
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

What are the dangers of diabetic nephropathy?

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes, but also a more serious one. Some patients with diabetic nephropathy due to the disease is not timely effective control, the development of uremia.

Natural Medicines and Herbs for Diabetic Nephropathy

    The mortality rate of uremia is very high, which makes a lot of diabetic patients die due to kidney disease. Diabetic nephropathy in the literature of Chinese medicine, both diarrhea, but also belong to the scope of nephrotic edema, urine turbidity, fullness, customs and other diseases, the pathogenesis of kidney-based, early micro-leakage, Gasification adverse, water within the stop, and even the cloud poison intrinsic, dirty gas deficiency, easy to change certificate, the total is the virtual standard disease. In recent years, with the prolongation of human life expectancy, life diet, structural changes, the prevalence of diabetes is increasing linearly, and because of the improvement of treatment methods, the survival time increases, so the kidney and other complications also increased. According to the latest statistics, China is currently about 50 million people are facing the threat of diabetes.

How Serious Is Creatinine Level 2.9 for Diabetic Nephropathy

    In some Western countries, about 35% of diabetic nephropathy developed to the late stage of renal failure. Type I (IDDM) diabetes has a higher proportion of diabetic nephropathy, about 35% to 50%, type II (NIDDM) incidence of about 20%. However, patients with diabetes, type II patients far more than the incidence of type I, so in patients with diabetic renal failure dialysis patients in type II accounted for 70% to 80%. The disease is a diabetic systemic microvascular disease performance, clinical features for proteinuria, progressive renal dysfunction, hypertension, edema, late severe renal failure, diabetes is one of the major causes of death.

Diabetic Patients with Creatinine 3.4: What Should Be the Treatment
    Once the diabetic patients found that kidney disease, should be immediately admitted to actively cooperate with the physician treatment, to prevent further development of the disease, which led to the occurrence of uremia.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Hypertensive nephropathy should pay attention to what?

Had a high blood pressure kidney disease must be treated as soon as possible, do not delay the disease, leading to renal failure, renal insufficiency and other serious kidney disease. Here to give you explain how to treat hypertensive nephropathy.

Early, mild hypertension and urine are normal patients can be non-drug treatment, to maintain a good mood, weight loss limit salt, limited alcohol training Qigong and Taijiquan appropriate physical exercise.

How to Lower Creatinine 5.5 in Hypertensive Nephropathy

    Commonly used antihypertensive drugs are: 1. Diuretics; 2.β receptor blockers; 3. Calcium antagonists; 4. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI). Among them, calcium antagonists, ACEI are more favorable for hemodynamics of the kidneys. ACEI reduces urinary protein better than other antihypertensive drugs so that blood pressure can be effectively controlled to normal or near normal (18.7 / 12kPa, 140/90mmHg) can prevent and stabilize Or delay the hypertensive kidney damage.

Natural Ways to Improve the Prognosis of Hypertensive Nephropathy
    Malignant renal arteriosclerosis patients in the short term rapid deterioration of renal function, combined with hypertensive encephalopathy, rapid decline in vision, intracranial hemorrhage, and can not be oral medication, intravenous administration of sodium nitroprusside commonly used search, and strive to 12 ~ 24-hour control of long-term pressure can quickly reduce blood pressure, suitable for the initial treatment of malignant hypertension.

How to Lower Creatinine 2.8 in Hypertensive Nephropathy
    Accompanied by hyperlipidemia, diabetes and hyperuricemia, should be given the appropriate treatment. At the same time the application of anti-platelet aggregation and adhesion of drugs, such as dipyridamole, aspirin, etc., may have to prevent the role of renal arteriosclerosis.

Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.

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What are the signs of renal cysts?

Renal cyst disease in the course of the disease there will be some minor signs of disease. The following symptoms are in the early onset of renal cysts will appear in some clinical features.

Kidney Cyst: Signs And Symptoms That Indicate Growth Of Cysts

    1, usually, at the beginning of the onset of time, renal cyst patients will be obvious waist and abdomen discomfort, which is mainly due to the patient's cysts continue to enlarge and expand, so that increased renal capsule tension, Pull, or make the adjacent organs caused by pressure, if serious, it is easy to lead to cyst rupture, to patients with very great damage.

Early Signs and Symptoms With Kidney Cyst

    2, the emergence of hematuria is a patient based on self-diagnosis is also an important basis for the incidence of renal cysts is a typical sign of signs, general hematuria can be divided into microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria. General hematuria in the onset of low back pain often exacerbated, strenuous exercise, trauma, infection can be induced or aggravated. The cause of bleeding is because there are many arteries below the wall, due to increased pressure or combined infection, so that the wall of blood vessels due to excessive traction and bleeding.

What are Symptoms of Kidney Cyst

    3, during the onset of renal cysts in patients with abdominal mass will continue to increase, and gradually on the patient's kidney caused serious harm. For the patient's abdominal mass, 60-80% can reach the swollen kidneys, when these lumps to a certain extent, due to the patient's internal organs of the pressure back to the cyst rupture, so that the worse the kidney function. In addition, which proteinuria is an important feature of renal cysts, generally not much, 24 hours urine will not exceed 2 grams, it will not happen nephrotic syndrome.

If not to the timely treatment will lead to deterioration of the disease, the final occurrence of renal failure, so patients with renal cysts must take early treatment measures.

 Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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Nephrotic syndrome diet attention to what

Nephrotic syndrome patients in the usual life, should pay attention to the diet on the problem, to know that, clinically, a lot of patients with nephrotic syndrome diseases, often due to improper diet and lead to deterioration of the disease, and even accelerate the death Of the situation, we must have nephrotic syndrome disease have enough vigilance, it is best to be able to prevent the main.

Which Food Can Help Nephrotic Syndrome Anemia

1, should be soft food, avoid hard food and fried food
Chronic nephrotic syndrome in the usual diet, the general is recommended to soft food mainly at the same time, should also pay attention to control the hard food, and control of fried food, to know is that patients due to toxins retention in the body and blood microcirculation disorders Causes gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion status, if the case of eating hard food, it is likely to lead to bleeding is difficult to stop, leading to death.

What Does Nephrotic Syndrome Patient Need on Diet

2, diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food
Patients with chronic nephrotic syndrome, if too much consumption of irritating food in the case, can lead to gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion of the state, which the patient's condition is very large, the most common case That is, can lead to endometrial blood vessels bleeding situation.

Can Diet Reduce Creatinine Of 2.5 for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

3, eat sheep, cattle and other meat products should be cautious
Patients with chronic nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to the control of mutton, beef and other hair, these foods can directly increase the patient's condition, or even increase the patient's condition, should have enough attention in this regard, in addition, chronic kidney disease Syndrome patients is best in the usual life, the appropriate physical exercise, but the amount of exercise must be based on the patient's physical condition and decide.

Are Green Leafy Vegetables Good for Nephrotic Syndrome


 Kidney diseases whatever the causes can gradually affect patients' daily life.
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