
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Chronic nephropathy is divided into three points

At present, more patients with kidney disease, many patients always want to eat some medicine, the purpose is to early cure this disease. And in their four treatment for medicine in the process, fooled by a few. From the current level of medical technology, patients want to eradicate kidney disease by one or two drugs is difficult, and some even if the urine test is completely normal, but can not say that kidney disease has been cured, and later certainly no recurrence. I suggest that the treatment of nephropathy should take the "three-point treatment, seven raise" strategy. In taking appropriate medical treatment at the same time, we must pay attention to the positive role of non-drug therapy, from a large number of pills, drug pots to get rid of the entanglement, from the blind and fear out of uneasy, try non-drug therapy. We believe that "one-third of treatment, seven-point support" for patients with kidney disease is very important.
The role of drugs is limited
The current treatment of kidney disease recognized only a few Western medicine, such as hormones, cyclophosphamide, etc., these drugs are only a small part of the kidney disease have a certain effect. Only in the choice of the right time, grasp the indications of the use of the case, in order to obtain a certain effect, it is impossible to cure all kidney disease. Chinese medicine in the treatment of chronic kidney disease does have a certain effect and advantages, but it is impossible to "cure" all patients. At the same time there may be some side effects of traditional Chinese medicine, long-term use of renal disease specialist guidance. Many patients with kidney disease believe that "recipe", "recipe", but these "secret", "recipe" effect is questionable. At present, the prevalence of drug abuse in patients with nephropathy is more common. Some advertised "pure natural", "secret" rule kidney drugs can be seen everywhere. In fact, any drug may exist in varying degrees of side effects, patients with improper or follow the ad medication, not only will cause serious damage to the kidneys, but also aggravate the condition. For a variety of new drugs and special effects of patients to be more calm observation, not blindly. A few years ago the introduction and self-made "fashionable" drugs, with the passage of time, one by one gradually disappear the fact that further treatment of kidney disease should not be too reliable drug.
To prepare for a "protracted war" and to mobilize all positive factors
Nephropathy treatment and nursed back to health is a long process, the patient must be hundreds of times to protect their own kidneys, to avoid the use of excessive drugs, especially toxic drugs, must be in the regular hospital nephropathy specialist under the guidance of a reasonable use of drugs, And clear treatment of the program, the length of treatment, review the time. In the use of drug treatment at the same time, patients also mobilize a variety of positive factors, such as alcohol, avoid anger, anti-fatigue, anti-cold, diet control, in order to achieve the purpose of early rehabilitation.
Can not ignore the psychological, motor factors on the impact of kidney disease
Psychotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of various chronic diseases, including nephropathy. There are clinically suggest that the use of placebo for the treatment of nephropathy and renal fibrosis has a certain effect, suggesting that psychological adjustment may play a role in the treatment of the disease. On the contrary, the daily fear, it is possible to accelerate the deterioration of the patient's condition. Many patients with chronic diseases, especially cancer, once the mental breakdown, the condition quickly deteriorated, not far from death. Therefore, the magic weapon to overcome the disease first is to have a good attitude. At the same time adhere to moderate exercise, morning exercise, jogging, walking, playing tai chi, mountaineering and so can be considered the movement, the law of life, a reasonable diet. Therefore, the drug alone is difficult to completely conquer kidney disease, the patient must be different stages of the disease for comprehensive treatment, not only to emphasize a reasonable medication, but also to pay attention to daily life bit by bit, from the psychological, sports and other aspects to win Conquer the kidney disease this "protracted war".
Diet nursed back to health in the prevention and treatment of kidney disease plays an important role
Diet nursed back to health in the prevention and treatment of kidney disease plays a decisive role, and even directly related to the efficacy and prognosis of kidney disease. Diet nursed back to health is to answer what patients should eat kidney disease? What to eat? Eat how much? First master the protein intake, the general adult daily weight of about 0.8 grams per kilogram, children can moderate increase, edible beans, milk Class, eggs and other food, to avoid eating animal offal, no scales fish, do not recommend kidney disease patients eat "protein powder." At present, many of our patients with varying degrees of excess nutrients, including excessive intake of protein, which invisible increase the burden on the kidneys, because the kidney is the body's "sewage treatment plant", once the "waste water" too much, more than the kidney processing capacity , Will inevitably lead to kidney damage. Therefore, kidney disease control diet is very important. Second, should use rich in vitamin A, B and C food, such as vegetables, fruits and so on. Accompanied by high blood pressure given low salt diet. Those with hyperlipidemia should limit the amount of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol in the diet.

