
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Acute glomerulonephritis three major complications

Acute nephritis clinical manifestations are different, diverse. Most patients with acute nephritis in the onset of a month before the history of infection may occur, such as suppurative tonsillitis, sudden onset, high fever, but also recessive slow onset. More to oliguria began, or gradually oliguria, or even anuria. Can be accompanied by gross hematuria, duration ranging from microscopic hematuria persistence, urine changes and acute glomerulonephritis is basically the same. About half of the patients began to edema when oliguria to face and lower limbs as the most important Once the edema is difficult to subside. When the onset of some patients with high blood pressure, but also in the course of onset after the emergence of high blood pressure, once the blood pressure increased, was persistent, not easy to decline.

What are the complications of acute glomerulonephritis?

1, cycle congestion state

Due to water and sodium retention, blood volume exhaust, until the pulmonary edema. The incidence of each reported different, and the severity of the disease, the treatment of the situation. China 50 ~ 60 years reported in children with acute nephritis in 24% to 27% of children to see such complications, in recent years, the report has dropped to 2.4%. Occurred in acute renal inflammation within 1 to 2 weeks after onset. Clinical manifestations of shortness of breath, can not supine, chest tightness, cough, lung dorsal wet rales, liver tenderness, gallop and other symptoms of heart failure, due to expansion due to blood volume, and the actual myocardial pump exhaust different. At this point the heart rate often increased and not reduced, the cycle time is normal, arterial and venous oxygen partial pressure difference did not increase, and digitalis strong cardiac effect is poor, and diuretics can often make it to ease. Very few severe cases can develop to true heart failure, in a few hours to 1 to 2 days of rapid pulmonary edema and life-threatening.

2, hypertensive encephalopathy

Refers to blood pressure (especially diastolic blood pressure) increased dramatically, there is central nervous system symptoms. General children are more common than adults. Usually think that this disease is based on the body of high blood pressure, brain blood vessels caused by small blood vessels spasm caused by cerebral hypothermia; but some people think that a sharp increase in blood pressure, the original cerebrovascular with automatic systolic and diastolic function out of control, Cerebrovascular hypertonia, brain edema Erzhi acute nephritis when the water and sodium retention also play a role in the onset. Occurred in the early stage of acute nephritis, onset is generally more acute, manifested as severe headache, frequent nausea and vomiting, followed by visual impairment, vertigo, diplopia, temporary black, and lethargy or irritability, if not timely treatment occurs Convulsions, coma, a few temporary hemiplegia aphasia, severe cases of herniation. There are no limitations of the nervous system, shallow reflex and tendon reflex can be weakened or disappeared, ankle claws sometimes positive, can also be pathological reflex, severe cases may have hernia symptoms and signs. Fundus examination of common retinal arteriolar spasm, and sometimes visible optic disc edema. Cerebrospinal fluid is clear, the pressure and protein are normal or slightly increased. Such as blood pressure over 18.7 / 12.0kPa (140 / 90mmHg), and with visual impairment, convulsions and coma can be diagnosed one of the three items.

3, acute renal failure

Acute nephritis in children with a considerable part of the acute phase of varying degrees of azotemia, but the progress of acute renal failure is only a very small number. Complications are still effective preventive measures, has become the main cause of acute nephritis death. Clinical manifestations of oliguria or anuria, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine increased, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis. Oliguria or anuria continued 3 to 5 or more than 1 week, then increased urine output, symptoms disappeared, gradually restored renal function.

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