
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Creatinine _ creatinine toxin deposition and more, can not rule out the description of renal failure in vitro it?

Toxins deposited more, can not rule out the description of renal failure in vitro it? We all understand that creatinine (CRE) is one of the main ways to understand renal function. There are a lot of people to deposit more than toxins, can not rule out in vitro as a judge of renal function as a standard. If the patient was tested toxin deposition more, can not rule out in vitro that they certainly suffer from renal failure, then, really what we think so? Toxins deposited more, can not rule out the description of renal failure in vitro it? In response to this question, let's take a look at how the experts introduced it.
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According to the experts at present, in the test when the patient's creatinine (CRE) value of 200, then it belongs to the decompensated stage of renal insufficiency. This period of renal disease patients due to decreased glomerular filtration function is not serious, the damage of renal function accounts for only a small part of the overall renal function, so the patient's renal function can still maintain the body's internal environment balance, so that although creatinine CRE) beyond the normal range, but the patient rarely appears in the clinical manifestations of typical renal disease symptoms.

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As the creatinine (CRE) value of 200, at this stage of its performance symptoms are not obvious, so under normal circumstances the patient is not obvious discomfort, often easy to ignore the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, resulting in deterioration of kidney disease progress. The damage to the kidneys without standardized treatment, the incidence of fibrosis in the kidneys continue to expand, renal function will be a progressive decline, and ultimately lead to the patient's glomerular filtration function diminished, creatinine (CRE) levels continue to rise. With the course of the delay, the patient will gradually enter the chronic renal insufficiency decompensation, renal insufficiency, and even the development of renal failure to exhaust.
And the above-mentioned toxins deposition, can not rule out in vitro is not a renal failure symptoms, it also has a judge of the standard, if the patient's creatinine (CRE) to 707umol / L or more is renal failure, but as long as the toxin deposition , Can not rule out the normal value of the body will cause attention, timely treatment, in order to make the disease will not develop into a kidney failure. If the application of some creatinine (CRE) drugs can only from the surface down the creatinine (CRE), and not to establish the basement membrane, the establishment of damaged kidney tissue, so that the deposition of toxins, can not rule out the body will not decline, even if the decline , It is also temporary, encountered factors will soon rise again.

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Comprehensive treatment, removal of glomerular basement membrane damage caused by immune complexes and diseased tissue, while the establishment of glomerular basement membrane. As long as the damage to the basement membrane after the establishment of the change in the kidney structure, expanding the glomerular filtration area, creatinine (CRE) will naturally decline, but this to a process, this time must prevent colds, ease eating and emotions, Do not be tired, relieve blood pressure, blood sugar and other factors, to protect the kidney function. As long as careful to these, creatinine (CRE) will drop to normal.
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Toxins deposited more, can not rule out the description of renal failure in vitro it? Through the details of the above experts, now we have to understand what the bar In fact, more than the deposition of toxins, can not be ruled out in vitro is not sure that renal failure is exhausted, but the doctor determined by the positive criteria to determine. So, if you want a healthy body from now on to care for their own body, to develop good habits, regular physical examination, early detection for early treatment.
No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293.Hope that the patients will be helpful!

