
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Glomerular nephritis in patients with dietary principles:

1. Carbohydrate and fat intake, generally without limitation. To ensure adequate heat supply. 2. To ensure that rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C food supply, especially fresh vegetables and fruits should be as much as possible to eat.3. There are persistent oliguria with hyperkalemia in patients, to avoid high potassium content of food, such as fruit and a variety of fruit juice and so on.4. Protein intake should be based on the condition. If the patient has renal insufficiency, azotemia, should limit the protein intake, such as urea nitrogen more than 60mg%, the daily protein supply in kilograms of body weight 0.5 grams intake, and the use of milk, eggs and other high bio-price Protein, to reduce the burden of renal excretion of nitrogen; if severe renal insufficiency, azotemia, to further reduce protein intake, in order to reduce the staple food in the intake of non-essential amino acids available corn starch, lotus root starch, wheat starch And so on instead of staple food; if no such condition or condition improved, can gradually increase the protein intake, the daily weight per kilogram of protein can be supplied 1 gram.5. Patients with swollen and hypertensive symptoms should be treated with less salt, no salt or less sodium. Less salt refers to the daily salt intake of less than 3 grams; no salt refers to the daily diet without salt, do not eat with salt food; less sodium food is the daily dietary sodium content of not more than 1000 mg , In addition to salt, the high sodium (such as alkali) food should be controlled.

You can also learn more about  


 Glomerulonephritis  symptoms

 Glomerulonephritis treatments 

 Glomerulonephritis eating habits

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