
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Nephrotic syndrome four attention to avoid recurrence

Nephrotic syndrome is a more serious disease, the disease if not timely and effective treatment, may be repeated recurrence, often due to colds, infections or fatigue, emotional, improper diet and other factors, it is easy to relapse , Recurrence of 1 to 3 times a year, the symptoms will be more serious, treatment is more difficult. Therefore, it is very important to enhance the awareness of prevention and take the necessary measures to avoid or reduce recurrence. Will nephrotic syndrome relapse? Four notes can avoid recurrence.

1. prevent colds and prevent infectionCold is an important factor in the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome, especially upper respiratory tract infections, such as sore throat, cough, fever and so on. The more severe the degree of cold, the more obvious symptoms, nephrotic syndrome, the greater the likelihood of recurrence. Therefore, patients with nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to personal hygiene, keep the indoor ventilation, fresh air, clean and tidy, timely changes in clothing to adapt to climate change, the prevention of colds.

2. work and rest, to ensure adequate sleepFor patients with nephrotic syndrome should actively avoid excessive physical labor, and actively avoid heavy physical labor or intense exercise, we must ensure adequate rest, to avoid excessive fatigue, because fatigue will make patients with nephrotic syndrome The ability to resist the decline, the immune system will be relatively low, leading to the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome, so be sure to ensure adequate sleep, to maintain adequate rest, to avoid the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome.

3. Keep the mood stable and optimisticGood mood can improve the neuroendocrine regulation, promote blood circulation, more conducive to ensure kidney blood flow, pessimistic disappointment, fear of panic, will depression and other bad mood can make the sympathetic nerve secretion of tea and ammonia increased, abnormal blood vessels and reduced Kidney blood flow, so that kidney dysfunction caused by recurrence. So the majority of patients with nephrotic syndrome, even if it seems to have recovered, but also need to be noted that to avoid recurrence.

4. Keep the low-sodium diet, eat some lean meatNephrotic syndrome patients must control their own salt intake, the daily intake of salt should be kept below 4 grams to reduce the intake of fat, in particular, need to pay attention not to eat animal offal, while increasing the quality of the Protein intake, which can supplement the loss of protein in patients with nephrotic syndrome.

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