
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Nephrotic syndrome patients how to care?

Nephrotic syndrome is a common manifestation of glomerular disease, mostly in children and adolescents. It is characterized by a large number of proteinuria (daily> 3.5g); systemic edema, hypoproteinemia and hyperlipidemia. Such as early formal treatment can control the disease development, and to achieve cure. Accompanied by infection during the treatment and complications of renal vein embolization. To reduce the incidence of complications, improve the rate of self-preservation, should be closely observed changes in the disease and do the care. The main points of care are as follows:

The Prognosis of Nephrotic Syndrome


1, heart care "spirit into, meaning of governance, disease can be more" so the heart care is very important. Patients often fear, irritability, sorrow, anxiety and other psychological disorders, which is not conducive to the treatment and rehabilitation of the disease. First of all to give patients a sense of security, and then help them overcome the bad heart factors, to lift their ideological concerns, to avoid emotional stimulation, training optimism. To patiently and meticulously ease and comfort patients and their families, so that patients maintain good mood, and establish the confidence to overcome the disease, and actively cooperate with the treatment.

What’s Prognosis of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

2, prevention of infection due to a high degree of edema, protein malnutrition, autoimmune function decreased. So prone to a variety of infections. 1 attention to food hygiene, prevention of disease from the mouth. Do oral hygiene. 2 should pay attention to the skin clean, should be a regular bath, change clothes. 3 living environment to ventilated light: ward or room should ensure adequate sunshine, quiet and clean, suitable temperature, fresh air. Epidemic period to avoid contact with patients.

3, reasonable rest on the severe edema and infection of patients should be strictly limited activities, the incidence of the first few days should be bed rest, a high degree of swelling of the rest when the lower limbs can be high. But long-term bed rest when not necessary, according to the degree of edema to adjust the amount of exercise, to maintain the appropriate rest and activities. When the edema slowly reduced, can do lower limb movement, to prevent venous hemorrhage and thrombosis. Can do the full range of movement of the joints to prevent joint stiffness. The total rest time of not less than 3-6 months.

What Are the Causes of Relapse in Nephrotic Syndrome


4, a reasonable diet during the onset to give low-salt high-quality protein diet, the disease recovery can gradually improve the general diet, but should avoid excessive consumption of protein, high-fat foods.

5, on the edema, renal insufficiency patients, should pay attention to record the amount of daily water intake and urine; ascites should be measured every day and detailed records of the abdominal cavity. Regularly measure body weight to help guide medication and choose food.

6, regular blood pressure; control of blood pressure, to prevent and delay renal dysfunction is of great significance. For concurrent hypertension, blood pressure should be measured daily.

7, do a good job daily medication and the amount of medication records, especially outpatient treatment of taking hormones, should be carefully recorded, and should be closely observed after the reaction, promptly told the doctor.Nephrotic syndrome The process of the entire disease is alternating in the deterioration and remission, effective treatment and care can avoid deterioration.

 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

Why is nephrotic syndrome in patients with edema?

The so-called nephrotic syndrome, is a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, (height) edema and hyperlipidemia, the so-called "three high one low", and other metabolic disorders characterized by a group of clinical nephrotic syndrome. Especially 24 hours urine protein can be more than 3.5g per day, when a large number of urinary protein not only caused damage to the kidneys, but also caused the plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreased, resulting in intravascular water penetration into the tissue gap edema. And this edema than the general nephropathy edema to be relatively serious. This is why nephrotic syndrome patients will appear edema phenomenon.

Edema performance:Weight gain, lower extremity thicker, severe cases can appear pleural effusion, ascites, scrotal effusion, and even more likely to appear heart failure and other more serious performance. When the edema subsided after the original skin retraction will be formed similar to the traces of stretch marks.

Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria and Swelling:Ideas on What I Can Do


There are many reasons for the cause of nephrotic syndrome:In addition to primary nephrotic syndrome outside the diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, hepatitis B, multiple myeloma and so can cause secondary nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome must be effective treatment this morning. If the treatment of reasonable edema can subside.

Natural Treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome


Edema is also a warning, is a bad thing is also a good thing. Because there is no obvious manifestation of early kidney disease, so many people even get kidney disease is not easy to find. It is because of edema that makes a lot of people in the early stages of kidney disease found their own disease, but also for our treatment to win the initiative.

If you are suffering from  kidney disease and its complications,you can ask questions in the message board, our experts will answer your questions as soon as possible, you also You can e-mail to our expert mailbox,or WhatsApp:008615132830921.
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.