
Getting effective treatment for kidney disease is very important for people to get a better prognosis. In this blog, you can learn about the alternative treatment for kidney disease in China, you can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to live longer life.

Traditional Chinese medicine chronic nephritis

In the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis have a unique view. Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy for chronic nephritis is a new breakthrough in the treatment of chronic nephritis, Chinese herbal medicine through the regulation of systemic immune function, repair glomerular basement membrane, the active ingredients of drugs through the penetration of points to the patient's kidney, , Blood circulation, reduced turbidity detoxification as a way to clear the kidneys, activate the function of the kidney for the purpose.

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis to promote and improve the destruction of necrotic kidney microcirculation, accelerate the kidney metabolism, so that the active ingredients in the drug to play a full role in repair damaged glomerular, enhanced glomerular reabsorption, restore normal renal physiological function , From the fundamental treatment of chronic nephritis.

Chronic nephritis is a syndrome caused by multiple causes of glomerular lesions. It is not the true sense of inflammation, but a systemic disease. At present, the etiology of chronic nephritis is not clear. It is certain that infection may cause acute episodes of chronic nephritis, such as urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, and the like. Clinical manifestations of edema, hypertension, abnormal urine and other symptoms. For the treatment of chronic nephritis, simply to eliminate proteinuria, hematuria as the goal, fail to achieve a real effective treatment. The treatment of chronic nephritis is more focused on the treatment of progressive renal dysfunction, so the need for comprehensive treatment measures.

Chronic nephritis is due to the inherent renal cell injury can not be a long-term treatment of systemic norms, dysfunction, can not stop the leakage of protein and red blood cells, extracellular matrix accumulation, start renal fibrosis, and renal fibrosis and further aggravated renal cell damage The The treatment of chronic nephritis can not simply eliminate blood, eliminate protein, to fundamentally block the process of renal fibrosis, repair pathological damage, and strive to have damaged cell function recovery.
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IgA nephropathy

1, work and rest
Due to overwork, vigorous exercise, often can increase hematuria, it should be a living section, pay attention to bed rest, moderate exercise, to prevent staying up late, fatigue and strenuous exercise.

2, prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases
Active elimination of susceptibility and predisposing factors, such as upper respiratory tract, skin, intestinal tract, urinary tract infection, radical sore boils, fungal infections, repeated by tonsillitis induced hematuria, feasible tonsillectomy, children should be timely Ring cut. Once there is inflammation, active treatment.

3, the spirit of nursed back to health
All patients with hematuria, have varying degrees of mental stress, depression and pessimism. Therefore, in daily life, we must always pay attention to words and deeds, panic, high call, etc. will increase the patient's anxiety and fear, so the spirit of nursed back to health is particularly important. As far as possible to reduce the patient's mental stimulation, to keep the mood comfortable, in order to facilitate the rehabilitation of the disease.

4, to prevent exogenous
The disease is often due to upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis and exacerbations, it should prevent colds, such as poor physical fitness, easy to cold, moderate exercise, increase resistance to prevent upper respiratory tract infection, and take traditional Chinese medicine Yupingfeng To Yiqi solid table.

5, to prevent renal insufficiency
Many factors affect the long-term prognosis of IgA nephropathy, the most common in the elderly male onset, or persistent hematuria associated with a large number of proteinuria, or accompanied by severe hypertensive patients, such cases should be closely observed, attaches great importance, And to give timely and reasonable protective measures, which can block the development of IgA nephropathy to the process of renal failure, to achieve the purpose of prevention and treatment.

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Chinese medicine treatment of IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger disease, is a special type of glomerulonephritis, mostly in children and young people, often before the onset of upper respiratory tract infection, the lesion is characterized by glomerular mesangial proliferation, with immunofluorescence can be seen There is IgA deposition in the area.

The pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is the most common pathogenesis of glomerular mucosal immune function defects. Due to mucosal immune function defects, a large number of IgA deposition in the glomerular mesangial area. Combined with IgA nephropathy in patients with normal blood lack of glycosylation, making glycosylation can not be combined with IgA, resulting in a large number of IgA deposition. IgA deposited in the glomerular mesangial area causes kidney innate cells to be damaged, leading to the occurrence of renal disease. Among them, the damaged kidneys inherent cells with glomerular mesangial cells are important initiators of renal disease.

