
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Kidney disease treatment can not only focus on indicators

"Indicator drop" ≠ "disease like"
Many patients with kidney disease, the initial may not attach importance to the severity of kidney disease, often using oral hormones, Tripterygium and other drugs to control urinary protein, occult blood. The beginning of treatment is still relatively obvious, urinary protein, occult blood and several other test indicators soon improved, and some even completely disappeared. So patients think they are sick, very happy.

Four ‘One’ Therapy from Chinese Medicines

But did not take long, encountered a cold, tired and other adverse stimuli, the condition has increased. So, and began to use hormones, Tripterygium and other drugs, so repeated, the drug is eating a lot, but the urine protein, occult blood has not been controlled, but the emergence of obesity, pleural effusion, and even liver damage, femoral head necrosis And other side effects of drugs, the condition is also increasing.
Experts advise: urinary protein and occult blood, is due to renal glomerular basement membrane by a serious injury from the urine leaking out, if only that urine protein, occult blood disappeared is a good disease, is the understanding of the error. The use of some control drugs, the initial effect, but only temporary, and these drugs tend to have side effects, palliative.

Micro-Chinese Medicine

The correct treatment should be based on the fundamental treatment of the kidneys by repairing damaged glomeruli to completely eliminate urinary protein, occult symptoms.
"Limited protein" ≠ "no protein"
Protein metabolism in the body of ammonia, urea, creatinine and other nitrogen substances need to be excreted through the kidneys. If a person ingestion of too much protein, will increase the burden of liver, kidney, the human body have a negative impact. After diagnosis of kidney disease, doctors tend to recommend patients to control the intake of protein. But some patients too "follow the doctor's advice", not only "limited protein" diet, and even "protein-free" diet.

Toxin-Removing Treatment

"Once the patient was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, began to control the protein diet, only vegetarian, do not eat meat, even the tofu are fixed, the result not only does not help kidney disease treatment, but cause malnutrition, low immunity, infection , Increased the condition. "Experts said.
Experts advise: clinical studies have shown that low-protein diet can reduce urinary protein excretion. But the protein is the body's essential nutrients, but also the human metabolism is indispensable. Chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome patients as long as the normal renal function, can not be vegetarian-based, should intake of some of the higher body utilization and lower renal excretion of protein requirements, and the intake of protein should take " ", To high-quality animal protein-based, such as milk, eggs, meat and so on.

Blood Pollution Therapy

In addition, soy products are prohibited to eat. This is because the soy products contain more non-essential amino acids, long-term large-scale consumption, not only can cause glomerular damage or sclerosis, proteinuria, and protein metabolism of urea nitrogen by the glomerular filtration, the inevitable increase in kidney burden, Will further damage the renal function, so that the patient's condition further deteriorated.
Kidney disease treatment can not be simply concerned about the indicators! In the treatment of kidney disease, kidney disease care is very important for the treatment of kidney disease can be divided into knowledge, life, diet. Only a comprehensive do kidney disease care, can play a very important role in kidney disease.

No matter what is the causes, kidney disease has affected the normal life of patients gradually. I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, or WhatsApp +8613633219293Hope that the patients will be helpful!

