
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Hypertension caused How does kidney failure cure?

Long-term high blood pressure caused by other complications, and kidney injury is one of them. High blood pressure causes kidney failure: high blood pressure can cause kidney damage directly, the so-called high blood pressure kidney disease, when the renal function test showed bleeding creatinine (CRE) higher than the normal value of O4 4 growth for high blood pressure. High blood pressure nephropathy includes benign renal arteriosclerosis and malignant renal arteriosclerosis. Benign renal arteriosclerosis is the long-term high blood pressure caused by renal arteriovenous hyaline, and thus cause kidney ischemia, hypoxia, fibrosis, sclerosis, bad death, and then show renal insufficiency, and ultimately grow into uremic creatinine high. The degree of change of pathogenesis is related to the length and severity of high blood pressure.

Symptoms of Hypertensive Kidney Disease

Glomerular carcinogenesis is fibrous and hyaline-like, into the arterial vitreous changes, tubular atrophy, renal interstitial fibrosis, interlobular artery and arcuate artery can also have a degree of intimal thickening. And malignant renal arteriosclerosis is due to rapid growth of high blood pressure caused by renal arteries overflowing cancer, resulting in rapid and rapid development of renal function. Its cytological characteristics of the interlobar artery and small arteries of cellulose-like death. Can affect the small arteries, interlobular artery intimal and epidermal smooth muscle cell proliferation, was "onion skin" -like changes. Most of the patients with hemodialysis can produce kidney changes, with the growth of age, glomerular sclerosis is also intensified, about 15% of the high blood pressure will grow into uremic creatinine high.

What Are Consequences of Kidney Failure

What is the cause of kidney failure?

The high incidence of high blood pressure in the blood pressure is positively correlated with the severity and duration of high blood pressure. Other causes of exposure include smoking, alcoholism, sex, race, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hyperuricemia, which affect each other and further aggravate kidney damage. Men are more likely to have kidney damage than women. The age of onset of primary hypertension is usually between 25 and 45 years of age, and high blood pressure to cause kidney damage to the symptoms of age is usually 40 to 60 years old. The earliest performance may be more for the night urination, reflecting the renal tubules have produced ischemic cancer, urine concentration began to decline. And then show the urine protein, note the glomerulus has produced cancer. The level of urinary protein is usually mild to moderate (+ or ++), 24-hour urinary protein usually does not exceed 2 grams, but some patients have large amounts of urinary protein. Urine sediment microscopy can be seen in red blood cells and tube type, individual patients due to glomerular capillaries rupture to produce transient macroscopic occult blood. It has been found that patients with high blood pressure without treatment have lower renal function than those without high blood pressure. How effective treatment of high blood pressure kidney disease, high blood pressure kidney failure? Now the treatment of high blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure is to take the method of minimizing Chinese medicine infiltration and exudation treatment, on the one hand for the characteristics of high blood pressure to improve blood vessels at all levels, on the other hand for the recovery of kidney damage, and then verify the " Disease, rehabilitation from the consumer "treatment concept.

Is Chinese Medicine Good For End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

 (A) to improve the level of blood vessels, outline the high and low blood pressure. After micro-processing of traditional Chinese medicine in a large number of vasodilator factors exist, these vasodilator factors into the microvascular and vascular tonic factors synergistic effect, so that the body and renal blood vessels become loose degree, and therefore control the blood vessels due to diastolic , Excessive tension caused by high blood pressure.

Options of Treatment for Kidney Failure And The Period It Takes to Recover

(2) to restore damage to kidney tissue, improve renal function micro-infiltration of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration and exudation treatment if entered into the body, it will be directly aligned kidney lesions (immune complex, sclerosing glomerular, etc.) this goal, the release of active substances , The immune complex, as well as the recovery of cancer cells. When the damage to the kidneys are restored, the renal function began to recover, micro-infiltration of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration treatment in the uremic creatinine high and high blood pressure on the treatment of not only the results quickly, and do not rebound. It can be seen, whether it is high blood pressure in patients, still kidney failure, uremic creatinine high or patients with other patients with kidney disease, should be actively prevent the occurrence of complications. Beyond the complications of patients, should take regular and effective treatment, in order to avoid further increase the physical condition.
I hope our medical group can do our best to help the kidney disease patients all over the world. If you want to get some treatment or diet suggestions for kidney problem, you can feel to contact me by E-mail, orWhatsApp +8613633219293.  
Hope that the patients will be helpful!