In addition, due to the large accumulation of IgA, combined with the transformation of the phenotype of the kidney cells, making the glomerular capillaries narrowing, intravascular infusion pressure reduction, glomerular effective filtration rate decreased gradually gradually , Renal vascular fibrosis, sclerosis. Due to IgA accumulation in the glomerular, making the occurrence of microcirculation within the kidney, microthrombosis, myofibroblast proliferation, the occurrence of these conditions will further promote glomerular fibrosis, sclerosis.

Chinese medicine treatment of IgA nephropathy

For the time being, the most effective way to treat IgA nephropathy is to use traditional Chinese medicine treatment, Western medicine can be timely control of patients often appear in clinical inflammatory response, but the root causes of inflammatory reactions such as kidney within a variety of toxic substances can not To carry out a comprehensive clean-up; and active substances in traditional Chinese medicine will produce a variety of toxic substances to carry out a more thorough removal of toxic substances, and pay more attention to the repair of renal function.

As the prognosis of IgA nephropathy mainly with a large number of proteinuria, hypertension, renal dysfunction, glomerular sclerosis, interstitial fibrosis and renal arteriosclerosis related, so the treatment of IgA nephropathy should be based on the extent of the difference between these indicators treat.

IgA nephrotic treatment is focused on the protection of renal function, reduce proteinuria, control of hypertension, delay the progress of IgA nephropathy. Common drugs for the treatment of IgA nephropathy include angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), angiotensin receptor antagonists (ARB), hormones, immunosuppressive agents, anticoagulant, antiplatelet aggregation and fibrinolysis, fish oil, etc. , In addition to the treatment of IgA nephropathy Many people often use the method for tonsil removal and traditional Chinese medicine.

The use of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of IgA nephropathy has certain advantages, it is through the syndrome differentiation to repair renal tissue, improve renal function, so that IgA nephropathy control. But to get a good effect, take some time. Because a few years or even ten years of chronic disease, it is impossible to cure overnight. Therefore, to remind patients with IgA nephropathy and patients, it is necessary to attach great importance to IgA nephropathy, active treatment, and not too impatient, to be patient treatment, until the complete recovery.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health.

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Maintenance of the most critical to prevent the progress of chronic nephritis

Chronic nephritis with the tendency of progressive development, natural course of change is very large, a considerable part of the patient's condition for many years to maintain a stable state, a very small number of self-mitigation.

Chronic nephritis maintenance of the key, if not pay attention to maintenance, such as continuous high blood pressure, repeated infection, persistent nitroglycerin is often died within a few years. The key to maintenance is as follows:

(1), strengthen the system exercise, strengthen the system. Pay attention to health, keep the skin clean. Work and rest, to comply with a reasonable life system.

(2), limit the intake of sodium, nutrition is reasonable, do not intake too much meat dishes, mainly light vegetables. Prevent diarrhea, vomiting and the application of excessive diuretics leaving the electrolyte confused.

(3), and actively cure chronic infection lesions, especially chronic tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, dental caries, etc., if necessary, the eradication of infection lesions.

(4), to avoid the application of drugs that damage the kidneys, such as sulfonamides, aminoglycosides and so on. No matter what disease to see, every time to tell the doctor, in the past history of nephritis, draw the doctor medication attention.

(5), to avoid cold by the wet: cold can cause renal artery spasm, increased renal ischemia, affecting the recovery of nephritis. Moisture is conducive to hemolytic streptococcus growth and reproduction, easy to infection. So as far as possible to do indoor warm, sunny, air circulation. Dress properly, to avoid being wet.

(6), the prevention and treatment of streptococcal infection, such as upper respiratory tract infection, scarlet fever, chronic pharyngitis, pyoderma and so on. In the event of these diseases, to check the urine, to understand whether the increase in symptoms of nephritis, so early detection, early treatment, close follow-up.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health.

 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921

Suffering from chronic nephritis alert to cause impotence

The most important function of the kidney is to discharge the toxic and wastes accumulated in the body in the form of urine, maintaining the balance of the environment in the human body. Once the trauma or disease damage to the human kidney, should be treated in time, otherwise the kidney can not complete its urination, detoxification function, and ultimately lead to death risk. Many diseases and many other conditions can cause damage to the kidneys of the human body, such as: various chronic nephritis, kidney tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and drug abuse, and so on.

Before 1961, who had died of renal failure, it meant death. Artificial kidney, the invention of dialysis become the savior of patients with renal failure. Hemodialysis method although the patient life extended, but found that 50% of men with chronic renal failure patients with impotence and low libido problems, hemodialysis after no significant improvement. They are part of the sun is a spiritual, such as a person will rely on a machine for the rest of his life, the fact that people are difficult to balance the psychological; the other part of the impotence is associated with disease, such as anemia, testis Atrophy, androgen levels are low, zinc deficiency and so on.