Chronic kidney disease diet health care

Scientific diet is an important measure for the treatment of chronic kidney disease, because through scientific diet can relieve symptoms, reduce damage, improve patient quality of life.
Limit the protein diet
Reduce the protein content in the diet, can improve azotemia, reduce proteinuria damage to the kidneys. But also help to reduce blood phosphorus and reduce acidosis, because the intake of protein is often accompanied by phosphorus and other inorganic acid ion intake. In general, the daily given 0.6 / kg of protein to meet the physiological needs of the body, so patients with chronic kidney disease daily supply of protein 30-36g can. Protein food choices, should be fish, lean meat, chicken, milk-based, as little as possible with plant protein-containing substances such as peanuts, soybeans and soy products, etc., because the plant protein contains non-essential amino acids, too much food Supply does not help, but will increase the phenomenon of urine protein.
High calorie intake
Adequate intake of carbohydrates can provide enough calories to the body, reduce the protein to provide heat to break down, improve azotemia, but also make low-protein diet amino acids are fully utilized. Heat about 125.6J / kg daily, through the daily intake of staple food, mainly by the rich carbohydrate-containing rice, wheat, corn and other cereals. In addition, sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes, apples, lotus root contains carbohydrates are also very rich, can be used as supplementary food, eaten between meals.
High vitamin intake
Chronic kidney disease patients often accompanied by vitamin deficiency, this aspect and diet restrictions, on the other hand with the disease to metabolic abnormalities. Therefore, patients should pay attention to diet rich in vitamins, especially B vitamins and vitamin C, folic acid and so on. Most of these vitamins are stored in fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, rape, leeks, citrus, hawthorn, etc., should be added in the daily diet of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease

Once suffering from chronic kidney disease, it is difficult to cure. However, not to say that suffering from chronic kidney disease, it is inevitable uremia. Early intervention in chronic kidney disease control, to prevent the progress of its progress to do so. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease is the key to rehabilitation of patients with chronic kidney disease.
Prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease mainly contains the following three points:
First of all, in view of the characteristics of chronic kidney disease - low awareness, you need to mobilize the whole society to cause chronic kidney disease attention, everyone should take the initiative to prevent chronic kidney disease.
Second, we must strengthen the early prevention and treatment work to prevent the occurrence of chronic kidney disease. (Such as chronic nephritis) and its risk factors (such as proteinuria, high blood pressure) and other timely and effective treatment, but also may cause secondary renal damage to the disease (such as diabetes, diabetes, Ventilation, hypertension, etc.) and risk factors (such as smoking, hyperlipidemia, etc.) for timely and effective treatment and control, the two sides together to prevent the occurrence of chronic kidney disease and deterioration of progress.
Finally, delay or even reverse the progression of chronic kidney disease progression. Specifically, not only for the existing chronic kidney disease on its progress in the risk factors, such as hypertension, proteinuria, hematuria, anemia, timely and effective treatment; and chronic kidney disease in patients with advanced stage of the systemic complications of the system Disease, especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications to prevent, thereby reducing renal failure, uremia mortality, to improve long-term survival of patients with chronic kidney disease purposes. From the clinical practice of prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease, the most effective combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment. In the above prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease on the basis of the application of Western medicine on complications, symptomatic treatment of nephrotic symptoms at the same time, combined with traditional Chinese medicine for patients with chronic kidney disease lesions repair kidney function, so as to achieve the true effective treatment of chronic kidney disease Is expected to delay or even reverse the deterioration of chronic kidney disease process.

Kidney failure treatment:

Kidney failure has brought great pain and harm to the patient.

Kidney failure treatment:

First, kidney therapy: for the kidneys have completely lost the function of patients, can be kidney treatment, which is mainly the healthy kidneys, implanted in the right lower quadrant of the patient's iliac fossa. But this method is easy to give patients a lot of complications. In the course of treatment, but also leave a lot of sequelae. Kidney treatment of uremia may not be a wise move, because the kidney transplant, the patient five to ten years will have the risk of life, and kidney surgery costs expensive.

