
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Kidney failure common sense _ kidney function is what?

Kidney is one of the most important organs to maintain the relatively stable condition in the body. Through the production and discharge of urine output, can discharge most of the body's metabolic end products and into the body's foreign body; regulate intracellular and external fluid volume and infiltration of exudative pressure; preservation of body fluids in the key electrolytes such as sodium, potassium Salt and chlorine dumplings, etc., discharge from the dandruff, maintenance of body acid and alkali are balanced.

How Long Can I Live Without Treatment 14% Kidney Function

One of the key functions of the kidney: the formation of urine output by the kidney, through the ureter, bladder, urethra discharged from the body. Urine production takes about three steps to complete. The most important function of the kidney is to form urine. First of all to understand the structure of the glomerular: renal portal vein into the renal essence, the branches of a little bit into a small number of small arteries, and then connected with the glomerular, with a microscope to see the glomerular, it is a Less fine blood vessels that constitute the capillaries, and then look at these telescopes electron microscopy, it has a lot of holes in kidney disease experts, like the same screen. When the blood flow through the renal artery, into the glomerular, bulky components, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, protein, etc., because there is no way through these sieve, so still remain in the blood vessels, re-returned to the body; Of the ingredients, such as water, sodium, chlorine, urea Π, etc., through these sieve out of the filter, into the renal tubules, this time out of the liquid called the original urine. The original urine Langya engine contains a lot of nutrients, such as sugar, amino acids, etc., when it flows through the renal tubules, these nutrients are all from the new house income, water 99% is also received, this time only the residual body Metabolic waste and very little moisture, they form a urine output. Urine into the renal pelvis, and then through the ureter into the bladder, when the retention to a certain amount, it was discharged from the body.

Kidney Function 20%: How Long Will I Live Without Dialysis

The body of each kidney about 1.3 million glomeruli, it filtered out about 180 liters of urine every day, the formation of urine about 1.8 liters, which Langya engine contains the body of waste. What can the kidney exudate toxins? The end of all types of kidney disease, that is, high levels of uremic creatinine can cause all kinds of toxins accumulate in the body caused the body "poisoning." These toxins are about urea, guanidine, amines, phenols and other hundreds of substances. Urea is the terminal metabolite of protein, its toxicity is very low, usually does not cause the body cells and cell damage, only when its plasma concentration is very high will lead to pain, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, diarrhea , Forced to catch catch, dizziness and other performance.

What Are Consequences of Kidney Failure

Kidney function Related terms:
Infiltration osmotic pressure: infiltration and exudation pressure is due to the ablation of water in the formation of the material, dissolved in water more solute, the liquid infiltration of the higher pressure.
Assembly tube: located in the kidney cortex, in the urine concentration process plays a key role in the line. Creatinine: Creatinine (CRE) is a metabolite of creatine in the human body. The amount of creatine is proportional to muscle mass and is produced at a steady rate and releases creatinine (CRE) to the blood at a steady rate, taken from the bloodstream to the kidneys, and discharged from the body from the urine.

 No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293. Hope that the patients will be helpful!