Renal damage leading to the exact cause of impotence is not yet fully identified, have identified, vascular damage, nerve damage, abnormal levels of hormones and trace elements such as abnormal.

The levels of testosterone and zinc in blood of patients with chronic renal failure were significantly lower than those in normal subjects. And enough zinc can cause the testis to produce normal testosterone hormone, so to a low blood impotence addicted to zinc elements, often can correct its impotence. Some renal failure in patients with blood prolactin levels higher than normal people. Prolactin is produced by the pituitary, which can interfere with the production of testosterone. Blood prolactin levels are too high, to patients taking or injection of androgen does not work. Check the cause or use of drugs to prolactin back to normal, sexual function can return to normal. Some patients with renal failure associated with hyperparathyroidism, then lower blood calcium, bone decalcification. This kind of patient also has impotence, so timely given vitamin D and calcium, not only can help patients to correct calcium metabolism disorders, but also to restore sexual function.

For any patient with chronic renal failure, regardless of their hemodialysis or kidney transplantation, his purpose is to extend life. In order to make healthy and happy life of patients with kidney failure, we must improve their quality of life; for married patients, we must treat and prevent impotence, so that they truly new students.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health.

 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921

How to prevent kidney failure

1, in life, patients should be to prevent infection, especially for the respiratory tract or urinary tract infection is the most common, to prevent infection to prevent chronic renal failure progression has a positive effect.

 2, for patients with renal failure, should prevent urinary tract obstruction, especially in urinary tract stones, prostatic hypertrophy, so as to prevent the deterioration of renal failure has a very important role.

 3, the patient should try to prevent their own blood pressure height, engage in blood pressure is the most common symptoms of chronic renal failure, but sustained high blood pressure will affect renal function. Decompression therapy can improve renal function to varying degrees.

 4. In the consumption of drugs, patients should try to avoid harmful substances on the kidneys, and nephrotoxic drugs, such as amino sugar antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

 5. Patients should be strengthened to understand their own condition, through some symptoms can determine their condition, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, excessive diuretic and inadequate intake of water and so on.

 6, patients with kidney disease diet, should maintain a reasonable diet, so that the treatment of renal failure has a very important role.

 7, the patient should ensure that the body of electrolyte balance, to prevent the disorder, otherwise it is easy to lead to chronic renal failure deterioration: such as low calcium, low potassium or high potassium.

Understanding Kidney Disease

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Diabetic nephropathy four early signals

Chronic hyperglycemia will bring systemic multiple system complications, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetic nephropathy (hereinafter referred to as glycogen), diabetic retinopathy (hereinafter referred to as sugar network) and so on. Which is an important complication of diabetes mellitus, according to the survey, China's type 2 diabetes patients with chronic kidney disease ratio can be as high as 64%. Glucose is a common cause of renal failure, but in the early stages of strict control of blood sugar and comprehensive intervention to prevent or delay the development of sugar and kidney. Glucose kidney has the following four early signals for sugar friends reference.

Urinary foam increased - microalbuminuria, early signs of renal injury. For early glycogen, it is recommended to detect urine albumin / creatinine ratio, which is currently recognized as the most effective screening method for urinary albumin. Patients need to be fasting the first morning urine samples collected. Avoid urinary protein testing in strenuous exercise, infection, fever, pregnancy, heart failure, hyperglycemia or blood pressure, urinary tract infection and other conditions. With the increase in urinary protein, the patient may appear increased urine foam, eyelid and lower extremity edema and other symptoms, this time should be promptly to the hospital urine test. In addition, for asymptomatic diabetic patients, should also be a year of urine protein screening test, in order to achieve early detection, early treatment purposes.

Blurred vision - diabetic retinopathy. Sugar network, sugar and kidney are diabetic small blood vessels complications, both highly related, the majority of patients with sugar and kidney also suffer from sugar network. Therefore, if found sugar network, need to guard against the possibility of sugar. Such as blurred vision, should be early treatment of ophthalmology, line ophthalmoscopy.

Elevated serum creatinine - abnormal renal function. Part of the diabetic patients with anuria abnormal albumin, the renal damage showed renal dysfunction. The use of serum creatinine estimated glomerular filtration rate e-GFR is the best way to assess renal function.

