
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Glomerulonephritis diet care

"Glomerulonephritis" is caused by direct infection of bacteria caused by urinary tract inflammation. Pathogens can be raised from the urethra through the bladder dirty, ureter into the renal pelvis and kidney.

Glomerulonephritis What is the diet taboo glomerulonephritis how to care for glomerulonephritis care methods which
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Acute glomerulonephritis diet taboo

Diet should not eat all the salty seasoning and high protein foods, should eat some vitamin C with vegetables and fruits.

Chronic glomerulonephritis diet taboo

Diet should eat light and digestible low salt or salt-free diet. In recent years that for patients with chronic renal insufficiency appropriate to add essential amino acids can improve the efficacy.

Nursing of glomerulonephritis

"Glomerulonephritis" is caused by direct infection of bacteria caused by urinary tract inflammation. Pathogens can be raised from the urethra through the bladder dirty, ureter into the renal pelvis and kidney.

"Glomerulonephritis" points "acute glomerulonephritis" and "chronic glomerulonephritis" two. Acute if not timely treatment can be converted to chronic; chronic due to treatment or rest and other factors, can also cause acute attack. The disease more common in women, especially women of childbearing age. Clinical manifestations: rapid onset, fever chills, back pain, urinary frequency urinary urgency. Routine examination often urinate with a large number of pus cells, white blood cells, red blood cells, proteinuria rare. Urine culture can be found in bacteria.

Glomerulonephritis What is the diet taboo glomerulonephritis how to care for glomerulonephritis care methods which

Nursing Essentials:

1. Encourage patients to drink plenty of water and increase urination.

2. Regular urine test and training, master the disease.

3. Women should pay attention to sexual life, menstrual period, pregnancy health.

4. baby period is to pay attention to the diaper clean and sterile.

5. If the patient is still untreated by treatment or rise, but also into or accompanied by severe low back pain to be hospitalized.

If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921
our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