Second, the dialysis is the treatment: the clinical treatment of this method is very common, the treatment of dialysis, can be better in the shortest possible time, the accumulation of metabolic waste in patients with body excreted. Can temporarily alleviate the patient in a highly toxic state, which can allow patients from the danger of life. However, long-term maintenance of dialysis, it will make the patient's own renal function gradually shrinking. Choose dialysis method to be as early as possible, or to the final no matter how treatment can not be based on the specific conditions of patients, you can take the initiative to choose their own dialysis.

Third, the traditional Chinese medicine treatment: to take traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, generally from the overall situation of dialectical treatment, from the patient's kidney function injury hands, remove blood toxin therapy.
The most important feature of the therapy is through the use of traditional Chinese medicine, the body will accumulate a large number of toxins through the large and small two and skin sweat glands effectively removed to the outside, for kidney disease patients with self-healing and other drugs to create a good environment and conditions The

Fourth, diet therapy: the use of diet therapy, in fact, mainly as an adjunctive treatment, in the consolidation of the disease has a very good effect. Need to pay attention to the diet of a low-protein diet, to avoid nitrogen metabolism of waste and poison in the body accumulation, so that further deterioration of renal function, low-phosphorus diet, residual renal unit can reduce the deposition of calcium, supply enough heat to reduce protein decomposition , Is conducive to reducing azotemia, the general diet of carbohydrates should account for 40%, 30% to 40% of fat, the treatment of uremia is also very useful.

Nephrotic patients should pay attention to what diet

What a diet is vital to everyone. To be good, you can not just be satisfied with the food, but also pay attention to eating, not the more expensive things the better, the key is that it can provide the human body needs nutrients, can not damage the health of the body. For kidney disease patients diet is the case, then, kidney disease patients should pay attention to what diet?

Kidney disease diet should pay attention to the following points:

1. To eat the right amount of quality protein, more will increase the burden on the kidneys, less will be malnourished, the degree must be a good grasp.

2. To eat less fat, fat is the culprit of atherosclerosis, kidney disease is very bad. Try to use vegetable oil instead of animal oil, because the vegetable oil is more unsaturated fatty acids, can reduce cholesterol.

3. To maintain adequate energy supply, to avoid the lack of heat in the body, the decomposition of protein. To choose those foods that are more calories and less fat and less fat.

4. To maintain low phosphorus, low potassium, low purine diet, high phosphorus may lead to electrolyte imbalance in the human body, and high potassium may cause hyperkalemia, excessive purine will increase the burden on the kidneys.

5. To eat less salt, salt may cause edema and aggravate the degree of edema, may also cause high blood pressure.

6. pay attention to add vitamins, eat more fruits with more fruits.

7. To eat some high-fiber foods, can make the stool smooth, is conducive to maintaining the body's metabolic balance.

Experts here to remind patients with kidney disease, as long as the above mentioned seven points to do, it will certainly help your body. But we need to remind everyone that, had kidney disease alone diet can not be completely restored to health, for treatment can not have any neglect.

Kidney disease to pay attention to what is it?

 Kidney disease in the emergence of time, there will be nausea, fever and some common symptoms, the disease on our psychological also caused harm, the disease is also a lot of complications, we should pay more attention to its diet Caixing, Patients must pay more attention to Caixing, then, kidney disease should pay attention to what is it?

       1. Drink plenty of water, drink at least two to three liters of boiled water a day, because drink plenty of water, more urination, help to remove the toxins in the kidney, the kidney play a protective role, which is a common prevention of kidney disease coup.

       2. intake of low salt food, salt will make the blood concentration, thereby increasing the functioning of the kidney function.

       3. Pay attention to the treatment of upper respiratory tract disease. Especially throat, tonsil streptococcus infection, the need to immediately take effective antibiotics, thorough treatment.

       4. should pay attention to avoid the wind, cold, wet damage, to avoid over-exertion, pay attention to regulate emotions, for the prevention of kidney disease what you know it, but once found the symptoms of kidney disease, we have to treat kidney disease as soon as possible.

       5. Careful analgesics. Without the permission of the physician, do not advocate taking pain medication; for long-term use, need to discuss with the kidney specialist, decide how to use.

       6. Avoid overeating. A large intake of animal and plant protein will increase the burden on the kidneys.

       7. To exercise more, work and rest, exercise, so as to control weight and blood pressure to reduce the burden on the kidneys.

       Kidney disease to pay attention to what is it? Read the above description, presumably our patients are clearly aware of it, the common treatment of this disease is a lot of ways, we have to learn and master the job, only then will Have a healthy future, life should pay more attention to their own health, the patient must drink plenty of water Caixing.