Nocturia increased - renal tubular injury. In recent years, the study found that renal tubular injury can occur in the early stage of glycogen, can be expressed as nocturia increased urine specific gravity decreased. By examining renal tubular function, can also be found early glycogen.

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Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis program: the general will be given active kidney prescription treatment, and thus regulate the balance, blood circulation, sparse through the network, clear the complex, reduce glomerular inflammatory changes, repair glomerular basement membrane , Restore kidney metabolism.

At the same time can be combined with drug comprehensive treatment. To achieve through the kidney activity, reduce turbidity detoxification, promote and improve the necrosis of the kidneys have been microcirculation, accelerate the metabolism of kidney metabolism, so that the active ingredients in the drug to fully play a role in repair damaged glomerular, enhanced glomerular reabsorption, recovery Normal physiological function of the kidneys.

In addition, given low salt, low protein diet treatment, reduce the burden on patients with kidney. After treatment, the general patient's swelling, fatigue and other symptoms will be significantly improved, adhere to the treatment, the body will be completely discomfort symptoms, kidney function is restored to normal levels. Rehabilitation after taking medicine home to consolidate treatment.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health.
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chronic nephritis symptoms

Nephritis is a multiple nephropathy, chronic nephritis is the development of acute nephritis disease progression. Chronic nephritis early symptoms are more concealed, easily overlooked by patients. To understand the early symptoms of chronic nephritis can be found in a timely manner, then chronic kidney disease posted what early symptoms? The following is a detailed answer to the relevant experts.

One: eyelid edema
Chronic nephritis early prone to eyelid edema is the main reason: the kidneys on the water excretion and regulation of damage, so that children in the body of water and sodium increased, too much water in the body loose tissue, and eyelids are loose tissue More parts. Eyelid edema is characterized by the morning to get up when the activity is diminished.

Two: hematuria
Hematuria with gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria of the points, which also belong to the early symptoms of chronic nephritis. Gross hematuria is the naked eye can see the hematuria, urine was washed meat samples, turbid and red, and some children with blood in the blood clots or blood clots; and microscopic hematuria is only observed under the microscope can be found, The number of red blood cells per high power field is greater than one. Hematuria is also the majority of children with chronic nephritis early symptoms. Of course, hematuria for many reasons, nephritis is just one of them. Therefore, when parents find children with unexplained hematuria, should be timely medical treatment. According to the doctor's advice to do the relevant checks, if necessary, do routine urine examination to rule out the possibility of renal hematuria.

Three: increase in urine foam
Urine foam increased to a smaller bubble-based, and interconnected together, a long time can not be dispersed, suggesting that children with urine protein, caused by higher tension. This is also one of the early symptoms of chronic nephritis. Of course, the accuracy of this symptom is poor. If you do not have a certain medical knowledge, often by parents or children ignored. The easiest way is to go to the hospital to check the urine to rule out the possibility of proteinuria. Because the earliest changes in chronic nephritis are urine.

Understanding Kidney Disease.
Your time is precious and so is your kidney health.

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Traditional Chinese medicine chronic kidney disease

Western medicine on the treatment of chronic nephritis are not satisfactory place, some people began to think of traditional Chinese medicine treatment. We all know that traditional Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis and Western medicine are very different, let us introduce you to the following.

With the aging of the population and changes in people's lifestyles, the traditional infectious diseases are decreasing, chronic immune diseases are becoming the first factor threatening human health. Relative to other chronic diseases, chronic kidney disease has become one of the most common diseases that threaten human health. Suffering from chronic kidney disease, if not satisfied with the control will eventually enter the chronic renal insufficiency and uremia.

In the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis have a unique view. Micro-traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy for chronic nephritis is a new breakthrough in the treatment of chronic nephritis, Chinese herbal medicine through the regulation of systemic immune function, repair glomerular basement membrane, the active ingredients of drugs through the penetration of points to the patient's kidney, , Blood circulation, reduced turbidity detoxification as a way to clear the kidneys, activate the function of the kidney for the purpose.

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis to promote and improve the destruction of necrotic kidney microcirculation, accelerate the kidney metabolism, so that the active ingredients in the drug to play a full role in repair damaged glomerular, enhanced glomerular reabsorption, restore normal renal physiological function , From the fundamental treatment of chronic nephritis.

