
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

High Creatinine Reduced From 768 to 522 Without Taking Dialysis

As we know, high creatinine level is a severe sign to kidney disease patients, because it means kidneys have been damaged severely with low kidney function. In general, dialysis is the most suggested treatment for patients with very high creatinine level. However, the long term dialysis may cause some severe side effects, so many patients try to get alternative treatment without dialysis.

Recently, a kidney failure patients from the Philippines came to our hospital for treatment. When he just came, his serum creatinine level was as high as 768 umol/L, which means there are too much toxins and wastes building up in his blood. So he also got some severe symptoms, such as elevation of blood pressure, poor appetite, weakness and fatigue, nausea and vomiting, etc. After analyzing his illness condition, our doctor made a systematic treatment for his own case.

The featured treatment is known as Toxin-Removing Treatment, which is based on traditional Chinese medicine, and it includes various Chinese therapies, such as foot bath, full bath, oral Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, navel therapy, moxibustion, acupuncture, and so on. These therapies remedy the kidney failure from following ways:

- Remove toxins and wastes out by expanding blood vessels, increasing urine output, bowel movement and skin sweating, thus can help clear blood and make a good internal environment for further treatment.

- Dilating blood vessels and increase blood circulation, it can increase the blood volume into kidneys and bring more nutritious elements to kidneys, thus can help repair damaged renal cells and improve the renal function from root.

- Improve the immune system and prevent inflammations, this can help prevent further kidney damage, then it can stop the disease from root.

After taking the systematic treatment, the kidney failure patient’s illness condition got great improvements. His high serum creatinine level reduced from 768 to 522 without taking dialysis. The patient was so happy to see his improvements, and he said he will take continue treatment to stop the disease and get a better life. Best wishes to him.