short period of time will be able to see the effect. But Western medicine temporary solution, only a simple symptomatic treatment, and traditional Chinese medicine to play the role of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine has a clear advantage, both the effective treatment of primary kidney disease, kidney damage caused by the elimination of factors to restore the stage of renal failure damaged kidney units.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: A Magic Therapy for Kidney Failure

Western medicine symptomatic treatment of complications, for traditional Chinese medicine to play a "cure" effect, repair damaged kidney that tissue, blocking the progress of renal fibrosis, providing a favorable environment within the body. Over the years, Chinese medicine practitioners have been trying to find an effective treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure

Kidney disease is the process of gradual fibrosis of the kidney, traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy for renal fibrosis related to the process of blocking the process of renal fibrosis, cut off the progress of kidney disease and renal failure, restore the reversible renal function units, to achieve prevention and prevention of uremia The purpose of the disease. In the actual block treatment, the main play "vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation" and so on. In the early stage of renal disease early to rely on Western medicine to strengthen the "anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant" role; in the late renal insufficiency, uremia, that is, the formation of renal cells in the process of phenotypic transformation, the main play a strong role in traditional Chinese medicine to prevent uremia , Restore renal function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure

In the process of blocking the process of renal fibrosis, treatment of chronic renal failure process, traditional Chinese medicine osmotic therapy mainly play "inactivation, reversal, apoptosis, degradation" four major roles: 1. On the inflammatory mediators, cytokines, growth factors and a series of renal toxicity caused by inactivation of activity, thereby blocking the damaged kidney function cells continue to damage, to promote its normal metabolic function reversal. 2. Activation of damaged kidney cells in the metabolic function, to promote damage to the inherent cell phenotype reversed.3. Promote myofibroblasts and immune complex apoptosis, blocking its continued synthesis and secretion of extracellular matrix (ECM).4. Increase the production of degrading enzymes in the kidney, promote ECM degradation, reduce ECM damage to kidney tissue, restore damaged kidney function.
Chinese Herbs for Kidney Failure

Traditional Chinese medicine osmotic therapy active substance blocks renal fibrosis, only in the reversible phase of renal fibrosis to play a role in the formation of scar tissue has been part of the powerless. Therefore, when suffering from a variety of chronic kidney disease should be standardized as soon as possible treatment, especially the treatment of renal failure, do not miss the best treatment time!
Can I Do the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy at Home

Chinese medicine osmotic therapy expansion of renal arteries at all levels after renal clinical symptoms and signs and the functional indicators can be improved; and systemic symptoms and gastrointestinal, blood system symptoms can be alleviated and disappeared, chronic renal failure patients with short-term efficacy and long-term Treatment effect will have a personal feeling.

Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

How does chronic renal insufficiency prevent?

Why the incidence of chronic renal insufficiency will rise significantly?Mainly in recent years, diabetes, hypertension, the incidence increased significantly. Second, with the arrival of an aging society, the elderly renal function itself has a downward trend in the role of various causes, renal function more easily damaged. Moreover, with the cardiovascular field of treatment of heart failure and other technologies to improve these patients to survive longer, chronic renal insufficiency patients are correspondingly increased.

How Will Kidney Failure Affect My Life


How early detection of chronic renal insufficiency?First, the following high risk factors should be monitored, such as: hypertension, diabetes, old age, smoking, obesity, hyperlipidemia, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, renal tubulointerstitial nephritis, kidney stones, urinary system anatomical abnormalities , Autoimmune diseases, long-term exposure to nephrotoxic substances. Urine urinary albumin, 24-hour urinary protein quantification, renal function (serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, uric acid), blood lipids, blood glucose, endogenous creatinine clearance rate, if necessary, do more accurate isotope GFR determination. These tests can determine whether chronic renal insufficiency and specific staging (now divided into five phases), can help determine the cause of chronic renal failure. Among them, glomerulonephritis patients to do kidney puncture, is a clear pathological type, to determine the prognosis and guidance of treatment is very important method, because the B-guided operation, high security, no significant impact on the body.
Recommended Treatment for Improving Renal Function in Kidney Failure

 Suffering from chronic renal insufficiency how to treat it?First of all, should be under the guidance of a nephrotic specialist for long-term, regular follow-up and treatment. Qualified nephropathy specialists are different from the general physician, they will be the patient's renal function damage and the reasons for accurate assessment; will be for some etiology of treatment, which can make some patients with renal function is stable or even reversed; Using a series of international kidney disease recognized and effective treatment, delay the patient's renal function decline. These methods include: strict blood pressure reduction, the use of angiotensin Ⅱ converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and receptor antagonist (ARB), control of blood glucose and blood lipids, low-salt diet, limiting protein intake, smoking cessation, avoid nephrotoxic drugs, Change the way of life, correct anemia, correct acidosis, treatment of renal bone disease, correct malnutrition, treatment of cardiovascular complications and so on. Kidney disease specialist will regularly monitor the patient's renal function progress, accurately determine when the need for dialysis treatment, ahead of a comprehensive pre-dialysis mission.