Chronic nephritis is a syndrome caused by multiple causes of glomerular lesions. It is not the true sense of inflammation, but a systemic disease. At present, the etiology of chronic nephritis is not clear. It is certain that infection may cause acute episodes of chronic nephritis, such as urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, and the like. Clinical manifestations of edema, hypertension, abnormal urine and other symptoms. For the treatment of chronic nephritis, simply to eliminate proteinuria, hematuria as the goal, fail to achieve a real effective treatment. The treatment of chronic nephritis is more focused on the treatment of progressive renal dysfunction, so the need for comprehensive treatment measures.

Chronic nephritis is due to the inherent renal cell injury can not be a long-term treatment of systemic norms, dysfunction, can not stop the leakage of protein and red blood cells, extracellular matrix accumulation, start renal fibrosis, and renal fibrosis and further aggravated renal cell damage The The treatment of chronic nephritis can not simply eliminate blood, eliminate protein, to fundamentally block the process of renal fibrosis, repair pathological damage, and strive to have damaged cell function recovery.

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis we all know, if you would like to learn more about traditional Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis

 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921

kindeyl failure

1. To the cardiovascular aspects of the harm: If the patient suffers from severe renal insufficiency, will lead to vascular calcium, hypertension, arrhythmia, pericarditis, heart failure, myocardial damage, hardening of the arteries.The following are the same as the "

2. To the hematopoietic aspects of the harm: severe renal insufficiency patients one of the most obvious symptoms is severe anemia. Disease development to the late when there may be bleeding tendency, more common symptoms of epistaxis, ecchymosis.

3. To the respiratory side of the harm: renal insufficiency in the late when there may be pleurisy, uremic bronchitis, pneumonia and so on. The following are the same as the "The following are the same as the "

4. To the digestion of the hazards: renal insufficiency patients will be diarrhea, mouth urine smell, vomiting, nausea and other symptoms, serious cases may occur in the case of gastrointestinal bleeding.The following are the same as the "

5. To the mental and neurological aspects of the harm: the spirit of severe renal insufficiency patients is not very good, and will feel the body without any strength, will feel dizziness, headache, memory will be worse than before, often sleep at night Do not feel, his hands and feet numbness of the situation, there will be convulsions, coma, hand, foot incest, delirium, muscle fibrillation and other symptoms.

6. Harm to the skin: The skin of patients with severe renal insufficiency appears to be luster and the skin will dry and desquamate.

Understanding Kidney Disease.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health.

 If you still have any doubts, you can feel to contact me by E-mail,or WhatsApp / Phone Number: 008615132830921

kidney cysts Causes

kidney cysts in the absence of the corresponding cause of kidney cysts, kidney cysts according to their clinical manifestations can be attributed to "hematuria", "low back pain", "accumulation", "virtual" and other diseases. "Lingshu. The dirty chapter "that" kidney is good disease low back pain, easy to hurt with evil. " And "Lingshu. Swelling of the article "and" kidney swelling "of the records, such as" kidney swelling, abdominal full lead back to the central heart, waist pain "and other descriptions, and kidney cysts are similar to the characteristics of the main card.

Summary of historical literature, combined with the clinical features of the cause of kidney cysts, experts believe that the cause of kidney cysts and kidney essence deficiency, poor blood, phlegm endogenous, vein silt resistance related to a simple surgical treatment palliative, Fundamentally inhibit the increase in cysts, it is best to use integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, through Huoxuetongluo, stasis removal and other effects, so that natural reduction of kidney cysts. The specific cause and process of kidney cysts are as follows:

1, simple kidney cysts cause

Simple kidney cysts may be derived from immature glomerular development in the retention of cysts, or inflammation, ischemia caused by the results of obstruction of the pipeline system.

2, polycystic kidney disease causes

Polycystic kidney system kidney cortex, medulla appear numerous cases of a hereditary disease, when the cyst is small when the renal parenchyma does not cause any threat, but the cyst with the patient's age gradually increased, in the process of increasing Due to cysts oppression of renal tissue and renal blood vessels, leading to local microcirculation of renal tissue disorders, so that the kidney ischemia, hypoxia, resulting in renal capillary endothelial cell damage, and to attract blood circulation in inflammatory cell infiltration, Produce and aggravate the glomerular local inflammatory response, initiated the renal fibrosis. At this point if not timely and effective treatment control, damaged tissue cells will release a series of renal toxicity factor, making the kidney cells in phenotype transformation, accelerated renal function damage rate, especially in the renal interstitial Fibroblasts transformed into myofibroblasts after the secretion of a large number of non - easily degradable extracellular matrix and immune complexes, due to the synthesis and degradation of the extracellular matrix of the dynamic equilibrium imbalance, a large number of extracellular matrix accumulation, resulting in glomerular Sclerosis, tubular atrophy, resulting in renal fibrosis gradually replaced the healthy kidney cells, kidney function gradually lost, the clinical development of renal end stage, patients with renal failure, that uremic period.

Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. Through our four parts--KIDNEY DISEASES, OUR TREATMENT, SYMPTOMS A~Z AND TEST, you can get a full understanding of your kidney condition.

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Kidney disease proteinuria hazards

Nephrotic patients is a common symptom is the emergence of proteinuria, most of these symptoms occurred in patients with chronic nephritis and nephrotic syndrome patients. Protein is a necessary substance in the human body, the occurrence of proteinuria means that patients with a large number of proteins with urine discharge, affecting the health of the body. So what is the risk of proteinuria in kidney disease? See how our experts are introduced.

Kidney disease, the risk of proteinuria: proteinuria mesangial toxicity, glomerular mesangial protein accumulation will continue to lead to mesangial cells are damaged, hyperplasia of mesangial matrix synthesis increased, and ultimately cause glomerular sclerosis. And glomerular apolipoprotein A and apolipoprotein B deposition will eventually cause glomerular sclerosis.

Kidney disease, the risk of proteinuria: proteinuria can cause renal failure, mainly due to its biological changes caused by tubule cells caused by non-adaptive response. According to the current data, the protein can directly regulate the function of small tube, change its growth characteristics and its cytokines and matrix protein phenotype expression, but also the release of PDGF, FN and MCP-1 on the basal side of the tubule, induced fibrosis process.

Kidney disease, the risk of proteinuria: proteinuria toxic effects will affect the proximal tubule, increased into the renal tubular epithelial cells within the amount of protein, thereby increasing the activity of lysosomes, which means that the protein lysosome overflow into the tubules Pulp, and then the damage caused by cell damage caused by inflammation and scar generation. There may be caused by interstitial hypoxia aggravated, leading to small tube cells hypoxia, to damage.

Proteinuria will not only make a lot of protein loss, there may damage the renal tubules, glomerular. And therefore must be effective in preventing and control work, to avoid the above described kidney disease proteinuria hazards, so as not to affect your healthy life.

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Affect the prognosis of chronic renal failure

Renal failure can be divided into acute and chronic, acute renal failure disease progression is rapid, usually due to kidney blood supply (such as trauma or burns), the kidneys caused by a certain cause of damage caused by damage or poison damage caused by Acute renal failure. And chronic renal failure, also known as chronic renal failure, is caused by a variety of chronic diseases, kidney damage and progressive deterioration of the results, so that the body in the excretion of metabolic waste and regulation of water, electrolyte, acid-base balance and other aspects of the clinical syndrome group The Is one of the important diseases that threaten life. The end of chronic renal failure, often referred to as uremia. Factors affecting the prognosis of chronic renal failure, the following are more common:

(1) primary renal disease itself is closely related to the prognosis of chronic renal failure.

(2) various infections are the most common factors affecting the prognosis of chronic renal failure, of which the respiratory and urinary tract infections are the most common.

(3) urinary tract obstruction is also a common prognostic factor, and often coexist with urinary tract infection.

(4) the use of nephrotoxic drugs.

(5) causes a variety of causes of renal insufficiency, such as severe vomiting, diarrhea caused by shock, low blood pressure, long-term excessive use of diuretics and so on.

(6) heart failure caused by various causes.

(7) renal hypertension on renal function has a direct damage.

(8) water and electrolyte disorders and so on.

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Differential diagnosis of kidney disease

NS complications are important factors affecting the long-term prognosis of patients should be actively prevention and treatment.

1. infection

Usually in the hormone treatment without the use of antibiotics to prevent infection, or not only fail to prevent the purpose, but may induce fungal infection. Once found infection, should be timely selection of pathogenic bacteria sensitive, potent and no renal toxicity of active treatment of antibiotics, a clear infection should be removed as soon as possible. Severe infection is difficult to control should be considered to reduce or disable the hormone, but depends on the specific circumstances of the patient.

2. Thrombosis and embolism complications

It is generally believed that when plasma albumin is less than 20 g / L (idiopathic membranous nephropathy less than 25 g / L) anticoagulant therapy can be given heparin (also available low molecular weight heparin) subcutaneous injection or oral warfarin. Anticoagulation at the same time can be supplemented by antiplatelet drugs, such as dipyridamole or aspirin orally. On the occurrence of thrombosis, embolism should be as early as possible (6 hours the best results, but still effective within 3 days) to give urokinase or streptokinase systemic or local thrombolysis, combined with anticoagulant therapy, anticoagulants should generally continue to use More than six months. Anticoagulation and thrombolytic therapy should avoid excessive drug lead to bleeding.

3. acute renal failure

NS complicated with acute renal failure such as improper handling can be life-threatening, if given timely treatment, the majority of patients is expected to recover. The following measures can be taken:

(1) loop diuretics on loop diuretics are still effective should be a larger dose to wash the blocked tubular tubules;
(2) hemodialysis diuretic ineffective, and has reached the dialysis indications, should be hemodialysis to maintain life, and after the appropriate addition of plasma products dehydration to reduce renal interstitial edema;
(3) the original disease treatment because of its pathological type mostly small lesions of kidney disease, should be actively treated;
(4) alkaline urine can be oral sodium bicarbonate alkaline urine, in order to reduce tube formation.

4. Protein and fat metabolism disorders

It is often difficult to correct metabolic disorders before NS remission, but should adjust the amount and structure of protein and fat in the diet, and strive to minimize the impact of metabolic disorders. At present, many drugs can be used to treat protein and fat metabolism disorders. Such as: ACEI and angiotensin Ⅱ receptor antagonists can reduce urinary protein; studies have suggested that traditional Chinese medicine Astragalus can promote liver albumin synthesis, and may also reduce the role of hyperlipidemia. (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, such as lovastatin statins, or lower triglyceride-based clofibrate Class, such as fenofibrate and so on. NS remission after hyperlipidemia can be natural relief, you do not need to continue drug treatment.

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our doctor will reply you  with professional suggestion.

Clinical manifestations of kidney disease

The most basic feature is a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, (height) edema and hyperlipidemia, the so-called "three high and one low", and other metabolic disorders characterized by a group of clinical syndrome.

1、A large number of proteinuria
A large number of proteinuria is the most important clinical manifestations of NS patients, but also the most basic pathophysiology of nephrotic syndrome. A large number of proteinuria refers to adult urine protein excretion> 3.5g / d. In normal physiological conditions, glomerular filtration membrane with molecular barrier and charge barrier, resulting in increased protein content in the original urine, when far more than the proximal tubule back to the amount of absorption, the formation of a large number of proteinuria. On this basis, where the increase in glomerular pressure and lead to high perfusion, high filtration factors (such as high blood pressure, high protein diet or a large number of infusion of plasma protein) can increase the discharge of urine protein.

Plasma albumin down to <30g / L. NS is a large number of albumin lost from the urine, promote albumin liver compensatory synthesis and increased renal tubular decomposition. Low albuminemia occurs when liver albumin synthesis is not sufficient to overcome loss and breakdown. In addition, NS patients due to gastrointestinal mucosal edema caused by eating loss, lack of protein intake, poor absorption or loss, but also increase the causes of hypoalbuminemia.
In addition to plasma albumin reduction, some plasma immunoglobulin (such as IgG) and complement components, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic factors, metal binding protein and endocrine binding protein can also be reduced, especially a large number of proteinuria, glomerular Pathological damage is more severe and non-selective proteinuria is more significant. Patients prone to infection, hypercoagulable, lack of trace elements, endocrine disorders and immune dysfunction and other complications.

3. edema
NS hypoalbuminemia, plasma colloid osmotic pressure de
creased, so that water from the vascular cavity into the tissue gap, is the basic cause of NS edema. Recent studies have shown that about 50% of patients with normal or increased blood volume, plasma renin levels normal or decreased, suggesting that some of the primary renal sodium, water retention factors in the NS edema mechanism play a role.

4. Hyperlipidemia
The reason why NS is associated with hyperlipidemia is not yet fully elucidated. High cholesterol and / or hypertriglyceridemia, serum LDL, VLDL and lipoprotein (α) concentration increased, often associated with hypoproteinemia. Hypercholesterolemia is mainly due to increased liver lipoprotein production, but in the surrounding cycle to reduce the decomposition also play a part of the role. Hypertriglyceridemia is mainly due to catabolic disorders caused by increased liver synthesis as a secondary factor.

Understanding Kidney Disease
Your time is precious and so is your kidney health. That's why Our Kidney Disease Clinic is offering various services online. Through our four parts--KIDNEY DISEASES, OUR TREATMENT, SYMPTOMS A~Z AND TEST, you can get a full understanding of your kidney condition.