What Food Can Control the Kidney Failure

Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.
                                                                        Hope that the patients will be helpful!

How does maintenance for nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome with a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, edema, hypertension as the main clinical features, disease progression, often repeated attacks increased. If the summer can pay attention to the following questions, or can be safe and sound.

Diet and Fitness for Nephrotic Syndrome

 First, living sometimes cautious sunshine summer hot weather, sunshine for a long time. Nephrotic syndrome patients, must comply with the weather changes, to develop a good habit of living. About 1:00 or so the best arrangements for half an hour or so lunch time, so you can ensure physical strength, to benefit rehabilitation. There are some harmful rays in the sun, such as r-ray, easily against the human body caused by inflammation of the skin, nephrotic syndrome patients with their own immune function is low, it should be cautious in the sun, so as to avoid skin inflammation worse.

Are Green Leafy Vegetables Good for Nephrotic Syndrome


 Second, the diet section can not swallow nephrotic syndrome patients should strictly implement the diet rules, must not eat, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys. Such as watermelon can be diuretic swelling, heat refreshing, but more food is too frequent urine also increase the burden on the kidneys, and watermelon sugar accumulation in the body is also a potential crisis of the disease. Some children with nephrotic syndrome, hi to ice cream or iced diet to quench their thirst. If occasionally, many times a small amount is not taboo, if blindly Tan Liang is no benefit to the disease. Due to cold can damage gastrointestinal function, resulting in loss of stomach and stomach, the disease is useless. If the swine caused by acute enteritis each repeated or aggravated condition. Therefore, patients with nephrotic syndrome in the summer with caution cool drinks.

How To Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Without Making It Relapse

 Third, the appropriate exercise pay attention to health appropriate sports for the recovery of the disease beneficial. Such as walking, playing tai chi, practicing qigong and so on. But should pay attention to exercise time, to the morning and evening is appropriate, must not be strong at noon or exercise when the sun. Although swimming is a good sport in the summer, but because of swimming need to consume a lot of physical strength, and swimming venues health is not guaranteed, it is recommended that patients with nephrotic syndrome do not swim.

Which Food Can Help Nephrotic Syndrome Anemia


 Fourth, pay attention to the room environment, pay attention to sleep Health Summer, nephrotic syndrome, the patient should be placed in a spacious room, bright, ventilated, ventilated, to maintain a certain temperature. Air conditioning should not be adjusted too low to less than the outdoor temperature 5c ~ 6 ° c is appropriate, or easily due to rapid changes in hot and cold and a cold. Bedding to be clean, dry, the bedroom to light soft, ventilated and breathable. Due to weakened basal metabolism after falling asleep, people's self-defense function is poor, very cold and cold, so patients with nephrotic syndrome, summer sleep should pay attention to cover the abdomen, Wei Wei Yang, to prevent colds.
Low Protein Diet for Nephrotic Syndrom

 Fifth, adjust the emotional plot to protect the spirit of relief is often repeated, blood pressure fluctuations in the important reasons. Nephrotic syndrome course of the disease, the patient must have the confidence to overcome the disease, cleverly adjust the emotions, such as flowers and birds to entertain, calligraphy, reading, chess and so can be happy mood, promote health. Some patients with nephrotic syndrome in patients with repeated, carefully asked the relationship with the intercourse. General condition in the recovery period, normal blood pressure, no abnormal urine test when the occasional sexual health on the barrier. If the high degree of edema, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, reluctantly sexual life, but it is the enemy of stable condition, and even cause the disease deteriorated.

Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!

How does recuperation after kidney disease syndrome?

First, how to improve the rehabilitation of nephrotic syndrome - life precautions

Nephrotic Syndrome Poor Prognostic Factors


1. Note cold and warm, get up early to sleep, to ensure adequate rest, do more outdoor activities, but do not be too tired, pay attention to oral and skin care.
2. Attention to prevent colds.

3. Do not have the burden of thought.

Why is Nephrotic Syndrome Easy to Relapse

Second, how to improve the rehabilitation of nephrotic syndrome - diet precautions

1. diet should be light, appropriate drinking water

2. eat more vegetables and fruits with vitamins,

3. do not benefit a lot of food into the protein

4. Note that vitamin and trace elements.

What Does Nephrotic Syndrome Patient Need on Diet


Kidney disease is one of the human health killers,no matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually.In order to let everyone have a healthy body,I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone:008613633219293.

Hope that the patients will be helpful!