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Chronic nephritis patients with health care methods

Chronic glomerulonephritis (chronic nephritis) is an immune injury disease, until now there is no special effect to cure it, protect the kidneys, reduce the kidney further damage, slow down or inhibit the decline in renal function, still Is the purpose of the treatment of the disease requirements. In addition to the prescription drugs of the doctors, the patient's life management and the prevention of certain factors that damage the kidneys are an extremely important measure and must be done by the patient or his family. Only doctors and patients with close cooperation in order to get good results.

1, diet:
There are three major nutrients in food - protein, fat and carbohydrates. Which is associated with kidney disease is mainly protein. In the kidney disease, high protein load will increase glomerular sclerosis, accelerate renal function decline. Inadequate intake of malnutrition, reduce the body's resistance to disease, the human body is also unfavorable. This is a pair of contradictions: too much protein, the kidney adverse; lack of protein, the overall disadvantage. This requires patients to adjust their own "both sides can accept the midline" in order to avoid biased. In theory, the daily protein intake of about 60 grams is appropriate, but accurately count the number of food, not impossible, but cumbersome difficult to implement. Generally asked to do: the number of general family meals, not overeating, stable and relatively constant, regular review of blood albumin content and physical condition and make the appropriate adjustments. In addition, salt is closely related to high blood pressure, but excessive restrictions can cause decreased serum sodium concentration, long-term hyponatremia can cause harm to the body, including the nervous system, kidney, heart and muscle, which is another group of contradictions, More salt is not, less salt is not OK. In theory, the daily salt to 6 grams or so is appropriate, generally asked to do: food flavor is light, try not to eat salted food.

2, self-protection anti-infection:
Patients with nephritis, when the body resistance to disease decline, the occurrence of various infections, nephritis will increase or acute activity. Infected parts of the most common is the throat and respiratory tract, followed by skin and other parts. Therefore, the anti-cold, by wet, eat dry, irritating food, pay attention to oral clean, keep the skin clean, occasional damage and timely protection, to prevent bacterial invasion.

3, to deal with the appropriate activities and the relationship between fatigue:
With nephritis, excessive activity will aggravate the condition, such as changes in urine test will increase, increased urinary protein or hematuria increased, after the break is improved or restored to the original level. In principle, normal renal function, should participate in some gentle recreational activities, but the confrontation of the movement, or consume more physical exercise, is not so appropriate.

4, do not abuse drugs:
All kinds of drugs, many excreted from the kidneys, so the kidney is the most vulnerable to drug damage organs. A little carelessness will increase kidney damage. Before applying the drug, in addition to knowing whether the drug is effective for a disease, it must also be known whether the drug is toxic to the kidneys.

Understanding Kidney Disease.
Your time is precious and so is your kidney health.

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kidney insufficiency

kidney insufficiency is a common kidney disease, is the health of patients caused great harm to the disease. If not timely treatment of kidney insufficiency or improper treatment, at any time to threaten the lives of patients. However, many people in life do not know the consequences of kidney insufficiency, often resulting in delayed treatment of patients, eventually leading to uremia, a threat to life and health.

One: hematopoietic system kidney symptoms. Severe anemia as an important symptom, early patients with bleeding tendency, often accompanied by subcutaneous ecchymosis, epistaxis, bleeding gums, or even hematemesis, blood in the stool, hematuria, intracranial hemorrhage, menorrhagia, most may have pericardial bleeding.

Two: skin symptoms. Boring, desquamating, dull.

Local patients with darker skin, caused by slow melanin calm. Urea from the sweat glands after the discharge will be white crystal called "urea cream" to comfort the skin and cause uremic dermatitis and skin itching (skin itching and secondary parathyroid hormone is also related).
Three: cardiovascular system symptoms. Often high blood pressure, myocardial damage, arrhythmia, and may have small arteries, retinal arteriosclerosis can affect vision and retinal hemorrhage. Severe cases can show pericardial friction sound (cellulosic pericarditis), the majority may have pericardial effusion, and even the emergence of pericardial tamponade. To the end of renal dysfunction will be more serious harm, easily lead to the emergence of heart failure.

Four: respiratory system performance. Exhaled gas with urine, susceptible to bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Severe metabolic acidosis can be shown when Kusima breathes. Understand the harm of kidney insufficiency, to early control of kidney disease.

Understanding Kidney Disease.Your time is precious and so is your kidney health.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Click this link, Understanding Kidney Disease or you can also send email to, or whatsapp + 8613633219293.

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